Da Qin: I asked you to touch the jade seal, but you touched a woman?

Chapter 414 Public caning!It's going to be the champion

Chapter 414 Public caning!It's going to be the champion
The ministers were still dawdling, but after hearing Han Xin's words, they quickly started to do it themselves.

If the soldiers are allowed to do it, they will really lose face!
"Not decapitated?"

Only then did the people understand that it was whipping.

Although a little disappointed, the people are still very excited.

Under the propaganda of those students, they have regarded all the nobles and ministers as enemies hindering the development of Great Qin.

The enemy was beaten, of course they were happy.

After seeing the delicate skin and tender flesh of the ministers, the original intention of watching the excitement was gone, and they all became angry.

These people, facing the loess and back to the sky every day, worked desperately to survive.

But what about these ministers?

Look at their skin, it's so tender, it doesn't look like the same species as them!
At this time, the soldiers had already raised their whips and began to fight.

"one two Three……"

Hearing the sound of the whip being whipped on their backs, the common people felt relieved.

But soon, someone yelled, "Use some strength!"

This sentence immediately woke up the people, and they all shouted: "Strive hard!"

"Kill them!"

Most of the soldiers also came from the common people. After hearing about their relatives and even their parents in the crowd, and thinking of their parents' hard work, they worked harder.

The ministers could still bear it with all their strength, but as the soldiers started to attack harder and harder, they all cried out in pain.


A scream sounded outside Xianyang Palace.

But no one sympathized with them, whether it was the soldiers executing the execution or the people watching.

On the contrary, I think it's a good fight!
Fifty lashes were beaten quickly, but more than half of the ministers had already fainted to the ground.

How could they endure this kind of pain who never even moved heavy objects?
Seeing this, the people became even more angry.

They don't know how many times they have to feel this pain every year.

Didn't they survive?
These ministers, as His Royal Highness said, are the cancer of Great Qin!

With these people around, it is impossible for Daqin to get better!

These angry emotions not only spread among the common people, but even affected the students preparing for the exam.

After seeing the separation of the common people, those fresh-blooded students became excited one by one.

The test will be held as scheduled.

In the original history, the imperial examination system mostly relied on the content of the Four Books and Five Classics, or opinions on the content of the Four Books and Five Classics.

However, Ying Xi directly reduced the content of this part by more than half, but increased the policy theory that originally accounted for a very small amount by a lot.

The ones he wants to select are not sour scholars who can only recite poems and fight against each other. What he wants are officials who can do practical things!

And these policy issues are closely related to the current situation in Daqin.

After seeing these questions, the examinees couldn't suppress their enthusiasm immediately, and wrote down the answers one by one on the test paper with anger.

When the test paper was collected and sent to Ying Xi and Ying Zheng, they couldn't help but smile after reading it for a few minutes.

"Xi'er, although these people may not have very brilliant views, they are all good if they are able and willing to think about the development of our Great Qin, and are willing to think from the perspective of the common people."

"Father is right."

Ying Xi nodded, which was one of the reasons why he insisted on implementing the imperial examination system.

Only those who have seen the suffering of the people know what the people need most.

And those officials from noble families only think about how to make profits for their families, and don't think about the common people at all!

After Ying Zheng sighed, he laughed: "Xi'er, I originally thought that you had killed so many officials, and our Daqin might be faced with a situation where no one could use it." "But I didn't expect that after your imperial examination system, Our Great Qin has many more talents than I imagined!"

Ying Xi nodded with a smile, of course he knows that there are many talents in the world.

Even this is just the beginning, after all, there are not so many scholars now.

With the increasing coverage of reading, I believe that in the next few years, there will be more talents!

"Father, you should think about what questions were asked in the palace examination." Ying Xi reminded.


Ying Zheng was a little excited.

He had already learned from Ying Xi the rules of the imperial examination. He would write the questions himself, and then the best candidates in the exam would answer on the spot, and then he would judge the best one.

This person is the champion!

And No.2 is called a role model.

No.3 is Tanhua.

With these three titles alone, Ying Zheng sounded extremely excited.

"Xi'er, in a few days, I, Daqin, no! The first champion in history is about to appear!"

While Ying Xi and Ying Zheng were commenting on the candidates' answers, Fu Nian and Yan Lu of Xianyang Academy knelt and sat opposite Xun Zi, looking at their teacher in puzzlement.

That night, when Xunzi went to find Yingxi to buy time for the two of them, they thought they would never see their teacher again in this life.

Unexpectedly, they saw Xunzi come back that night.

At first, they thought it was because they were too sad and misunderstood.

But after following the past, I found out that it was really a teacher!

It's just that the teacher seems to have suffered extremely serious injuries, and even fell down from the original half-immortal realm.

The two were shocked at the time, thinking that Xunzi and Ying Xi had fought a lot.

Just as he was about to go in and ask about the situation, he didn't expect Xunzi to close the door directly and shut the two of them out.

The two thought that Xunzi needed to heal his wounds, so they stayed outside the door all night, for fear that Yingxi would bring someone over.

Unexpectedly, after a night of panic, no one broke into Xianyang Academy.

At that time, the two thought that Xunzi had done it, and killed Ying Xi.

Unexpectedly, Xunzi opened the door at this time, and before the two of them could speak, Xunzi left the academy with a piece of cloth.

The two hurriedly followed, only to find that Xunzi had gone to Li Si's prime minister's mansion, and then waited outside Xianyang Palace.

When they figured things out, they couldn't help being surprised.

Teacher, you actually wrote a letter of guilt to yourself!
what is the problem!

But they wanted to ask, but Xunzi never explained.

After that morning, Xunzi locked himself in his room every day and did not allow anyone to disturb him.

Today, Xunzi finally opened the door and let the two of them in.

"You all want to ask something, ask." Xunzi asked in a hoarse voice.

Fu Nian and Yan Lu looked at the scattered cloth and bamboo slips in the room, and they felt a little incredible.

You must know that, as a great Confucian in the world, Xunzi is not only worthy of worship in terms of knowledge and character, but also has requirements for the living environment.

Luxury is not necessarily required, but it must be tidy.

Such a chaotic room doesn't look like Xunzi's room at all!

(End of this chapter)

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