Da Qin: I asked you to touch the jade seal, but you touched a woman?

Chapter 441 Unless the Crown Prince Appears Immediately

Chapter 441 Unless the Crown Prince Appears Immediately
The sound of the mountain shouting like a tsunami echoed throughout Xianyang City.

Hearing this voice, all the people went out and shouted together.

The only ones who did not move were the nobles and officials.

In their view, if it is useful to speak harshly, then it is impossible for Daqin to destroy other countries.

It can only be self-consolation.

They are already thinking about how they can maintain their current glory and wealth after Xianyang City is captured.

Before Yingzheng went back, he asked Li Si to record the names of the students who came to petition, saying that they would reward them for their merits after winning the Xianyang defense battle.

Looking at the list above, a dark air appeared on Ying Zheng's face.

Sure enough, exactly as he thought, these hundreds of people were all students from poor families.

And none of the noble children who were also preparing for the imperial examination came!
Disappointed, extremely disappointed!
Li Si who was on the side couldn't help sighing in his heart, His Royal Highness really saw it very accurately, these noble officials are completely moths of the Great Qin!
When Daqin was strong, they even ate and took, wishing to make all of Daqin's wealth their own.

But when Daqin was in danger, they just hid.

Li Si had no doubt that if surrendering could preserve their status as nobles, these people would surrender without hesitation and become noble officials of Qi.

"It's my dereliction of duty that I didn't kill all these people!" Ying Zheng clenched his fists angrily.

But at this time, in the face of Qi Guo's upcoming attack, he couldn't kill people at will.

"You guys are praying that the country of Qi must not be vulnerable!" Ying Zheng gritted his teeth.

"Your Majesty, Minnen is also willing to help Daqin."

At this time, Xiaomeng's voice suddenly sounded.

Ying Zheng and Li Si were surprised to hear that Xiao Meng offered to help Da Qin.

They knew very well that Xiaomeng was cold by nature, and during the days she stayed by Ying Xi's side, she never took the initiative to say what she would do.

Always walk alone.

Today, why do you suddenly want to do something, or help Daqin?
Xiao Meng saw the doubts of the two, but did not explain.

The reason why she wanted to help Daqin was because she saw the students who petitioned and the people who shouted today. From these people, Xiaomeng seemed to understand something.

Perhaps, this is the way of these people!
It is precisely because of this that she has to do it herself to feel the way of these people!

At this moment, Zhang Han suddenly rushed in.

"Your Majesty, the Qi army is approaching!"

Just when Xianyang City was about to face the biggest crisis since the founding of the Great Qin Dynasty, the same was true in Yuyang City.

After being besieged for another ten days, Yuyang City had run out of ammunition and food.

There are only 1 remaining soldiers, all of whom have yellow faces and chapped lips.

They had not had a full meal for three days.

Like the soldiers, Meng Tian had not even had a full meal for five days.

Looking at the soldiers who just went through a big battle and didn't even have the energy to collect the corpses of their dead comrades, two lines of hot tears rolled down Meng Tian's face.

Thinking of the instigator who made them suffer so much, Meng Tian rushed into Fusu's mansion furiously.

"Fusu, come out! Get out!"

At this time, Meng Tian is not polite anymore, if the other party is not the son of His Majesty, he would have killed him long ago!
Fusu naturally also knew that he had caused a catastrophe, and after being rescued, he never showed his face, and stayed in the mansion all day long in fear.

Hearing Meng Tian's murderous voice, he was too frightened to answer.

Meng Tian didn't find Fusu, he was so angry that he hacked a few tables and chairs with his knife, and left angrily.

Finding Fusu to vent his anger now will not solve the current predicament at all.

What made him even more angry was that if Yuyang City was really breached, he and his soldiers would definitely not be spared, but Fusu would have a high chance of surviving.After all, Fusu is His Majesty's son and a good bargaining chip.

When I came outside, looking at the soldiers who were searching for even a little bit of food on the ground, tears welled up in my eyes again.

He looked in the direction of Xianyang and fell heavily to his knees.

"His Royal Highness, Your Majesty, the final general has a responsibility, and he deserves death!"

This time, they blocked the Donghu people's attack, but next time, the city might be destroyed!

Li Chungang frowned as he watched the tragic situation in Yuyang City.

With his secret help, Yuyang City tried its best to resist Donghu's several attacks, but if this continues, if he wants to keep Yuyang City, he may show his face.

Why hasn't His Royal Highness come out yet?

Could it be some accident?
Li Chungang was startled secretly, and also looked in the direction of Xianyang City.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!"

Li Xin led his soldiers towards the direction of Qi State.

But before arriving in Dingtao, he suddenly received an urgent report.

"What? Qi's [-] troops have arrived at the city of Xianyang? How is this possible!"

Li Xin read the emergency report carefully, and after confirming that it was true, he immediately ordered everyone to come back for help.

On the other side of the border, there are still people who can encourage and resist, but there are only tens of thousands of people in Xianyang City!

However, before the army turned around, Chu Nangong suddenly appeared in front of the army.


Li Xin was shocked, and looked at Chu Nangong with fear.

This person can get close without being discovered by himself, and dare to face so many people alone, if he does not have a certain strength, even he himself would not believe it.

"It doesn't matter who I am."

Chu Nangong looked at Li Xin: "I just want to tell you that the only way you can go is to go to the border of Qi State."

He walked between Li Xin and Xianyang City: "This road doesn't work."

Li Xin's eyes widened, and he immediately realized what the other party was doing.

This is to break his heart to come back!

Li Xin was immediately anxious, the most important thing now was to return to Xianyang City.

But he also knew that if he forced his way back, this person would definitely start a killing spree, and by that time, they would probably have to die in vain.

After thinking about it, Li Xin suddenly had an idea.

"Okay, I'll go to the border of Qi State!"

Seeing that Li Xin really turned around, Chu Nangong showed a smile on his face.

He understood what Li Xin was thinking of.

Don't you just want to follow the example of Qi State and raid the capital of Qi State?
But Qi Guo bribed the soldiers of Hangu Pass, what did Li Xin bribe?
"Qi State, the old man has helped you so far, if you still can't destroy Qin State, then Qin State is not exhausted. But..."

Chu Nangong's face was full of confidence: "The only possibility of Qin's survival this time is the reappearance of Yingxi!"

But that seal was made by him and Guiguzi Xiaoyaozi, how could it be broken at will?
Besides, if Yingxi can really break through, why not do it earlier?

Daqin is doomed!

In Xianyang City, when it was heard that the army of Qi State was attacking, unexpectedly, except for the panicked nobles and officials, everyone was very calm.

(End of this chapter)

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