Chapter 635 Terrible Star Soul
The whole person was half kneeling on the ground, his face was pale, and his expression looked extremely ugly.


"My patience is short, and I warn you one last time."

"Disappear from my eyes immediately, or I will kill you every time I see you!!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Yingxi, and shouted with a cold expression, his tone was piercingly cold.

"Little brother, you are too arrogant."

"Although your talent is amazing."

"But you are too young after all, it's better to keep a low profile!!!"

Ying Xi looked at Xiao Yifeng with a haughty expression, and said in a tone of lecture.

"I don't care how crazy I am, you'd better not provoke me."

"Otherwise you will not only die, but you will not even be able to protect the people around you!!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Yingxi with a sharp coldness in his eyes.

"Boy, it seems that you are very confident in your own talent."

"I want to see what you use against me?"

"I am the strongest of the younger generation in the Hall of Stars."

"It's the young master of the Beiming clan."

"You dare to touch me and try!!!"

With a cold glow in Ying Xi's eyes, he shouted directly.

"What about the Star Palace? What about the Beiming clan?"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes shot out a breathtaking cold light.

boom! ! !
In an instant, a terrifying astral soul was released from Xiao Yifeng's body, shaking the entire room.

"Star Soul!!!"

Immediately, the pupils of interest froze.

There was a look of horror in his eyes.

He didn't expect this kid to be accompanied by a person with a star soul.

And this star soul grade is so terrifying, it has reached the level of seven stars.

Except for the main hall master in this star hall.

There are only a few elders and hall masters with eight-star souls.

He didn't expect that this brat also had a seven-star soul, which made him unbelievable! ! !
"Boy, I didn't expect you to have such a terrifying star soul!!!"

"In this case, I am more and more interested in you!!!"

"Why don't we make a deal!!!"

Ying Xi stared at Xiao Yifeng with flickering eyes.

"What deal?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Yingxi and said coldly.

"Join my Star Palace and become a member of the Star Palace."

"At that time, I will supply you with the resources of the Star Palace, and I can also teach you some cultivation methods and secret techniques."

"You will become the real core member of my Star Palace and enjoy all the resources of the Star Palace."

"Even the treasures in my Hall of Stars can be obtained by you."

Ying Xi looked at Xiao Yifeng and said with a seductive expression on his face.

"Sorry, I'm not interested."

Xiao Yifeng refused without hesitation.

"Little brother, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you miss it, it will be gone."

"Think carefully, my Star Palace has a profound foundation and has been passed down for thousands of years. It is the oldest sect in Beizhou."

"If you join in, the future will be bright."

Win interest continued.

"No more nonsense, I will kill you now!!!"

Xiao Yifeng gave Yingxi a sharp look.

His expression was icy cold, and his whole body exuded a cold and bloodthirsty murderous intent.

"Okay, you're ruthless, little brother, remember what you said."

"One day you'll regret it."

Win interest said coldly.

Then he turned and left.

"Master, what should I do?"

Then the restaurant manager walked in.

"Go and check the background of this person."

"I always thought he had an extraordinary background."

Xiao Yifeng said in a deep voice.


The shopkeeper of the restaurant nodded and left quickly.

After Yingxi left the restaurant, he returned to his place of residence.

Now in this room,
Ying Xi sat cross-legged on the bed, his eyes were closed tightly, but his expression was very ugly.

"This boy's power is very strange, it doesn't seem to belong to the universe!!!" "It seems that he is indeed hiding it quite deeply."

Ying Xi muttered to himself, a piece of information appeared in his mind.

Then a cold smile appeared on the corner of Yingxi's mouth.

"Star-soul fusion—start!!!"

Suddenly, Ying Xi opened his eyes, and a dazzling golden light bloomed in his eyes.

Follow the winning interest and pinch the Yin Jue with both hands.

A radiant golden light radiated from his body.

This golden light shrouded Yingxi, turning into a golden planet hanging around it.

At the same time, the star power of the Star Palace in Yingxi's body poured into his body frantically.

His whole body was filled with golden light, with a sacred and solemn appearance.

"Absorb it for me!!!"

Win interest shouted violently.

He mobilized the secret technique to crazily absorb the power of the Star Palace in his body.

Boom! ! !
Soon, part of the power of the Hall of Stars rushed towards Yingxi and was completely swallowed by it.

At this time, there was a roar in the Hall of Stars.

Then a ray of light descended from the Hall of Stars, directly covering Yingxi.

In an instant, Ying Xi seemed to become another person.

His whole body was enveloped by the light of the Hall of Stars.

And there is a vast, mysterious and unpredictable force in the Hall of Stars.

An extraordinary and refined temperament appeared, like a banished fairy.

Swish! ! !
In the next second, Yingxi's eyes opened.

Two dazzling rays of light burst out from his eyes, shining with a captivating light.

There is a sacred and ethereal aura surging around him.

"The Lord of the Star Palace!!!"

Ying Xi said indifferently.


Then sixteen men and women appeared directly in the Hall of Stars.

All of them are star messengers of the Star Palace.

Every strength has stepped into the realm of the emperor.

"See Master!!!"

The sixteen star envoys came to Ying Xi, knelt on one knee and shouted.

"Retire first, I need to rest quietly."

As Ying Xi said, he waved his palm, and a mysterious map of the secret lines of the Star Palace appeared.

These sixteen star envoys entered the picture one after another and disappeared.

Wait until these sixteen star messengers have just disappeared.

A phantom appeared in front of Yingxi.

This phantom is a ray of remnants summoned by Ying Xi through some kind of secret technique.


Winning looked at the phantom and shouted.

"Win interest, have you successfully broken through the emperor realm?"

The phantom looked at Ying Xi and said directly.

"Well, I'm already a martial arts expert at the early stage of the Nine Tribulations Emperor Realm."

"I also defeated a Nine Tribulations Emperor."

Win interest said proudly.

"You did a good job. I didn't expect you to step into the Nine Tribulations Emperor in the middle stage of Emperor Senior Realm."

"In the future, if you step into the peak of the Emperor Senior Realm, you may be able to step into the Quasi-Emperor Realm."

"It is even possible to break through to the realm of the emperor."

"Worthy of being my son of Yingtian!!!"

The ghost applauded.

"I heard that you offended a descendant of Starry Sky Emperor, do you know who it is?"

Yingtian asked.

"Father, you mean Xiao Yifeng, the descendant of the starry sky emperor?"

"I thought he was just lucky, but he turned out to be the master of the Star Palace."

"I shot directly without any hesitation, but I never thought that the opponent's combat power was so terrifying."

"Almost killed me at his hands."

"Fortunately, he is carrying a rare treasure, otherwise I'm afraid I will die in his hands."

"Although he only has the strength of the Second Tribulation Emperor."

"But I'm sure he must have an extremely heaven-defying treasure."

Win interest said.

(End of this chapter)

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