Da Qin: I asked you to touch the jade seal, but you touched a woman?

Chapter 476 Chu land is abnormal, recommend Xiao He

Chapter 476 Chu land is abnormal, recommend Xiao He

Not long after these anti-Qin people took action, the elite soldiers arranged by Ying Xi to investigate Daqin officials outside revealed the news to soldiers in various places.

Once these soldiers grasped one accurately, they quickly resolved each incident.

The anti-Qin forces had just recuperated for a while, but they were severely injured by this action.

But the people in one place didn't change anything.

Chu ground!

Ying Xi looked at the news reported from all over the place with a solemn expression.

As the saying goes, a dog that bites does not bark.

Chu Di, that's the case.

In the original history, there is a saying that although Chu has three households, if Qin dies, Chu must die.

What this means is quite clear.

In fact, the death of Qin II was also the Chu people who contributed the most.

Although Xiang Yu is dead now, Ying Xi can still feel that Chu people are the greatest threat to Daqin.

This time, anti-Qin people in various places took action, but Chu, the most disobedient place to Qin, did not take any action.

Obviously, the current Chu people seem to have absorbed Xiang Yu's failure experience and reached a consensus.

That is, don't make any changes until the power is not enough.

"It's a thorn."

Ying Xi tapped on the map of Chudi, frowning slightly.

If you don't care about it, then Chu people will definitely become a serious problem in the future.

But they did it directly, and they didn't know that those people were really anti-Party.

The people of Chu were extremely smart. After seeing Ying Xi's actions against the nobles, the nobles who were originally anti-Qin in Chu disappeared and blended in with the common people.

But these people's anti-Qin thoughts have not weakened in the slightest.

On the contrary, because the Chu State was destroyed, they did not dare to live in an upright manner, so they had even greater hatred for Daqin.

"It takes someone to go and govern. But who?"

Ying Xi filtered the ministers one by one in their minds.

Those original ministers were directly denied by Ying Xi.

Most of these people are mediocre, and some are even looking forward to the restoration of the recommendation system and enfeoffment system. For such people, Ying Xi thinks it will not work.

Then there were only Li Si, Xiao He, Zhang Liang and Chen Ping left.

Li Si was quickly denied by Ying Xi.

He was above the court, and he still needed Li Si's mouthpiece.

Afterwards, Ying Xi's eyes fell on Xiao He.

During the palace examination, Xiao He had already demonstrated his unique keen observation ability, which was more than a step higher than other candidates.

"It's him!"

Ying Xi nodded heavily.

As for Zhang Liang and Chen Ping, Ying Xi only thought for a while before denying them.

Although Chen Ping is a Tanhua, his level is indeed worse than that of Xiao He and Zhang Liang.

Compared with Xiao He, Zhang Liang's wisdom seems to be different.

But Ying Xi discovered that Zhang Liang was very good at being a man during several contacts with the three of them.

In other words, he was smooth and never offended anyone.

Such a person may be very good as a courtier, but if he is left alone, problems are likely to occur.

After confirming Xiao He as the candidate, Ying Xi entered the palace with this idea and met Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng was very happy to see Ying Xi coming over.

"Xi'er, come here this time, what new ideas do you have?"

Every time Ying Xi came over, he would almost bring a new rule or policy.

And these policies are like good medicine, treating the current Da Qin.So Ying Zheng is looking forward to what Ying Xi can say this time.

Li Si and the others also looked at Ying Xi expectantly.

In the previous few times, they learned a lot of ideas and insights from Ying Xi that benefited them a lot. They just felt like seeing the sun behind the clouds, a feeling of enlightenment.

Now, it is no exaggeration to say that they have become Ying Xi's fans.

Even if Ying Xi suddenly said that the enfeoffment system is very good today, they would not have any doubts, but would think about the truth.

"Father, I came here today to talk about things about Chudi."

Chu ground!

Hearing these two words, the smile on Ying Zheng's face slowly disappeared.

To be honest, these two words are also a heartache in his heart!
The state of Chu has been destroyed for so long, but the people of Chu still have no sign of wanting to integrate with Daqin.

Especially Xiang Yu before, let him see the great appeal of Chu people.

It can be said that the Chu people's rebellion accounted for more than [-]% of Ying Zheng's nightmares at night.

But today Ying Xi took the initiative to mention Chu Di. Could it be that Ying Xi has a solution to Chu Di?
Ying Zheng quickly asked, "Xi'er, what do you think?"

Li Si and the others also looked at Ying Xi, wanting to hear Ying Xi's opinion.

Among the memorials they dealt with these days, there were not many memorials from Chudi, but what was passed on was all things that even they didn't quite understand.

They always felt that if Chu Di continued to be so ambiguous, something big would happen.

The few of them even discussed together several times, trying to learn from each other's strengths and come up with a method against Chu Di, but they never came up with it.

With the strength of the four of them, none of them could think of any way. They really wanted to know how Ying Xi could deal with Chu Di.

Ying Xi said at this time: "Chudi needs someone who can handle special matters to sit there."

What Ying Xi said was very agreeable to all five people present.

Things in Chudi are different from those in other places. Even if Yingzheng wants to deal with the affairs in that place, he has to ask a minister who is familiar with Chudi to make a decision.

Ying Xi's special handling of special events won the approval of Ying Zheng.


"Who can do it?"

Ying Zheng looked at Ying Xi, and seemed to understand who Ying Xi was going to talk about.

But he directly shook his head and denied Ying Xi's statement.

"Xi'er, you can't go. Right now, Daqin still needs your advice."

Li Si and the others also urged together: "His Royal Highness, Daqin is the most important thing!"

After hearing this, Ying Xi couldn't help laughing: "I didn't say I was going."

"Not you?"

Ying Zheng was a little surprised, and then turned all possible people in his mind, and then denied them one by one.

He really couldn't think of anyone other than Ying Xi who could manage Chu land well.

"It's him."

Following Ying Xi's finger, everyone's eyes focused on Xiao He.

As for Xiao He himself, he was dumbfounded, and even wondered if Ying Xi was referring to the wrong person.

"His Royal Highness, the person you are talking about is me?"

"Yes, it's you."

Ying Xi nodded, and then explained the reason.

"Chudi now needs someone who can feel the abnormality at any time, and your observation ability is stronger than others. This candidate must be you."

"But he has only been a Hanlin for a few months."

Ying Zheng said something at this time.

It's not that he doesn't trust Xiao He, Xiao He has been assisting him in reviewing the memorials for the past few months, and he has already seen Xiao He's ability in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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