Da Qin: I asked you to touch the jade seal, but you touched a woman?

Chapter 450 Palace examination questions, how to deal with Fusu?

Chapter 450 Palace examination questions, how to deal with Fusu?
In the summer of the 21st year of Qin Wangzheng, the first day of July.

On this day, the city of Xianyang was full of voices, and everyone was talking about the same thing.

Who will win the champion for the first time in the world.

Outside the Xianyang Palace, more than 200 students looked nervous, waiting for the call.

At every moment, Li Si walked out of the palace gate, looked at the nervous and excited students, and smiled slightly.

"Your Majesty ordered that Xuan students enter the palace!"

The students, who were already excited, became even more excited.

Some students, who can't even walk, almost tripped themselves to the ground.

After entering Xianyang Palace, he soon followed Li Si to the main hall.

Today's hall is different from the past, it is full of tables, chairs and benches.

The ministers stood outside the hall.

Today's protagonists are not them, but these students.

The students entered the hall with trepidation and sat down, not even daring to put their arms on the table in front of them, they were very cautious.

There was only one person who looked indifferent, and even directly propped his arms on the table, with a look of indifference.

Ying Zheng secretly saw the expressions of the students, and nodded.

Following Li Si's voice "Your Majesty is here", the students hurriedly stood up.

Although they had met Ying Zheng before, but the environment was different, they always felt that Ying Zheng in the hall was more majestic than that day.

"See Your Majesty!"

The students quickly saluted.

Ying Zheng chuckled, "Excuse me."

He knew that taking the exam in front of him would inevitably cause some nervousness. What he could do was to make these students as emotionally stable as possible and to be in the best state possible for the exam.

After the students sat down, Ying Zheng said: "You have passed the provincial and general examinations, and you can stand here in the end, which is enough to prove that you are the best students in my Daqin. I am very happy to see you!"

"A few days ago, I, Daqin, encountered that catastrophe. I am very satisfied with your performance!"

"The widow will give you a reassurance first, that is, no matter how well you perform today, you will definitely become the ministers of my Great Qin!"

This sentence made many students feel uneasy, and the students who were afraid that they would not pass the exam could feel at ease.

With His Majesty's promise, they can let go of their courage.

"Okay, let's not talk much, you guys answer the questions."

The hall immediately fell silent, only the soft sound of answering questions remained.

Ying Zheng didn't move. He sat on the throne and looked at the students below, full of anticipation.

This is the background of Daqin for the next few decades!
The ministers outside looked at this scene in the hall, and they were extremely envious.

Although they have been officials for a long time, they have never heard such praise from Ying Zheng.

Even seeing the students being so valued, they felt a little regretful.

Why wasn't he the one who took the exam inside?
Just as he was thinking, there was a sudden commotion among the officials behind him.

The ministers turned their heads and saw Ying Xi walking towards them, they couldn't help being very surprised.

What is Ying Xi doing here?
Ying Xi didn't know either, but Han Xin came to the door suddenly and said that Ying Zheng invited him over.

In his opinion, besides the final champion, today's protagonist is Ying Zheng.

As a prince, there is no need for him to show up.

The ministers hurriedly made way for Ying Xi to come forward.

Ying Xi walked to the front, looked at the situation in the hall and didn't go in, but nodded at Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng smiled, but did not let Ying Xi in.

There were only two questions in the written test, so after only half an hour, the test was over.

The students put down their pens and ink, their faces extremely tense.

In fact, they were not nervous when answering the questions.Because they had discussed these two topics many times, they already had ideas in their minds.

But when the test papers were collected, they still became nervous.

It's one thing to discuss it in ordinary times, but it's another thing to ask people to judge.

At this time, Ying Zheng waved to Ying Xi: "Xi'er, come and judge with me."


Outside the main hall, the ministers were in an uproar.

No one expected that when Ying Xi came over, His Majesty asked him to judge together!

They also want this honor!
The ministers looked eagerly at the hall, but Ying Zheng didn't even look at them.

Ying Xi was also a little surprised, but after thinking about it, Ying Xi understood what Ying Zheng meant by this move.

These two questions are related to him, so it is perfect for him to participate in the judgment.

An hour later, all the more than 200-point answer sheets were read.

Students usually discuss these two questions a lot, so the answers are almost the same, and there are too many differences.

It was also at this time that Ying Zheng realized why Ying Xi asked him to ask a question.

Ying Xi looked at Ying Zheng curiously.

When he went to inquire yesterday, Ying Zheng kept a secret and didn't tell him what the topic was.

The students looked at Ying Zheng, not only curious, but also apprehensive.

They don't know whether this fate-determining question is difficult or not.

The ministers also pricked up their ears, wanting to hear what Ying Zheng's last question was.

Ying Zheng smiled and finally spoke.

"Tens of days ago, at the junction of Daqin and Donghu, there was a tough battle no less than the defense of Xianyang."

"General Meng Tian led [-] soldiers to defend Yuyang City for half a month. You should all know about this."

The students nodded one after another, and the ministers outside also nodded slightly, and at the same time they all started guessing.

Could it be that His Majesty's question is about what to do with Donghu?

It should be like this, similar to those two questions.

The students were also relieved. Although they didn't discuss much about Donghu, they still had discussions.

The students pondered in their hearts how to answer it later.

However, Ying Zheng suddenly changed the subject at this time.

"But do you know why this battle started? And why is it so tragic?"

The students were suddenly bewildered, how did they know this?

The ministers were also very surprised. They had heard about it, but they couldn't talk about it!

Ying Xi, who was standing by Ying Zheng's side, changed his expression. He seemed to have guessed what Ying Zheng's topic was.

At the same time, he finally understood that when Ying Zheng asked him to come, judging the test papers was only one of them. The real purpose was to express his attitude to himself.

He will never tolerate Fusu!
Sure enough, Ying Zheng later told Fusu into the trap of the Donghu people rashly, and Meng Tian sacrificed his life to save Yuyang City, which led to Yuyang City being trapped.

In the end, Ying Zheng glanced over the group of students.

"My question is, what do you think should be done with Fusu?"

Ying Zheng's voice fell, and the hall was suddenly silent.

The ministers outside also lowered their heads in unison at this time and remained silent.


too difficult!
Who doesn't know that Fusu is His Majesty's son, but the tens of thousands of soldiers who died in Yuyang City were also citizens of Daqin!

(End of this chapter)

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