Chapter 428 Xunzi's Trust
Fu Nian came over from a distance, wanting to persuade Xunzi again not to join forces with Ying Xi, and also saw the cloth on the ground at a glance.

Picking it up in the past, Fu Nian was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly burst out laughing.

The sudden wild laughter made Xunzi a little puzzled. What made Fu Nian so happy?

Before he could ask, Fu Nian had come to him like a whirlwind.

"Sir, look, Ying Xi has been buried!"

buried? !
Xunzi was taken aback, then quickly snatched the cloth from Fu Nian's hand, and looked down.

I saw only a few words written on it——

Ying Xi has been buried alive by me!

And these wanton words, Xunzi could tell at a glance that they were written by Yan Lu.


Xunzi shook his head immediately.

What kind of strength is Yan Lu, and what kind of strength is Yingxi?
To put it bluntly, Ying Xi could crush Yan Lu to death with a move of his little finger, and the two sides were not opponents of the same level at all.

What Yan Lu said must be a lie.

At this time Fu Nian also reacted, the smile on his face disappeared suddenly.

But within a few breaths, a smile appeared on Fu Nian's face again.

"Sir, I suddenly remembered that Yan Lu had said a few words to me before he left."

"Of course I think these few words are inexplicable, but now that I think about it, there should be some intention."

Xunzi's calm mood immediately became tense.

He knew that Fu Nian would never be aimless.

By saying that, he must be sure that the news written on the cloth is true.

Fu Nian said at this time: "At that time, Yan Lu said that he originally placed his hopes on the husband, but the husband had already disappointed him, so he had no choice but to seek help from others."

"He also said that since Confucianism is not credible, he will go to believe in other schools, and there will always be one that can help him avenge him!"

After Xunzi finished listening, he suddenly realized something, and quickly raised the cloth in his hand to look at it.

After seeing the unique Taoist mark on the cloth, Xunzi felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

Yan Lu actually got involved with Taoists!
Unlike Confucianism, Taoist people may not be as good as Confucianism in terms of knowledge and wisdom, but everyone in Taoism is a master.

If Yan Lu really had something to do with Taoism, I am afraid that what was written on the cloth would be true!

Fu Nian also thought of this at this time, and laughed again.

"Okay! Okay! What Yingxi did is against the law of heaven, and the retribution of the heavenly law is here!"

Xunzi stared blankly at the cloth in his hand, but he still didn't come to his senses for a while.

Ying Xi's strength is indeed very strong.

If the methods of the Taoists couldn't work against Ying Xi this time, it would be impossible for Yan Lu to send him such a message.

In other words, their method worked!

The so-called being buried alive means obviously, even if Ying Xi didn't die, he was sealed by them.

After Fu Nian laughed wildly, he looked at Xunzi.

"Sir, I would like to call you Sir."

"Now that Ying Xi is dead, I, Confucianism, will no longer be able to restrain me!"

"Sir, you should be back!"

After finishing speaking, Fu Nian looked at Xunzi expectantly.

He still respects Xunzi very much, and hopes that Xunzi can return to the great Confucianism he knows and admires.

However, Xunzi shook his head slowly.


Fu Nian was puzzled. In his opinion, the reason why Xunzi betrayed Confucianism was entirely because he was forced by Ying Xi.Now that Ying Xi can no longer appear again, there is absolutely no need for Xunzi to continue to be so aggrieved.

Seeming to know what Fu Nian wanted to say, Xunzi continued to shake his head.

"Fu Nian, I know what you mean, but what I want to tell you is that after in-depth study and understanding of the ideas of New Confucianism, I found that the former Confucianism is indeed outdated."

"The ideas of New Confucianism are not only applicable to the present, but also applicable to a long period of time in the future!"

"Even if Da Qin dies one day, these things will surely be inherited!"

"This is not to say that it will disappear with the death of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

Xunzi spoke extremely firmly, without any hesitation.

These are all his thoughts after studying New Confucianism in the past few days, without any falsehood.


Fu Nian looked at Xunzi as if he was looking at a stranger, a stranger he didn't know at all.

Xunzi didn't care about Fu Nian, nor was he even slightly depressed by the news of Ying Xi.

After taking a deep breath, he turned and returned to his room, and once again recorded the simple and straightforward New Confucianism that is easy to spread.

He knew very well that if Yan Lu could pass this news to himself, he could also pass this news to others.

It won't be long before the whole of Daqin will know the news of Ying Xi's accident.

At that time, those voices who secretly opposed Ying Xi will suddenly come out.

I have to hurry up and write the new Confucianism in simple and straightforward words as soon as possible, and then spread it to the people before those people do it.

This is also the best thing he can do for Ying Xi.

In the blink of an eye, it was the morning of the next day.

With a pair of dark circles under his eyes, Ying Zheng ascended the throne with a sullen face.

The ministers in the hall were secretly startled, wondering why Ying Zheng seemed in a bad mood.

"My dear friends, what's the matter?" Ying Zheng said in a deep voice.

Ministers, you look at me, I look at you, no one dares to speak.

Everyone could tell that Ying Zheng was in a bad mood today. If something bad happened, he might die because of it.

Anyway, those things are all about those untouchables, it doesn't make any difference to play one day earlier, let's wait until the day when His Majesty is in a better mood.

Therefore, all the ministers in the hall bowed their heads and remained silent.

At this time, Cao Changqing suddenly stood up.

"Your Majesty, I have something to announce!"

Hearing Cao Changqing's voice, all the ministers were shocked.

In their impression, Cao Changqing had never taken the initiative to stand up and announce something.

Often, what Cao Changqing said was told by Li Si to stand up and recite it on his behalf.

But today, Cao Changqing went out of his way and stood up by himself.

Is there any other big deal?
Still can't let Li Sidai relay it?

The hearts of the ministers were all raised immediately.

They all still remember that when the recommendation system was abolished and the imperial examination system was proposed, Li Si made it very clear that it was Cao Changqing who told him.

And where did Cao Changqing get it, needless to say, it was also Yingxi.

If Li Si is Ying Xi's third mouth, then Cao Changqing is Ying Xi's second mouth!

Every time the third mouth opened, it would already cause huge waves.

They really couldn't imagine what a big deal Ying Xi's second mouth would be, Cao Changqing's opening.

(End of this chapter)

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