Da Qin: I asked you to touch the jade seal, but you touched a woman?

Chapter 454 Qi State and Donghu unite, Qi State’s surname is reversed

Chapter 454 Qi State and Donghu united, and the people of Qi State rebelled
"We are not the only ones attacking Qin State this time, Qi State, Donghu, and Dayue Clan have made changes."

"If we can unite with them, plus anti-Qin forces such as Chu and Yanzhao, we may not be able to fight!"

"Even if you die in battle, it will still hurt Qin's vitality!"

"There are so many nobles in the state of Qin who are very annoyed at Prince Qin Yingxi. Once they have the chance, they will definitely take action!"

"Under the gathering of multiple forces, there may not be no opportunities!"

Hearing Tian Shang's analysis, a lot of hope rose in the eyes of everyone.

The situation seems to be the case!

King Qi frowned: "Then Donghu and Dayue clan are foreigners, and they are the common enemy of our six countries. If we fight against Qin with them, I'm afraid..."

Tian Shang smiled slightly when he heard the words, he had thought of this a long time ago: "My lord, I'm afraid Donghu is also very frightened now because of Ying Xi's resurrection, we don't need to say anything to them at all, as long as they show a little sign, they will come back Understood."

King Qi's eyes lit up immediately: "Well said! Tian Shang, I will leave this matter to you! Go immediately!"

In Yuyang City, Meng Tian appeared on the city wall again.

After returning to Xianyang to file a complaint, Meng Tian rushed back to Yuyang City with [-] Qin soldiers.

He has never forgotten that he is the guard of Yuyang City.

After a few days of trimming and restoration, Yuyang City has almost recovered.

And after the previous bloody battle, the soldiers who survived in Yuyang City had sharp eyes, which made people shudder.

Seeing Meng Tian coming back, the lieutenant hurried over.

"There hasn't been any movement in Donghu these days, right?" Meng Tian asked.

The deputy general laughed: "General, those thieves have been frightened to death when they heard that His Highness the Crown Prince is resurrected. How dare they attack?"

Meng Tian also smiled when he heard this.

Indeed, Ying Xi doesn't even need to be used, just the small news of being alive is enough to make Donghu people tremble with fear.

Just as he was talking, a soldier ran over.

"General, there is a change in the Donghu people!"

"what happened?"

Meng Tian frowned, just said that the Donghu people were frightened, could it be that he was so unlucky that the Donghu people changed when he came here?
The soldier shook his head: "General, the Donghu people seem to be moving east."


Hearing this news, Meng Tian was still puzzled.

If you want to withdraw, you will also withdraw to the north. Why withdraw to the east?
After opening the map, Meng Tian understood a little bit.

The direction of Donghu's evacuation turned out to belong to Da Qin now, but it was originally a territory of Yan State!
Do you want to use the power of rebels in the land of Yanzhao?
Meng Tian sneered in his heart, the rebellion in the land of Yanzhao had already been resolved by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

Even if there are, they are just stragglers, not successful.

Do Donghu people think that with these, they can fight Daqin?

Isn't it too ridiculous?

At this moment, Li Chungang walked in suddenly, and pointed at the map.

This finger made Meng Tian startled.

Because the line drawn by Li Chungang actually connects Donghu and Qi.

Could it be that Donghu's real purpose is not the rebels in Yanzhao, but Qi?

Thinking of this, Meng Tian hurriedly asked someone to send back a message that Donghu had colluded with Qi Guo!
When Ying Xi got the news, he was on his way to Qi with Li Xin, Wang Ben and three thousand snow dragon riders.That's right, there are only three thousand Snow Dragon Riders.

Ying Xi even felt that three thousand snow dragon riders were too much, and he originally only wanted to bring one thousand snow dragon riders.

But after thinking about it, the purpose of this trip, in addition to destroying Qi, also needs to deter those rebellious forces.

Three thousand snow dragon riders are enough.

Opening the incoming message, Ying Xi sneered after reading it.

Donghu really thought he didn't die fast enough, so he dared to come and meddle in Qi's affairs.

Don't they know that they already have half a foot in hell?
Since he is so unafraid of death, then when Qi is destroyed, Donghu will also be beaten to death.

But after thinking about it, Ying Xi felt that it was not enough.

This time, Da Yueshi was also the one who attacked Da Qin.

Now that it has been dispatched, then simply eliminate all frontier enemies!

He immediately wrote a letter and sent it to Chen Zhibao.

Since Donghu sent troops to aid Qi, then let Chen Zhibao go straight to Huanglong and destroy Donghu's base camp!

Da Yuezhi, of course, is the same.

Li Xin and Wang Ben on the side opened their mouths in shock when they saw Ying Xi's arrangement.

Your Royal Highness, what a big ambition!

But immediately, there was endless excitement and admiration between the two of them.

Destroying the Six Kingdoms, and even the Donghu and Da Yuezhi, this is an unrivaled feat!
They are by Ying Xi's side, and their names in the future will surely be passed down through the ages!
When Ying Xi rushed to Qi State, the civil and military officials of Qi State were also mobilizing the forces they could mobilize in all parts of Qi State.

"You all have to think about it. Ying Xi is killing nobles in Qin State. Do you think he will let you go after destroying Qi State?"

"No! He will definitely destroy nine or even ten of your clans!"

"So, gather your strength and ours and fight against Qin together, so that there is a chance of survival!"

The nobles of the Qi State were indifferent at first, but after hearing such a statement of interests, they all became afraid, and contributed all they could to the Qi State.

But those common people are not so active.

"You have to think about it, you are the people of the Qi State, so how can Ying Xi treat you well?" The officials of the Qi State tried their best to persuade the people of the Qi State, wanting to make them all soldiers.

However, the common people didn't accept this at all, instead they were full of anger with Qi officials.

"It's all your fault! You attacked Qin State for your own benefit, which caused Qin State to counterattack!"

"We have all heard that the people of those countries captured by the Qin State will become the same as ordinary Qin people within a few years!"

"That's right, even if we were killed by the Qin people, it would be your fault!"

The people of Qi State became more and more angry, and finally even rushed up to do something, scaring the officials of Qi State to turn around and run away, even losing one of their shoes.

The commoners were still angry, and rushed into the local county government office to smash it, scaring the officials to retreat quickly.

Although these common people are from the Qi State, the nobles and officials of the Qi State are really inappropriate and do everything they can to oppress them. It can be said that the common people are living in dire straits.

At first they didn't think so, but when they heard that the people of the Qin State could take part in the imperial examination and enter the court as officials, they all became envious.

They couldn't bear the thought that they had been farmers in Qi State for generations, and that they would be oppressed by nobles at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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