Chapter 649 Surprised Look

Seeing this, the expressions of the remaining few people changed, and they all gasped.

"You all step back, don't tell other people about this."

"Otherwise I will kill your entire family!!!"

Ying Xi looked at the guards of the palace lord's mansion and shouted coldly.


The group nodded.

Then the group of people left here one after another.

"Father, I want to see my mother."

Win interest looked at Ying Huacheng and said.

"Your mother..."

Ying Huacheng just opened his mouth to say something.

As a result, there was a sudden sound of thunder in the palace lord's mansion.

Immediately afterwards, the gate of the palace lord's mansion was smashed open.

Three figures rushed in from outside.

These three figures are all wearing armor and holding spears.

The leader was a middle-aged man in a purple robe, his eyes were squinted, exuding a sharp and sharp light like a knife.

His body was filled with a monstrous and fierce aura, like a terrifying strong man walking out of a sea of ​​corpses and blood.

"Meet the Grand Commander!!!"

At this time, the group of guards in the palace lord's mansion directly bowed and shouted.

"Participate in the Grand Commander!!!"

Then Yinghuacheng and Yingxi shouted in unison.

"This young master please, I wonder why the young master is looking for me?"

The commander-in-chief looked at Ying Huacheng and said, his eyes glanced at Ying Xi, showing a surprised look.

"I want to see your mistress' wife."

Win interest said.

"Madam Mistress? You mean the Madam Mistress's child?"

The commander stared at Ying Xi, looking at him in surprise.

"Yes, you take me to see my mother."

Win interest said.

"Little brother, come with us."

At this time, Ying Huacheng was talking, and he walked in first.

Win interest followed in.

Soon they came to a yard, and Ying Huacheng stopped.

"Your mother lives here."

Ying Huacheng looked at Ying Xi and said.

Ying Xi looked at the yard in front of him, his eyes flickering.

Then Win interest walked in.

He just walked into the yard.

A piercing cry came to Ying Xi's ears, as if hitting the soul directly.


Win interest suddenly shouted.

He immediately rushed towards the house.

In this room right now.

A woman sat on the edge of a bed, crying in pain, holding an infant baby in her arms.

There were tears in his eyes, full of helplessness and desolation.

This woman is exactly the wife of the Palace Mistress that Ying Huacheng mentioned.

As for this infant baby, it is naturally Xiao Yifeng's son Ying Huacheng.

Seeing this scene, Yingxi's heart trembled inexplicably.

A sense of sourness welled up in his heart, making the tip of his nose a little acidic.

He walked towards the woman slowly and came behind her.


Ying Xi screamed, putting his hand on the woman's shoulder.


The woman turned around and looked at the interest.

She hugged Ying Xi and cried bitterly:

"I finally saw you."

"I'm sorry, mother, I'm sorry, it's my son who is unfilial!!!"

Ying Xi hugged the woman tightly.

"It's all my fault, I shouldn't have left you."

The woman wept.

"It's none of your business, mother, don't cry."

"I'll take you out of here and never come back here again."

Win interest said.

"We can't go."

"Palace Master Ruoli has been missing for hundreds of years."

"If we escape here at this time."

"I will be hunted down by various forces, and even besieged by other sect forces."

"In the end, our family couldn't survive!!!"

"We have already lost Palace Master Ruoli, we cannot lose you."

The woman shook her head. "But if Ruoli is still alive, she will definitely come back to us!!!"

Winning gritted his teeth.

"No, if Palace Master Ruoli knows that I have abandoned her flesh and blood here."

"She will definitely not agree."

"At that time, it will only lead to fire, and our family will not be able to leave."

The woman said directly.

"What should I do?"

Ying Xi's expression froze, and his eyes were full of anxiety.

"There should be a lot of cultivation resources in the storage ring your father left you."

"Take it out and give it to the warriors of this world."

"With their help, there may be hope for your mother to recover."

Win interest said directly.

Then win interest to open the storage ring.

He searched in it, and found a bunch of spiritual stones, martial arts and other things.

Among them is a pill.

"It seems that Dad is still prepared."

Ying Xi muttered to himself.

He took the storage ring and walked outside.

This time, the conversion of winning is blocking the winning interest:

"You can't go out."


Win interest looked at win turned into spit.

"Due to the disappearance of Palace Master Ruoli during this period, all forces are ready to move."

"So I don't allow anyone to leave."

Win Hwasei said it directly.

But after hearing Ying Huacheng's words, Ying Xi found out that the guards of the entire Ying family were staying here.

Obviously this place has been blocked, and there are guards outside.

"I just wanted to get out and see the outside world."

Win interest pouted.

Swish swish! ! !
At this time, a group of guards rushed over and surrounded Ying Xi.

"What are you going to do?"

Ying Huacheng looked at the group of guards and snorted coldly.

These guards didn't pay attention to Ying Huacheng.

They stared coldly at Ying Xi.

The leader of this group of guards is a high-level emperor-level powerhouse with fifth-rank supreme strength.

"Little brother, I advise you not to mess around, otherwise you will not be the only one who dies."

The commander of the guards stared at Ying Xi indifferently, with a gesture of arrogance and contempt.

boom! ! !
Without further ado, Ying Xi threw his fist at the guard commander.

Suddenly the void exploded, and the air burst open.

puff! ! !

The guard commander was sent flying by this punch.

His body hit the ground, half kneeling on the ground, spitting blood from his mouth.

"What a strong strength!!!"

Looking at the terrifying fighting power displayed by Win interest.

The expressions of Ying Huacheng and the others changed again and again.

There was shock in their eyes.

"Is this the jade bracelet my father gave me?"

At this time, Ying Xi glanced at the corpse lying on the ground.

In the palm of his hand is holding a whole body white jade bracelet.

"This is……"

"The accessories on Ruoli Palace Master's body?"

"She's really alive? Isn't she dead?"

Ying Huacheng looked at the corpse with disbelief in his eyes.

"How do you know this?"

Ying Xi looked at Ying Huacheng with a slightly condensed expression.

"This is an ornament worn by Palace Master Ruoli. Before she was arrested, she told me to crush this jade bracelet if Palace Master Ruoli was in danger."

"She'll be right back."

"But after so many years, she hasn't come back. I thought she really... I didn't expect that she was still alive."

Yinghua said in a deep voice.

"I believe she will come back to save us."

"At that time, I must ask clearly what happened in it."

As Ying Xi said, his gaze was firm.

"Yes, Ruoli will definitely come back."

Win Hwasei nodded.

"I'm going to summon the strong from all sides now."

"Before the others react, let's get rid of Palace Master Ruoli's troubles first."

Immediately, Ying Huacheng spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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