Chapter 47

"Young Master Lanxi!!!"

Thinking of this, Li Mu couldn't help clenching his fists tightly, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

I saw his footsteps paused, turning into a stream of light and galloping away towards the distance.

Once a warrior reaches the realm of heaven and man, he can easily fly into the sky and escape from the earth.

Lian Po has already fallen, and the strongest in the Zhao army is undoubtedly Li Mu.

But now that even he chooses to escape, he undoubtedly gave up the 25 Zhao army, and also gave up his glory as the God of War.

However, regarding Li Mu's behavior, Wang Jian was helpless.

Although he was able to fight Li Mu back and forth with the help of the blood Shura, if a celestial warrior insisted on running away, not to mention him, even a half-immortal would be hard to stop him!

"Li Mu, escaped?"

Seeing this, Lan Xi couldn't help narrowing his eyes slightly.

However, he did not let Cao Changqing go after him.

Although Li Mu is strong, he is only one person after all, and cannot affect the overall situation at all.

Also, a living person is more useful than a dead one.

If Li Mu fled to other countries, then Daqin could use this as an excuse to force the country to hand over Li Mu, if not, there would be a reason to go to war.

Originally, the appearance of Chen Zhibao, the sage in white, caused Zhao Jun to collapse.

Now that Li Mu has escaped, the entire Zhao army has no leader, and there is complete chaos.


Under the leadership of Chen Zhibao, Xiaoqi crazily harvested Zhao Jun's life!
Great Qin!won!
"Hahaha! Now that Great Zhao is dead, our Great Qin will unify the world just around the corner!"

Li Xin, who was in charge of commanding the three armies, couldn't help being very excited when he saw this scene.

Especially when he saw the terrifying power displayed by Chen Zhibao, he was even more shocked.

Unexpectedly, under the sect of Mr. Lanxi, there is actually a half-immortal. This background is too terrifying.

Previously, when Li Xin learned that Mr. Lanxi was going to lead ten thousand Xiaoqi into the rear of the enemy army, he felt extremely absurd in his heart!
Although the Confucian saint Cao Changqing is powerful, he is only a mortal after all. Facing a war at the level of a national war, what can he control?

But the fact is that he was slapped in the face!

Ordinary half-immortal existences naturally couldn't do it, but what if it was a peak half-immortal?

With only ten thousand brave cavalry, it is naturally impossible to break through the enemy's infantry formation, but what if these ten thousand soldiers are led by a military strategist and half immortal?
Although Li Xin felt that his old face was being slapped and hurt, he wished he could feel this way a few more times.

Now there are two half-immortals in Daqin, one of whom is the peak half-immortal. In the future, he will definitely be able to unify the world and become an eternal empire!
Compared with this, what is a mere face?

Not to mention slaps in the face, even if he was asked to kneel down and kowtow, Li Xin would be willing.

Of course, now that the Zhao army is defeated, he, the commander of the three armies, has to clean up the mess.

Immediately, an excited smile was drawn on the corner of Li Xin's mouth, and he continued to issue orders one after another.

Although the Zhao army was defeated, its number should not be underestimated.

Either choose to surrender, or choose to die!


I saw a sharp sword light flickering past, and a general of Zhao State was chopped off with his man and horse.

The horse under Lan Xi's crotch roared excitedly, the black armor was dripping with bright red blood, and the whole body was filled with a terrifying murderous aura.

soon!Lan Xi came to the front of Zhao Jun's banner, and a man knelt in front of him.

This person is Sima Shang!

Not only Li Mu's deputy general, but also a general second only to Li Mu and Lian Po in the Zhao army's status.

After Lian Po's fall, he commanded the Zhao army.

But in the face of the terrifying power of the military strategist Banxian, even if he used all his strategies, he could not control the situation of the battle.

With the continuous defeat of Zhao Jun, coupled with the crazy harvest of Daqin cavalry, failure is a foregone conclusion!

"Big dead!"

I saw Sima Shang kneeling on the ground with a look of despair on his face.

If it weren't for the presence of the two half-immortals, Zhao Jun's situation would never have been like this.

When Lian Po and Li Mu appeared earlier and gathered an army of 25, Zhao Jun was saddened by the death of King Zhao, but as long as Li Mu was still around, Great Zhao would never perish!

What about now?
Lian Po fell and Li Mu fled.

Zhao Jun has no morale, the formation is defeated, and he is constantly harvested by the Great Qin Iron Cavalry.

Everything is dead!

If only relying on Wang Jian and Li Xin, it would be absolutely impossible to force Da Zhao to such a degree. All the reasons are because of the young master Lan Xi in front of him.

Thinking of this, Sima Shang raised his head with a miserable smile.

"Young Master Lan Xi, Da Zhao is willing to surrender!"


Hearing this, Lan Xi couldn't help but narrowed his eyes slightly, a cold light flashed in the depths of his pupils, and the black battle armor kept dripping blood.

During the Battle of Changping, the number of Zhao Jun who fell in his hands exceeded a thousand, and his body was filled with a monstrous murderous aura.

"Hmph! Do you think that with my Great Qin's strength, you still need to surrender?" Lan Xi said blankly, "During the First Battle of Changping, if only one of my Great Qin Iron Cavalry fell, you would have to be buried with Zhao Jun ten times as much!"

Great Qin was originally a country of tigers and wolves, and it relied on wars to support wars, so how could it waste food on captives?
Moreover, even if the Zhao army is slaughtered, there are still countries such as Great Chu, Great Wei, and Great Yan among the Seven Kingdoms. Why should Great Qin worry about not surrendering its troops?
Although a half-immortal warrior is powerful, even a half-immortal who majored in swordsmanship can only break through ten thousand armors with a single blow. It is simply a fool's dream to massacre an army of 10 with one's own strength.

Great Qin was able to win the battle of Changping. Although the Confucian saint Cao Changqing and the military saint Chen Zhibao played a big role, it is still the powerful military strength of Great Qin that really determines the outcome of the war.

It is well known that the Great Qin has strong soldiers and strong horses.

But if Daqin wants to unify the world, it has to continuously expand this advantage.

Before arriving in Changping, Lan Xi once had a thought in his heart, whether to imitate what the god of killing Bai Qi did back then and slaughter Zhao Jun!

However, Lan Xi did not make this decision in the end.

After all, in the future, after the Great Qin Dynasty became an empire through the ages, the Great Wall and the official roads of the Seven Kingdoms would still need to be built, and a lot of manpower would have to be spent at that time.

"Master Lanxi, you!!!"

Although he had already guessed in his heart, Sima Shang still couldn't help but feel angry and looked at Lan Xi hysterically.

"How dare you do that? Aren't you afraid of being punished by God?"

"Hehe! It's only right and proper to kill and pay for life. Why should I be afraid?" Lan Xi said with a cold expression on his face.

"During the First Battle of Changping, my Daqin cavalry also fell countless times. According to Daqin's iron law, you should have been repaid a hundred times, but I am kind in my heart, as long as you repay ten times!"

"Of course, if you are dissatisfied, then follow the original plan!"

(End of this chapter)

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