Da Qin: I asked you to touch the jade seal, but you touched a woman?

Chapter 471 Imprisoned in prison, Fusu's blood is cold

Chapter 471 Imprisoned in prison, Fusu's blood is cold
Fusu collapsed.

He didn't even figure out the height and appearance of the five people he mentioned, so how could he figure out what characteristics they had?
Seeing Fusu's painful and dull expression, even a fool would know that Fusu was indeed lying.

"Good! Good!"

Ying Zheng suddenly slapped the desk heavily.

"Han Xin, take him down and put him in prison!"


Han Xin stepped forward directly, and wanted to pull Fusula away.

At this time, Fusu woke up like a dream, and suddenly knelt down beside Yingzheng.

"Father, my son knows his mistake! My son knows his mistake!"

"Is it wrong?"

Hearing these familiar words, Ying Zheng became even more angry.

Just now, after Fusu said he knew his mistake, he made up a series of lies to deceive himself.

Now I know I was wrong again?

Or are you going to lie to yourself again?

"Take it off!"

Fusu cried and shouted, but Han Xin grabbed his hands and dragged him down.

Ying Zheng rubbed his forehead, feeling very headache.

Upon seeing this, Li Si and others resigned and left.

However, Ying Zheng did not let them go.

"Xiao He, you guessed the widow's mind during the palace test, so if you guess now, how will the widow deal with Fusu?"

Xiao He suddenly had one head and two big ones.

What a joke!
Back then he was a stupefied young man who said whatever came to his mind.

But now, especially after seeing Fusu's performance just now, how dare he express his own judgment?

From the bottom of his heart, Fusu would have been beheaded long ago as an ordinary general, whether it was because he went deep into the enemy army and caused Yuyang City to be trapped, or he just deceived His Majesty.

But Fusu didn't. The reason for all this is that Fusu is His Majesty's son.

With this level of relationship, how dare outsiders speak up?

Ying Zheng urged.

Xiao He had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "Your Majesty, I think that Mr. Fusu made a big mistake first, then avoided the mistake, and now he deceived His Majesty, logically speaking, he should be executed..."

Having said this, Xiao He quickly shut up.

It's all been cut off, what else is there to say?

However, Ying Zheng did not let go of the details in Xiao He's words.

"You said that it should be executed logically, so what do you say?"


Xiao He only felt that this was a gift proposition.

You're right, it might be Fusu's life.

If you make a mistake, it will be your own life.

Xiao He could only look at Ying Xi, wanting to get a hint from Ying Xi.

However, Ying Xi looked at the outside of the hall without squinting, showing no sign of giving him the slightest look.

The last person to ask for help was gone, so Xiao He had no choice but to get it: "I think that Mr. Fu Su should also be executed."

Ying Zheng's face darkened, gloomy and terrifying.

Xiao He's heart skipped a beat, did he give the wrong answer?
Just as he was fighting between the two, thinking that Ying Zheng was going to punish him, he didn't expect that Ying Zheng just waved his hand.

"Retire. Xi'er stay."

Xiao Heru was pardoned and quickly withdrew.

After only Ying Xi was left, Ying Zheng sighed.

"Xi'er, what do you think the widow should do?"

His face was so ugly just now, because according to the laws of Great Qin, the result of supporting Su is death!
But he is his son after all.

Ying Zheng only found it extremely difficult.

Ying Xi didn't say anything. He didn't take Fusu's life or death that seriously.What he values ​​​​is whether Ying Zheng can set a good example for the world.

Of course Ying Zheng also understands this truth, but it is precisely because he wants to set a good example for the world that he must die to help Su!
After making this decision, Ying Zheng seemed to be several years old, and waved to Ying Xi: "Xi'er, you should also step back."

Ying Xi bid farewell and left, but instead of going back to the Prince's Mansion, he went to the prison.

At this time, Fusu never expected that he would get rid of his status as a beggar and become a prisoner again in a blink of an eye.

It was meal time, and after seeing the food in the prison, which was even worse than the leftovers he begged for, he suddenly lost his temper.

Fusu threw the prisoner on the ground directly: "Come, come!"

The jailer stepped forward angrily: "Dare to throw the bowl, don't you want to live?"

Fu Su said angrily: "I think you don't want to live anymore! Do you know who I am?"

Naturally, a little jailer had never seen Fusu, and immediately sneered: "I don't know who you are, but you have to know who I am!"

After finishing speaking, the jailer directly pulled out his whip and whipped it towards Fusu.

"Ah yo!"

Fusu had no room to dodge, he was savagely whipped on his body, and the pain was so hot that he yelled directly.

"Dare to throw the bowl! Let you throw the bowl!"

The jailer went down with two more whips, and Fusu finally couldn't help shouting: "You are so daring! I am Fusu, His Majesty's eldest son, you dare to hit me!"

The jailer didn't believe it at all: "Nonsense!"

"Your Majesty's eldest son disappeared a month ago. If you dare to pretend to be your majesty's eldest son, I must report the truth!"

Fusu wanted to argue, but suddenly saw Ying Xi standing aside, watching the scene indifferently.

Fusu quickly pointed at Yingxi: "Look at him! He is Yingxi, my fifth younger brother! Ask him if I am Fusu!"

The jailer turned around, and when he saw that it was indeed Ying Xi, he hurried forward and said, "His Royal Highness!"

He also participated in the defense of Xianyang that day, saw Ying Xi's majestic and heroic posture, and was extremely impressed by Ying Xi's single-handed efforts to save Daqin.

"Well, you're doing well."

Ying Xi praised: "This is what it should be for this kind of person who pretends to be His Majesty's son and harms His Majesty's reputation."

Received Ying Xi's praise, the jailer was immediately overjoyed.

"I'll take a look at the prisoners in the cell, you go out to eat first."

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness!"

The jailer thanked him and left.

With only Ying Xi left, Fusu's eyes were about to burst into flames when he looked at Ying Xi.

"Why don't you say I'm Fusu?"

It's fine not to say that he is Fusu, but to say that he is a fake!

This is to let him be beaten here on purpose!
Vicious to the extreme!

"Do you want to ruin your father's reputation? Or do you want the world to know that you have been imprisoned?"

Ying Xi's words directly changed Fusu's expression.


If he can go out in the future, the prison disaster today must be his shame.

The fewer people who know, the better.

Why did I get so lost in my mind that I even wanted to reveal my identity?

Fu Su couldn't say a word to thank Ying Xi, so he could only hold his neck: "You don't need to be hypocritical to treat me well!"

"good for you?"

Ying Xi smiled suddenly: "Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to treat you well."

"I'm here to tell your father the result."

Upon hearing Ying Zheng, Fu Su immediately became excited: "What did the father say?"

"What do you think?"

Ying Xi asked rhetorically, "How do you think it's more appropriate to deal with a royal family who has caused my Daqin to lose tens of thousands of elite soldiers and evaded punishment?"

After Ying Xi finished speaking, Fusu's blood went cold.

(End of this chapter)

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