Chapter 68 The Frog at the Bottom of the Well

Lan Xi said lightly.

He naturally knew the purpose of Gongshuqiu, and he must have come to report the specific restoration of the Xuanwu and Suzaku beasts.

Gong Shuchou is not only the heir of the overbearing organization, but also the descendant of Lu Ban.


Lu Ban lost to Mo Zi in the battle of discussing Dao that year.

It was also because of this that Gong Shuchou held a grudge in his heart, and vowed to wash away the shame of the ancestor in his lifetime.

And he is indeed extremely talented in mechanism art, almost reaching the highest level of domineering mechanism art.


Lan Xi sent Daqin cavalry to bring the bodies of Xuanwu and Suzaku mythical beasts back to Xianyang, which gave Gongshuchou the opportunity to spy on the Mohism's mechanisms at close range.

As far as he is concerned, Lanxi has great kindness for him, and the same is true for the overbearing mechanism.

Now that there has been progress in repairing the body of the divine beast, he naturally came to pay a visit immediately.

Lan Xi also had a plan in mind for public defeat and hatred.

The Xuenv next to her has been in a daze, thinking about what Lan Xi said just now, and then muttering to herself.

"I thought that my Mohist school was unparalleled in the world in terms of the attainments of mechanical techniques, but I didn't expect that we were the frogs at the bottom of the well..."

As we all know, the Mohists have always supported the concept of non-aggression and love, so all the beasts they create are mechanism beasts, which are basically used to support those weak and small countries and prevent the former from being attacked by powerful countries.

As for the people's livelihood of the country, the Mohists have hardly studied it.

Even the mechanism city built by the Mohist giants in the past dynasties spent countless efforts, it was basically used for protection, and it was used as a place to inherit the Mohist mechanism technique.

However, if the Mohist mechanism can be used for people's livelihood, then Middle-earth will definitely undergo earth-shaking changes.

"The Mohists call themselves frogs at the bottom of a well?"

Gong Shuchou, who just came over, couldn't help narrowing his eyes slightly when he heard Xue Nu's words, and then laughed out loud.

"You Mohists are naturally a frog at the bottom of a well. If you talk about the attainments of mechanical techniques, I have to be overbearing..."

Originally, Gong Shuchou wanted to pretend to be a force, but he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

The person who spoke was actually Xue Nu from the Mo family!This woman actually claims that the Mo family is a frog in a well?

Gongshuqiu was stunned, who can tell me what's going on?
Master Xu next to him was also full of doubts, especially when he saw that Xue Nu was almost close to Mr. Lan Xi, his face became extremely ugly.

Could it be that Xue Nu has surrendered?

Not right!Even among the Mo family, Xue Nu was extremely cold, even when facing Prince Dan, her complexion never changed for the better, and only when she treated Gao Jianli was she a little gentle.

How long has it been since you have behaved so intimately with Mr. Lan Xi?Even claiming that the Mohist is a frog in a well?
In fact, it's not that Xue Nu and Lan Xi's positions are too close.

But earlier, when Lan Xi put forward the advanced mechanism idea, Xue Nu was inexplicably attracted to it, and the positions of the two naturally moved a lot closer.

After noticing Master Xu's eyes, Xuenv immediately reacted, stepped back quickly, and then her eyes fell on Gong Shuchou.

"My Mo family is a frog at the bottom of a well, and your domineering tricks are nothing more than that!"

"That's ridiculous! You little girl, you are really talking nonsense!" Gong Shuqiu had a fierce personality and almost couldn't help but jump up.

"Old man, the domineering organ technique I studied is extremely powerful, how can it be compared with that of your mere Mohist school?"

"Hehe! My Mohist school has always adhered to the concept of non-aggression and love, and the mechanism technique I studied is only for defense." Xuenv glanced at Gong Shuchou, and then said lightly.

"But the domineering mechanism technique you have studied, Gongshuchou, is full of killing power, and it is all used to attack cities and land. Is there anything wrong with what I said?"

"Every word is correct! The domineering mechanism technique focuses on the power of killing and cutting. Only absolute power can completely end the troubled times! My overbearing mechanism technique is the only kingly way!"

Gong Shuchou said with pride in his eyes.

"The basalt beasts and the vermilion bird beasts of your Mohist school are indeed quite exquisite, but I have already figured out the mechanisms in them, old man."

"It won't be long before my old man will be able to create a more powerful prehistoric beast and become a real battlefield killer!"

As soon as the words fell, Gong Shuchou's eyes fell on Lan Xi, and he said proudly.

"The prehistoric beast I'm talking about is tens of feet high, and its body is made of heavy armor. If it is used for war, Mr. Lanxi thinks that my prehistoric beast can defeat a thousand with one?"

"That's natural!" Lan Xi nodded.

Although he doesn't know how to use the Mohist mechanism to attack cities and land, it doesn't mean that the overbearing mechanism is also the same.

With the current strength of Great Qin, it is only a matter of time before the world is unified.

However, Gong Shuchou's domineering mechanism still has many functions, especially the siege weapon he studied, which is an existence that is invincible in war.

As for the prehistoric beast proposed by Gongshuchou, Mr. Lan Xi's eyes lit up.

He couldn't help but think of the history of the earth. In the future, Gongshuchou will work with the Onmyoji to study together, and then create an extremely powerful mirage!
That is the treasure known as the sea city!
In the future, after Great Qin achieves the eternal empire, it can also rely on this mirage to attack overseas places.

After all, what Lanxi wants is not only the continent of Middle-earth, but the overseas world is also his battleground.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing this, Xue Nu drew a sneer at the corner of her mouth.

"After all, it is something that sieges the city and cuts down the land. Wherever it passes, the people are devastated, and it is contaminated with too much karma. How can you say it is not a frog at the bottom of the well?"

"Mechanism is the crystallization of the wisdom of our human race. It should be used to benefit the world! But you want to use it to attack cities and land. It's ridiculous!"

"Nowadays all the people in the world make a living by farming, but do you know how much energy ordinary people have to spend to cultivate a field?"

"If we rely on mechanical techniques to develop a waterwheel that can turn itself by wind, how much benefit will it bring to the people of the world?"

"Now the territory of the seven countries is vast and boundless, it takes a lot of time to transmit information within one country and one city, let alone across one country or even several countries?"

"If we make good use of mechanism techniques and develop mechanisms that are buried underground and can travel thousands of miles a day, how will it help the human race's information transmission?"

"Besides, even a thousand-mile horse cannot travel a thousand miles in a day. If we can replace horses with mechanisms, how will Middle-earth change?"

"The traffic is so convenient that the people of the world don't have to stick to one place. They can easily do it. The court is in Jicheng and the tomb is in Xianyang!"

"And with such a sharp weapon, how convenient will the transportation of goods between merchants be?"

"Such behavior is the correct way for us to use organ techniques! Taking the benefit of the people of the world as our own responsibility is the general situation of the world!"

(End of this chapter)

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