Da Qin: I asked you to touch the jade seal, but you touched a woman?

Chapter 423 Examination Questions for Candidates

Chapter 423 Examination Questions for Candidates
In the next few days, Ying Xi was busy preparing to go to Qi.

However, he also found time to walk a few times in Xianyang City.

Nearly 20 days have passed since the end of the examination.

Candidates who failed the examination had naturally left, but those who passed the general examination were still staying in Xianyang City, waiting for the final palace examination.

The reason why Ying Xi went out for a stroll was to secretly hear what these candidates were discussing.

After these candidates passed the general examination, they thought that they would soon meet the King of Qin for the palace examination, but they didn't expect that the delay would be 20 days.

The original excitement has slowly disappeared, and the initial anxiety has also returned to normal.

Ying Xi was very relieved to hear that these candidates had refocused their attention on studying and reading.

Those candidates must be very excited after passing the exam.

If the imperial examination is conducted immediately, most of these candidates may be unable to perform properly.

Maybe a few of them may perform exceptionally well, but this is not what Ying Xi wants to see.

What he wanted was to see how these students performed under normal circumstances.

Only in this way can the true level of a student be assessed and then entrusted with important tasks.

Of course, this was only part of what he wanted to hear.

What he really wanted to hear was what these students said about taxes.

After a long talk with Ying Zheng all night, Ying Zheng announced this decree in the early morning of the next day.

But this decree was not surprisingly opposed by most courtiers.

Ying Zheng originally wanted to take action against these opposing ministers, but just as he was about to do so, Han Xin suddenly whispered something to him in a low voice.

In the end, Ying Zheng just locked up those ministers and retreated.

It's just that in the next few days, the question of meeting taxes was never mentioned again.

The one who stopped Ying Zheng was naturally Ying Xi.

The reason why he stopped Ying Zheng was because he suddenly thought of using this matter to examine those candidates.

He wanted to see what opinions these candidates had on tax reduction and exemption without being recognized.

Sure enough, the students who had already half-stepped into the court hall started talking after hearing about this matter.

Of course, there are pros and cons.

Support and opposition, these two opinions, Yingxi, have no prejudice. What he cares about is the reasons given by these students.

Most of these students are against it.

Their objections are similar to what Ying Zheng said at the beginning, which will arouse the opposition of the soldiers.

For these students, Ying Xi did not look down on them, but felt that these students were of high standard.

Because they have been able to think about things at the level of the whole Daqin.

He abolished the recommendation and opened the imperial examination, and the goal he wanted to achieve was to select officials for Daqin who could be considered for Daqin.

And those who support tax reduction and exemption are considered from the perspective of the common people.

They believed that the people were already suffering, and they had no reason to fight against Qin, and they should not be punished like this.

Ying Xi was also very satisfied with the candidates who had this opinion.

Because these candidates can consider things from the perspective of ordinary people.

Although the opinions of these two candidates are not comprehensive enough, they are biased.

But it is precisely because these two kinds of candidates have both, and after the matter is put on the table, there is such a solution.

But after wandering around for a few laps, Ying Xi didn't hear a better solution.

Returning to Xianyang Palace, Ying Xi told Ying Zheng what he saw and heard.Ying Zheng was extremely pleasantly surprised to hear that those students could think about tax collection from these two aspects.

Those ministers in the court are not even as good as those students!
"The widow can't wait to meet them."

Ying Xi smiled faintly: "Father, my son has already thought about the palace examination."

"Oh? Say it!"

Ying Zheng was very excited. He handed over the question of the imperial examination to Ying Xi. He originally thought that Ying Xi would think about it after he came back from Qi.

Unexpectedly, Ying Xi thought of it now.

Ying Xi smiled faintly, this is what he thought of after wandering around.

"The question in the palace examination is about what to do with taxes!"

Ying Xi went on to explain the reason: "These students now have their own views and opinions."

"During the palace examination, father, you should first ask their opinions, and then divide them into two sides and let them debate with each other."

It was the first time Ying Zheng heard of this method, and his eyes lit up.

"Xi'er, what do you mean, through their debate, come up with the best solution?"

"That's just one aspect."

Ying Xi nodded, then shook his head again: "More importantly, when they are arguing, you must see their true nature!"

As he said that, Ying Xi looked at Ying Zheng: "Father, my son thinks that these people's level of knowledge is sufficient, but we still don't know anything about what kind of people they are."

"If wisdom can be used for the right way, that's great. But if it's a person with bad character, then if he is allowed to enter the court as an official, it will be a disaster!"

"When the court debates, for the title of No. [-] Scholar, they will definitely do everything they can."

"And at this time, they will also expose their usual disguised faces. Maybe not all of them, but the so-called knowing the whole leopard from a glimpse is enough."

After pondering for a moment, Ying Zheng nodded slowly, "Xi'er is right!"

He had to admit that what Ying Xi said was absolutely correct.

If the ministers standing in the hall today have no talent at all, it is naturally impossible.

But what about talent?
Their kind of selfish people, the more talented they are, the more harmful they will be to Daqin!

Therefore, character is also extremely important!

"It's a good thing that Xi'er reminded the widow, otherwise we will make a big mistake." Ying Zheng's forehead was covered with cold sweat.

"That's not enough."

Ying Xi smiled and said, "Father, have you forgotten that we are the final decision makers."

"If they are good, they will live in peace. But if they really miss it, there will be villains who harmed Daqin. I wonder if the execution ground at Caishikou has been prepared."

Ying Zheng was taken aback for a moment, and then his face relaxed.

Yes, how could he forget about this matter?

If such villains really appeared, they would be killed!

"Xi'er, my heart is at ease!"

Ying Zheng let out a long sigh of relief, and then looked at Ying Xi: "Xi'er, have you prepared the congratulatory gift for your grandfather?"

Ying Xi nodded with a smile: "It has been prepared according to the requirements of the father."

"Okay, so when are you going to leave?"

"In two days, I have to meet Mr. Xun." Ying Xi said.

Upon hearing this, Ying Zheng smiled and nodded, "Well, I really should see him."

(End of this chapter)

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