Chapter 576

After finishing speaking, Ying Xi waved his hand impatiently, signaling Xiao Chen to quickly roll down the mountain, lest he change his mind.

When Xiao Chen heard the words, he didn't say much, and his figure suddenly rose from the ground.

"Little thief Xiao Chen, stop leaving!"

Seeing that Xiao Chen was about to run away, Ying Xi quickly yelled, and then the sole of his foot stepped into the air, a terrifying real energy burst out, and he rushed out like a cannonball.

"Xiao Chen, you can't escape!"

Win interest sneered.

In his eyes, Xiao Chen had become a dead dog.

He didn't believe that a person who was at the peak of the continuous tribulation period could escape, which was completely unreasonable.


The interest rate was so fast that he flew to the top of the mountain in the blink of an eye.

At this time, on the top of the mountain, Ying Qingyan looked anxiously at the towering mountain peak, her beautiful almond eyes were full of worry.

"Sister Xiaoyue, just hold on, as long as brother Xiao Chen reaches the top of the mountain, I can help him, don't worry!"

Ying Qingyan muttered to herself.

on top of the mountain.

Xiao Chen stayed at a high altitude, looked down at the forest below, and glanced down calmly.

At the bottom of the mountain is the Winner's Manor.

However, now the Winner's Manor no longer exists, replaced by a sea of ​​flames.

The guards were all killed, and even their bodies were burned.

"Xiao Chen, our winner's manor has been captured by our winner's people, you must send back our winner's treasure today!"

Ying Xi said coldly, "Otherwise I will kill you!"

At this time, Yingxi was already standing aggressively on the mountainside.

Ying Xi's gaze never left Xiao Chen from the beginning to the end.

Because from his point of view, this is his final battleground for victory, and it's hard for Xiao Chen to fly even with his wings.

"Ying Qingyan, you are on top, don't come down with me!"

Xiao Chen turned around suddenly, looked at Ying Qingyan on the mountain and said.

"No, you are my brother, I can't abandon you and be here alone!"

Ying Qingyan shook his head and refused.

"I'm already in the early stage of crossing the tribulation, and this matter is not dangerous to me!"

Xiao Chen smiled lightly, then turned around, and said without fear, "Also, even if something happens to me, I won't stand still!"

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Ying Qingyan's pretty face was also taken aback, and her eyes immediately became rosy.

"Xiao Chen, nothing can happen to you."

Ying Qingyan thought to herself, and then tried to hold back her tears, not letting them flow down.

"Xiaoyue, you can stay here at ease, I'll be back soon!"

Xiao Chen smiled lightly, and immediately the tip of his toes touched the void, and instantly turned into a black line and shot into the mountain peak, disappearing.

"Hmph, I've never been afraid of anyone before winning interest!"

Ying Xi sneered, and then jumped down the mountain.

Xiao Chen entered the mountain, he knew that in this situation, the only way was to escape.


Xiao Chen exhaled a foul breath, looked around, with a trace of bitterness on his face.

"It seems that we have to find a hidden place to hide!"

Xiao Chen's gaze sank slightly, and then his figure suddenly rushed forward.

Not long after, Xiao Chen came to a dense bush and hid in it to circulate his true essence.

"Huh? The trees seem to be about the same size!"

Xiao Chen frowned when he felt the breath coming from behind him.He had already sensed it at the foot of the mountain just now. There were only those big trees nearby, but why was there such a giant tree here?
However, he was relieved when he thought that the top of the mountain was the territory of winning interests.

"Xiao Chen, today I will let you see how powerful our winner is!"

Ying Xi said skeptically, "I want to see if you can survive until my grappling is over!"

Before the words fell, Winning Breath activated all the true energy, and slapped the giant tree with both palms.

Boom boom boom!
There was a loud noise, and the branches and leaves of the giant tree exploded one after another, and those leaves seemed to be attracted by something, and they all drifted away, and then all gathered towards Yingxi.

"Why are these trees suddenly so abnormal? Are there something weird about these trees?"

Ying Xi sensed that something was wrong, Dang even stopped attacking, and looked at everything around him vigilantly, for fear that those leaves were poisonous.

Sure enough, those leaves were all floating in the air, and there was nothing unusual.

"Strange, did I feel wrong?"

Win interest is puzzled.

Never mind, catch Xiao Chen first, and then slowly study the weirdness of these leaves.

Thinking of this, Win interest immediately increased the degree of sending true essence, trying to completely destroy this area.

However, his delivery of true energy this time was blocked by those leaves and could not penetrate.

"Damn it, what the hell is going on with this leaf?"

Ying Xi was shocked, he was unwilling to give up, and continued to increase the output of true energy, but those leaves still blocked him.

"Xiao Chen, you better get out!"

"Otherwise, you will never see your beautiful sister!"

Ying Xi said grimly.

He spent a lot of energy cultivating these trees this time, but now it seems that it is of no use at all.


Just when Ying Xi was about to destroy these trees, he suddenly sensed someone approaching behind him.

"Hmph, are you finally willing to come out?"

Win interest sneered.

"Win interest, do you think you can stop me?"

A joking voice suddenly sounded, and Xiao Chen walked out slowly.


Seeing Xiao Chen appear, Ying Xi was also stunned.

He never thought that Xiao Chen would dare to show up at this time, and he still showed up like this. Isn't this sending him to death?
Ying Xi looked at Xiao Chen in bewilderment, his eyes full of surprise and doubt.

"Xiao Chen, haven't you already escaped? Could it be that"

A thought suddenly popped up in Ying Xi's mind.


Xiao Chen nodded lightly and said, "I was indeed going to run away, but you are too weak, I don't even bother to fight you, so I returned, but I didn't expect that before I ran a few steps, all those leaves flew away Come out and block my way!"

"Hmph, even if I don't chase you, those leaves will still trap you on this mountain!"

Ying Xi snorted coldly, "Now you have no way out!"

"Haha, so what if there is no way out? I still don't believe there is anything in this world that can't trap me!"

Xiao Chen said arrogantly.

The reason why he didn't choose to run away directly was because he knew that with his IQ, he didn't understand the tricks at all.

"Okay, I want to see how long you can be arrogant!"

Ying Xi sneered, and then waved his fists in all directions, trying to smash the trees with his punches.

Bang bang bang.
The fist wind swept over, and the fist smashed to the ground, causing a burst of dust and dust, and the towering trees fell directly, covering the entire mountain.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Xiao Chen sighed in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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