Chapter 529 Suppressed

At this moment, Lin Feng was lying on the bed, breathing evenly, and he was recovering from his injuries.

"Miss, look, the one over there is Young Master Yingxi, look, he seems to be out on business, look, there is a servant beside him!".

Xue'er pointed to an attic in front of her and said.

"Well! Let's go and see!"

Ying Yiqing looked into the distance, her brows furrowed slightly.

After she felt the aura of Yingxi, she couldn't help but become suspicious, because she could clearly sense that Yingxi's cultivation was much weaker than hers.


Ying Xi's cultivation seemed to be suppressed.

This made Ying Yiqing feel a little uncomfortable.

after all.

The other party is Ying Yiqing's fiancé.

How could Ying Yiqing hope that her fiancé would be suppressed by other men.

But Ying Yiqing didn't say anything, because she also wanted to know what Ying Xi wanted to do.

The two came to the box on the second floor of the inn and sat down.

At this moment, Ying Xi was waiting in the box, waiting for his friend to arrive.

After half an hour.

Suddenly, a loud noise was heard from outside.

Winning frowned.

Then he opened the door and walked out.

I saw a lot of people gathered outside.

"What the hell is going on here?"Win interest could not help asking.

After hearing Ying Xi's question, Xue'er standing beside him said, "Master, have you forgotten? A few days ago, didn't you go to the City Lord's Mansion to look for Lin Feng? At that time, several masters came to the City Lord's Mansion, They want to arrest a young man named Lin Feng!"

"Oh? Capture a young man named Lin Feng? Why have I never heard of it?"!Win said, frowning.

"Master, I just remembered that the young man named Lin Feng is indeed called Lin Feng, but I heard that he is the young master of the Lin family, a first-class family in Tianwu Kingdom, and this Lin family is one of the three great families with great power, so, It's not easy to offend Lin Feng in the City Lord's Mansion!"

Cher explained.

Hearing that Lin Feng was the young master of the Lin family, Ying Xi's eyes suddenly widened.

He didn't think so.

This Lin family is so powerful.

To know.

He is the heir of the winner, while the Lin family is a second-rate force.

If he, the winner, combines with the Lin family, then the Ying family will become one of the four superpowers.

Moreover, his father has been secretly cultivating power. As long as his father is successfully promoted to the innate realm, the Ying family will become one of the four superpowers, and the Ying family will also become extremely prosperous.

"It turns out that Lin Feng is the young master of the Lin family!"

Ying Xi sneered: "It seems that my chance has come this time. My father said that my Ying family will surely rise up in the world. That Lin Feng is just a stepping stone for my Ying family to rise!"
After hearing Ying Xi's words, Xue'er nodded: "Master, this opportunity is once in a lifetime, so don't miss it!"
"Hmph! How could I make such a low-level mistake?".Win interest said with a sneer.

"The young master is wise, the servants admire!"Xueer flattered and said.

"Hahahaha, Cher, your mouth is so sweet!".Win laughs.

"Xue'er is telling the truth!"

Xue'er said with a smile, she looked innocent, completely like a simple little maid.

"By the way, young master, I think you look very bad, are you sick? Why don't you let me take your pulse!" Xue'er asked with concern.

"No, you go and prepare some food, bring it later, I'm starving."Win interest said lightly.

"Master, I'm going to get ready, please wait a moment."Xueer said. "kindness"!
Immediately, Cher left.

Yingxi picked up the teacup on the table and drank it, waiting for Xueer to bring the food.

"Boom boom boom~~".

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in".

Win interest said in a cold voice.

Immediately, she saw Xue'er walking in with some exquisite pastries. After she put the pastries on the table, she said, "Master, how about you try the handicraft of the servant?".

"Okay, thank you for your hard work!"Win interest said with a smile.

"It's not hard, the servant is just serving the young master!"Cher said with a smile.

Yingxi picked up the pastry and ate it.


Ying Xi looked at Xueer and said, "Xueer, do you think you secretly like me?".

After hearing Yingxi's words, Xue'er's face turned red.

"What did the young master say? Xue'er is the young master's servant, and Xue'er will be the young master's servant for the rest of her life."Cher said shyly.

"Oh, Xue'er, to tell you the truth, I also like you very much, I don't know, can I pursue you?" Ying Xi asked solemnly.

"Master, this..."!
Xue'er was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer Yingxi.

She knew the relationship between Ying Xixue and Ying Xi, and she knew Ying Xixue's feelings for Ying Xi clearly.

But she can't do that.

Because she didn't want to destroy the relationship between Ying Xixue and Ying Xi.

She was afraid that her young master would blame her.

"Xue'er, I don't know if I'm right?" Ying Xi looked at Xue'er.

"Master, you are joking!"
Cher said.

"Xue'er, I'm not kidding, I really want to pursue you"!Win interest said.

"No, young master, don't talk anymore, I really don't dare to be a slave!" Xue'er shook her head and said.

"Xue'er, I have noticed you a long time ago. You are so beautiful and gentle. How can I not like you? I know that we will never be together in the future, but I want to Go for it, after all, you're the first girl to be so nice to me"!
"Xue'er, I don't know if you have a sweetheart or someone you like, but since I like you, then I will definitely work hard to catch you!"
Win interest said seriously.

He has never been a person who is greedy for beauty, but after meeting Xue'er this time, he changed his mind.

He wants to pursue Xueer, he wants to pursue a girl worthy of his love.

And Xueer was the woman he chose.

Xueer is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. He does not believe that she is not attractive, so he will work hard to pursue Xueer.

After hearing Yingxi's words, Xue'er's heart trembled suddenly, she knew that she couldn't escape this time.

But she still wants to try hard, maybe she can be Ying Xixue's substitute.

Thinking of this, Xue'er felt an unusual tingling pain in her heart. She felt that she was so cheap to do such a thing for a man.

"Master, you are so kind! I would like to marry you!"
Xue'er gritted her teeth, and finally mustered up the courage to speak out.

Xueer knew it in her heart.

As long as Ying Yixue and Ying Xi become husband and wife, then her time of death has come.

At that time, I'm afraid she will die a very miserable death.

She is not reconciled.

She wants to resist.

However, under Ying Yixue's coercion and lure, she had to give in.

(End of this chapter)

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