Da Qin: I asked you to touch the jade seal, but you touched a woman?

Chapter 410 Xunzi bent over, the minister questioned

Chapter 410 Xunzi bent over, the minister questioned
"Prime Minister, has Mr. Xun come over?" Ying Zheng said immediately.

Li Si nodded: "Your Majesty, Mr. Xun has already been waiting outside the palace!"


Following an order, Xunzi stepped into the hall with firm steps.

Seeing Xunzi appearing in the hall, all civil and military officials unanimously made way for him.

Although many of them did not know Xunzi, many of their sons, nephews and descendants regarded Xunzi as an idol and a teacher, and their ears felt callused.

The most important thing is that Xunzi is a great Confucian in the world, and it is worthy of them.

Xunzi quickly came to the center of the hall, and then, under the shocked eyes of the ministers, he knelt down slowly.

"The old man wears the body of sin, see Your Majesty!"


Xunzi's words directly caused the court to be noisy.

what's the situation?
Are they right?

Xunzi knelt down to His Majesty?

What about wearing a sinful body?
what's the problem?

Isn't Xunzi a great Confucian in the world?Why do you have to kneel before His Majesty?
And what is going on with this guilty body?

Why do they suddenly know nothing?

For Xunzi who had already let Yingxi go, Yingzheng certainly had no intention of punishing him. He raised his hand after hearing Xunzi's words.

"Mr. Xun got up and spoke."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Xunzi stood up, then bowed his body and faced Yingzheng.

Seeing Xunzi treat him so respectfully, Yingzheng's opinion of Yingxi raised another level.

Xi'er was able to reach this level after just talking with Xunzi for a while!
This is incredible!
While thinking excitedly in his heart, he raised the guilt letter in his hand.

"Mr. Xun, did you write the guilt letter in my hand?"

Before Xunzi could answer, the hall exploded again.

Book of guilt!
The paper they thought was accusing Ying Xi of what he had done turned out to be a letter of guilt!
And it's Xunzi's book of guilt, how is this possible!
Who is Xunzi, how could he make mistakes!
It's even more impossible to blame yourself for something like this!
The eyes of the ministers were all fixed on Xunzi in an instant.

They believed that Xunzi, who had been wronged, would definitely stand up and clarify.

Unexpectedly, Xunzi nodded very indifferently: "My Majesty, this letter of guilt was indeed written by the old man himself."

Xunzi's words were like dropping a heavy bomb in the hall, and all the ministers who were bombed were a little dizzy.

what happened?

Today's strange things are getting more and more outrageous!
Are they still dreaming and not waking up?
Several ministers even slapped themselves twice to verify whether they were dreaming.

When the crisp sound and painful feeling appeared at the same time, the ministers immediately understood that this was not a dream, but real!

Xunzi, a great Confucian in the world, really wrote a book of guilt!

The minds of the ministers were still dizzy until now, they really couldn't accept everything they heard.

At this time, Ying Zheng's face was already full of brilliance, and his eyes were full of joy when he looked at Xunzi.

Xi'er is Xi'er, even Xunzi has already taken care of it!
Ying Zheng couldn't even think of anything in this world that Ying Xi couldn't do.

Just when Yingzheng wanted to ask Xunzi whether the several crimes written in the crime book were true, the ministers who were dizzy from being shocked again and again finally couldn't stand it anymore.



"He is definitely not Mr. Xun!"

The first to speak out were several ministers who doubted Xunzi's authenticity.Because everything Xunzi did since he entered the hall was completely different from the Xunzi they had in mind!
With this alone, they can be suspicious!

It must have been deliberately arranged by the crown prince Ying Xi!
Xunzi didn't expect that someone would question whether he was the real Xunzi, because it was the first time he met Xunzi in his life.

"My lord, what reason do you have to say that I am a fake?" Xunzi said to the minister closest to him.

The minister snorted: "Mr. Xun is a great Confucian in the world, how could he come here?"

"What's more, why would Mr. Xun write a letter of guilt for himself? He has never made a mistake!"

Listening to the ministers' perception of him, Xunzi might be very happy in normal times.

But now, he just feels sick.

Can't make a mistake?

Who can't make mistakes?
Could it be that just because he is a great Confucian in the world, he will not make mistakes?

Do these people really think so, or do they want to use this to achieve what they want?After a long talk with Ying Xi, Xunzi knew that he was wrong, very wrong!

But what the minister said didn't seem to be too wrong.

Because before that, he was indeed that image.

Xunzi was thinking about how to let these ministers understand that he was the real Xunzi.

But when the ministers saw that Xunzi seemed speechless, they felt that they had gained the upper hand.

The fake Xunzi in front of him is about to be exposed by them!

Dare to pretend to be their spiritual leader?

court death!

At this moment, the ministers only listened to Xunzi looking at the minister who was talking to him: "I don't know the name of this minister, and what family is it?"

The minister was taken aback for a moment, not understanding why Xunzi wanted this, but he still said, "I am Wang Qi, the Xianyang Wang family!"

"Oh, Xianyang royal family."

Xunzi nodded, and then said: "If I remember correctly, there are seven people in Mr. Wang's family who have studied under me, right? One of them is Mr. Wang's illegitimate son?"

"You... how did you know?!"

That Lord Wang screamed as if he had seen a ghost.

Xunzi smiled: "Lord Wang, have you forgotten that you wrote me a letter and told me to take care of him?"

The minister was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Xunzi in disbelief: "You...are you the real Mr. Xunzi?"

Xunzi nodded, and then looked at another minister: "Does your lord believe that I am real? If you don't believe me, please report your name."

The minister was taken aback, thinking of what he had done, he shook his head quickly.

"I believe, how could I doubt Mr. Xun's authenticity?"

The other ministers also shut up.

But the puzzlement and bewilderment on his face could not be erased no matter what.

Mr. Xun, why such a big change?

In the end what happened?
Seeing that the ministers were no longer Xunzi, Ying Zheng raised the cloth in his hand.

"Mr. Xun, is it true what is written in the crime book?"

Xunzi's face became serious, but he nodded firmly: "Really!"

Ying Zheng's eyes widened. He didn't expect Xunzi to admit it in front of so many people.

It’s incredible!
But immediately, Ying Zheng felt something was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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