Chapter 696 Wait and see
"Damn you little bastard, I'm going to crush you to ashes!"

"Haha, do you think I'll give you a chance?"

Ying Xi laughed out loud, and immediately flicked his wrist, the jade bottle in his hand burst open, and a golden yellow liquid poured down from it.

Seeing this, Li Yuanjie's face changed wildly, and he watched the liquid splash directly on his body.


The liquid fell and penetrated directly into Li Yuanjie's body, eroding all the meridians in his whole body, making him scream in agony.


The severe pain hit, making Li Yuanjie's facial expression distorted.

"Win interest, if you have the guts, you can kill me directly, otherwise, even if I die, I will bite off my tongue and die with you!"

Li Yuanjie's face twisted ferociously, and he roared.

"Want to die? Well, I'll cut off your tongue first, and make your life worse than death!"

Ying Xi sneered, and suddenly stretched out his palm, grabbing Li Yuanjie's neck fiercely, and immediately exerted force with his arm, crushing Li Yuanjie's neck to pieces.


There was a sound of neck cracking, and Li Yuanjie's head drooped aside, blood spattering everywhere.

"Hmph, that's right!"

Winning clapped his palms and threw the corpse on the ground, his eyes gleamed with a bloodthirsty luster.

"Little bastard, I don't believe that I, a mighty martial artist in the spirit transformation state, would be defeated by your hands before dying. Crush, shatter the bones and ashes!"

Hearing the words, Ying Xi's face froze, and a cold light appeared in his eyes. Immediately, he kicked Li Yuanjie in the chest, kicking the latter flying upside down, smashing hard on the wall, smashing the wall out. A deep pit, and then, Li Yuanjie's body slipped down again.


Ying Xi raised his foot and stepped on Li Yuanjie's head, crushing his head.

"Win interest, you will regret it. This time, our Li family will definitely destroy your whole family. Not only that, I will also tear you to pieces!"

Li Yuanjie roared with strong hatred on his face.

"LOL, really?"

Ying Xi raised his head and let out an unscrupulous laugh: "If this is the case, let's wait and see."

At the same time, in a mountain forest not far from Lingbaofang.

A young man was sitting on the back of a giant python.

"Master, Li Yuanjie, the young suzerain of Lingbao Fang, has promised to submit to you. I wonder what the master wants to do?"

From the mouth of the giant snake, a human voice came out. It was Li Yuanjie's raised monster, the poisonous dragon.

Hearing Dulong's inquiry, Li Yuanjie showed a ferocious killing intent on his face: "Dulong, you don't need to worry about this matter, you just need to remember that after my injury improves, I will personally go to get the winning prize." Take the life of the dog, and then refine that little beast into a puppet for me to drive!"

Hearing Li Yuanjie's words, Du Long's face brightened, and he hurriedly said: "Yes, master, Du Long will definitely do his best to help you cultivate!"

"Okay, then let's leave first."

Li Yuanjie said lightly.

After finishing speaking, he sat cross-legged on the back of the poisonous dragon, closed his eyes and meditated.

In Lingbaofang, the corners of Yingxi's mouth rose slightly, revealing a hint of teasing.

Although Li Yuanjie is extremely powerful, he is still powerless in front of Ying Xi.

This result was as early as he expected.

"Li Yuanjie, don't you want revenge?" A sarcastic smile appeared on Ying Xin's face, "How about we make a bet?"

What are you betting on?Will winning the bet make him his puppet?
Obviously, Li Yuanjie was not sure.

"Well, since you don't dare to gamble, then there is nothing to say, but I will accept your life today."

After finishing speaking, there was a strong murderous intent in Ying Xi's eyes.


After the words fell, Ying Xi took a step forward, stepping hard on Li Yuanjie's head with his right foot.


Li Yuanjie's head burst open in an instant, his brains shot out, and the smell of blood permeated the air.

Ying Xi took Li Yuanjie's storage ring in his hand, and immediately threw Li Yuanjie's body to the ground, and immediately plundered towards the depths of the mountain forest.

Li Yuanjie was killed, and the news soon spread throughout the Lingbao workshop.

Everyone was shocked.

Li Yuanjie is the most powerful fighter in their Lingbao workshop, except for the workshop owner, but in front of him, he can't even stop half a move.

That's a martial artist in the Spirit Transformation Realm!

In the entire Lingbao workshop, it is also a top existence, but in front of Yingxi, it is so vulnerable that it was even beheaded before it even made a move.

"It's horrible, who is this winning interest? How can there be such a strong fighting power?"

"I don't know, I heard that he is a newcomer disciple of Lingbaofang, but it is said that his reputation in Lingbaofang is much greater than that of the owner of the workshop, because he broke through to the spirit transformation realm in just a few days, And beheaded three masters of the Spirit Transformation Realm."

"My God, he has only joined Lingbao Fang for a few days? He has such terrifying strength, what if it takes a few more years?"

Amidst the discussion among the crowd, Ying Xi's figure gradually disappeared in Lingbaofang and disappeared under the night.

Outside Lingbao Square.

At this moment, Yingxi's body stayed above the void, looking down at Lingbaofang.

"Win interest, I don't care what your background is, you must die today!"

An extremely indifferent voice resounded, and immediately, a man in white was seen standing in the air, looking down at Ying Xi, and said coldly.

This person is the deputy owner of Lingbaofang, Zhao Tianyu.

Zhao Tianyu is also a powerful existence of Hualing Jiuzhong.

The moment Yingxi appeared, he felt the aura emanating from Yingxi's body. Those fluctuations were even more terrifying than the sixth level of Hualing.

This kind of strength made him feel astonished, and at the same time, it was also filled with boundless jealousy and jealousy.

Why would a new disciple have such formidable strength?
No wonder the owner of Lingbaofang valued him so much, and even broke with Lingbaofang and wanted him to join Lingbaofang.

"Hehe, when will it be your turn to decide the fate of my interest?"

Yingxi's eyes were extremely cold, staring at Zhao Tianyu, with a mocking tone in his tone.

From Yingxi's point of view, Zhao Tianyu is not qualified to negotiate with him.

"Hmph, do you think you have the ability to fight against me now? Win interest, if you are sensible, just obediently catch you with nothing, maybe I can save your life."

Zhao Tianyu snorted coldly, with contempt in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, today, you don't want to leave alive!"

Ying Xi grinned, and immediately, with a flash of his figure, he disappeared in place and appeared behind Zhao Tianyu. The spear in his hand suddenly thrust out, heading straight for Zhao Tianyu's neck.

(End of this chapter)

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