Da Qin: I asked you to touch the jade seal, but you touched a woman?

Chapter 483 Cut the Weeds and Exterminate the Roots!Surrounded!

Chapter 483 Cut the Weeds and Exterminate the Roots!Surrounded!
Gongzixing is different from Yingzheng's other idiot sons. He is a person with pursuit and ideals.

He also wanted to make some contributions to Daqin, so he repeatedly proposed to play with Yingxi.

So after hearing Ying Xi's rhetorical question, after a moment of pondering, he nodded in amazement.

"Fifth brother, what you want to say is to reduce casualties as much as possible?"

With rockets, the enemy can be wiped out without rushing to the front, which can be regarded as the most effective way to reduce our casualties.

However, Ying Xi shook his head.


Young Master Xing was a little surprised, Fifth Brother's intention was not to reduce Qin Bing's casualties?
What would it be?
Young Master Xing pondered for a while, but he couldn't think of another answer, so he asked Ying Xi for advice.

"Also ask Fifth Brother to enlighten me."

"It's cutting the weeds and rooting out the roots." Ying Xi said lightly.

Cut the weeds!

These four words made Young Master Xing feel shuddering.

"Don't you think it's a little cruel?"

Ying Xi glanced at the pale young master Xing and asked.

Young Master Xing did not hide, but nodded.

He did feel a little cruel.

These old and weak women and children did not participate in the invasion of Daqin, and he couldn't bear to destroy them mercilessly.

"Look over there."

Ying Xi didn't explain too much, but just asked Young Master Xing to look over to the gathering place.

Young Master Xing looked in the direction Ying Xi was pointing at, and then the unbearable expression on his face turned into anger.

Because he saw that the people of Baiyue were wearing the clothes of the people of Chu!

People in Baiyue don't do production, so it goes without saying where these clothes are obtained.

Young Master Xing also saw that those Baiyue people looked at this direction and cursed again and again. Although they couldn't understand what the other party was cursing, Young Master Xing could also imagine it.

What made Young Master Xing even more frightened was that those children were looking at this side with resentful eyes.

At this moment, Young Master Xing understood that Ying Xi was right.

These people have no mercy towards the people of Daqin, not to mention that even children who are only a few years old are so hostile to Daqin.

If these children grow up smoothly, they will undoubtedly be the main force to invade and plunder Great Qin.

The enemy must be killed in the cradle!
Hearing the sound of arrows flying past his ears, Young Master Xing finally realized that this was a battlefield.

Not the battlefield he had seen in the book, nor the battlefield he imagined.

But the real battlefield!
On the battlefield, there is only life and death, there is no third way to go.

At this time, a thick roar came from a distance, Young Master Xing looked over and found a group of middle-aged men.

Looking at their attire, they are obviously Baiyue soldiers.

Ying Xi drew out his sword at this moment, and said loudly, "Charge!"

Wang Ben beside him rushed out first, followed by Qin Bing behind him.

Ying Xi also rushed out, and Gong Zixing followed behind in a daze.




A roar came from Qin Bing's mouth. The Baiyue small army of hundreds of people was no match at all, and they were all beheaded after a while.

The smell of blood in the air brought Young Master Xing back to his senses.

After seeing the appearance of the Baiyue soldiers on the ground, Young Master Xing's face turned pale for an instant, and then retched at the side.

Ying Xi walked aside and patted Young Master Xing on the shoulder.

"You'll get used to it later."

Listening to Ying Xi's almost cold voice, Gong Zixing's consciousness finally returned to himself.He finally understood that war was not as easy as the books said, but was accompanied by death and blood!

In Young Master Xing's heart, there was a trace of retreat.

He shouldn't have come.

He doesn't belong here.

As if seeing what was going on in Young Master Xing's mind, Ying Xi said indifferently, "Think about the village that was slaughtered by the Baiyue people."

Young Master Xing was taken aback for a moment, then his heart retreated and disappeared, and then turned into anger.

The people of Baiyue are cruel by nature, and the people of Great Qin will die even worse than before.

An aura erupted from Young Master Xing, feeling that Young Master Xing's fighting spirit was rising steadily, Ying Xi smiled gratifiedly.

At this time, Wang Ben finished counting the casualties and came to report to Ying Xi.

"His Royal Highness, this time beheaded 360 seven Baiyue soldiers, 510 Baiyue civilians, and our soldiers injured 13 people."


Ying Xi nodded, thirteen people were injured, which didn't sound like many.

But you must know that Ying Xi brought [-] Qin soldiers this time. Although he couldn't swarm him just now, he had at least three times the number of the opponent.

Even so, thirteen people were injured, which shows how powerful the Baiyue people are in fighting.

"All the things that you were asked to investigate before have been investigated?"

Ying Xi turned to look at the border guard.

The guard nodded, and then took out a map.

"His Royal Highness, please take a look. This is the map of Baiyue secretly drawn by the late general, and the location of each gathering place is marked."

Ying Xi stood up and looked at the marked points on the map.

They are still on the periphery of Baiyue.

In the front, there are still several garrison points of hundreds of troops.

Ying Xi pointed to the two hundred army camps closest to the current location, and then looked at Wang Ben and the guard.

"The two of you raided these two places with 5000 troops, and then met at this place."


The two set off immediately after they got off.

Young Master Xing on the side hurriedly said, "Fifth Brother, what about me?"

"You go here to fight with me first, and after you get familiar with it, you can act alone."

After finishing speaking, Ying Xi took the remaining [-] Qin soldiers and rushed straight ahead.

The fire here has already attracted the attention of the Baiyue soldiers. Ying Xi led the troops and walked less than five miles forward when they met a group of Baiyue soldiers with about a thousand people.

When the Baiyue soldiers saw the Qin soldiers who were like dark clouds covering the sky, they didn't dare to fight against them at all, so they turned around and ran away.

Ying Xi roared, "Kill!"

Then he took the lead and rushed behind the Baiyue soldier who was running the slowest.

A head soared into the sky.

Then Qin soldiers swarmed over and beheaded Baiyue soldiers one after another.

However, dozens of Baiyue soldiers fled back to the camp.

After Yingxi advanced another five miles, he encountered an army of at least 5 people.

Looking at the hundred army that was twice as large as his own, Ying Xi was expressionless, while Young Master Xing, who was following behind Ying Xi, looked pale.

It's not that he didn't fantasize about winning more battles with less in his mind, but when the real situation appeared, he realized how big the gap was between reality and imagination, especially fantasy.

With 5 people, just standing there already suppressed Qin Bing's aura.

Moreover, he also found that there were at least two 1-strong armies surrounding him from both sides.

On my own side, I fell into the encirclement of the Baiyue army!

(End of this chapter)

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