Da Qin: I asked you to touch the jade seal, but you touched a woman?

Chapter 473 The prince broke up with His Majesty?Winning back?

Chapter 473 The prince broke up with His Majesty?Winning back?

After Li Si finished speaking, Xiao He, Zhang Liang and Chen Ping stood up.

"I agree with what the prime minister said. Since the Zhou Dynasty, the enfeoffment system has existed in name only, and the recommendation system has been adopted in fact. My great Qin prince is wise and wise, and created the imperial examination system, which has replaced the former two."

After the three of them finished speaking, the hall fell into silence.

The other ministers did not speak, but they secretly looked at Ying Xi's position.

According to their ideas, Ying Xi would definitely stand up and agree.

Unexpectedly, Ying Xi did not take any action after waiting for a while.

And Ying Zheng didn't seem to have any intention of asking Ying Xi for his opinion.

Such a weird scene made the ministers' hearts tremble.

Is this a signal?
As usual, His Majesty had already asked the prince for his opinion, but today he did not.

They don't need to listen to Ying Xi's opinion, and they absolutely disagree with the enfeoffment system.

So what does His Majesty mean, do you agree with the enfeoffment system?
It is precisely because of this that he did not ask His Royal Highness the Crown Prince?

The more the ministers thought about it, the more they felt it was possible.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince must have disagreed with His Majesty's intentions, so he appeared in the early court just to oppose His Majesty.

The ministers suddenly became excited.

it is good!It's so good!

The prince finally broke up with His Majesty!
They didn't know how long they had been waiting for this scene.

For them, this is a great thing that can't be better!
Previously, they were so overwhelmed by Ying Xi that they wanted to find a backer, but found that their biggest backer, Ying Zheng, was also on Ying Xi's side.

Well now, His Majesty and the Crown Prince have finally disagreed politically!
Then they will definitely stand on His Majesty's side!
An arm can never twist a thigh!

What's more, if the enfeoffment system can really be implemented, then they are actually the biggest beneficiaries!
The enfeoffment system is to entrust the territory of Daqin to those who have made meritorious service, or the son of His Majesty.

And the piece of land after the enfeoffment is not bound by Daqin.

As long as they move the family's base to various enfeoffments, they can suggest that the lord restore the nomination system.

In this way, their family can prosper forever!

Therefore, after a short period of thinking and hesitation, a minister immediately stood up.

"I think that what the Prime Minister and Ji Hanlin said is really ridiculous!"

"The collapse of the Zhou Dynasty was clearly due to the corruption of the Zhou Dynasty itself, which was not qualified for the position of emperor, rather than the reason for the enfeoffment system!"

"That's right! The fall and extinction of the Zhou Dynasty was not due to the enfeoffment system, and it even lasted for hundreds of years because of the enfeoffment system!"

"Not only must the enfeoffment system be restored, but the recommendation system also needs to be restored! My Great Qin has lasted for hundreds of years, isn't it because of the recommendation system?"

"Although the imperial examination system is good, it will be a disaster if someone with bad intentions becomes an official of our Daqin!"


One by one, the ministers talked about the benefits of the enfeoffment system and the recommendation system, wishing to boast that it was a unique and perfect system.

Some ministers even felt that Yingzheng and Yingxi were at odds, and they attacked the imperial examination system by the way.

The ministers talked for nearly an hour before it ended, and Ying Zheng was already impatient.

After the ministers stopped speaking, they looked at Ying Xi.

"Prince, what do you think?"

Hearing Ying Zheng's last question about Ying Xi, some ministers jumped in their hearts.

No way?
Is there no discord between His Majesty and the Crown Prince?
Some ministers also felt that since Ying Zheng asked Ying Xi at the end, it was not paying attention to him.

No matter what you think, all the ministers' eyes are on Ying Xi.

Ying Xi took a step forward at this time, and then said flatly: "I think that enfeoffment system is absolutely not advisable!"

There was a buzz among the ministers for a moment, but then fell silent.

Ying Xi opposed the feudal system, which was something they had expected.What they want to see is Ying Zheng's attitude.

However, Ying Zheng didn't speak, and the ministers waited patiently for Ying Xi's next words.

"Someone said just now that the Zhou Dynasty was not destroyed because of the enfeoffment system, but because the Zhou Dynasty itself was not good enough, and the ministers did not agree."

"As for the recommendation system to continue my Daqin for a hundred years, it is even more nonsense!"

"There are also those who slander the imperial examination system, all nonsense!"

The hearts of the ministers were immediately raised.

Ying Xi is on full fire!
Their views were all opposed.

Just when the ministers thought that Ying Xi was going to attack them, Ying Xi changed the subject.

"But after listening to the memorial, Erchen had an idea."

"What do you think?" Ying Zheng asked curiously.

He was really curious. Yesterday, Ying Xi didn't say how he was going to deal with this matter, so he didn't know what Ying Xi was thinking.

The ministers stretched their necks even more, waiting for Ying Xi to continue.

"Although the enfeoffment system is not feasible, some of it makes sense."

Ying Xi's words surprised everyone in the hall.

Whether it's Yingzheng Li Si and others who are on Yingxi's side, or the ministers who oppose Yingxi.

Why did Ying Xi suddenly speak for the system of enfeoffment?
Especially the ministers, even raised a ridiculous idea.

Could it be that His Majesty opposes the enfeoffment system, but His Royal Highness the Crown Prince agrees with the enfeoffment system?

I only heard Ying Xi continue to say: "What is the purpose of the enfeoffment system? It is to let talented people manage one side!"

"But the previous enfeoffment system had a drawback, that is, a large piece of land was entrusted to him from the very beginning."

"If this person is really talented, then he will be able to manage it properly. But if it's not, then the local people will suffer."

"Since that's the case, let's use a small area to test it from the very beginning."

"If the test is passed, it will expand the place he manages."

After Ying Xi finished speaking, the hall was silent.

Both Ying Zheng and the ministers felt that this method sounded quite reasonable.

Today's Great Qin does not have a clear assessment system.

The promotion and appointment of officials are all based on personal preference.

The test proposed by Ying Xi is the key to determining whether to be promoted.

While the ministers were still thinking about it, Ying Zheng's eyes lit up.

He has communicated with Ying Xi a lot. When the imperial examination system was implemented, he had an in-depth exchange with Ying Xi.

And Ying Xi's theory seems to be similar to the current one.

That is to choose the best!

Through the rural examination, outstanding students from all over Daqin will be gathered to participate in the general examination.

Then the already excellent students were selected to participate in the palace examination, and finally the best talents were selected.

And what Ying Xi just said seems to be the same reason.

Let all officials start from the smallest ones, promote them if they do well, and then select them layer by layer, and finally those who enter the court are the best officials in the Great Qin Dynasty!

"Good! Good way!"

Ying Zheng praised greatly, and then said: "In this case, according to what the crown prince said, let's arrange these people in the memorial like this!"

(End of this chapter)

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