Da Qin: I asked you to touch the jade seal, but you touched a woman?

Chapter 390 Yingzheng wakes up, it's dawn!

Chapter 390 Yingzheng wakes up, it's dawn!



A cry of exclamation came from the mouths of Fusu and the ministers.

Everyone wondered if they heard it wrong, or if Ying Xi was lying to them.

All eyes were on the door of King Qin Palace.

When they saw a familiar figure appearing at the gate of King Qin's Palace, the ministers were stunned and stunned.

Then, ecstasy.

"See Your Majesty!"

The 21st year of Qin Wangzheng, the 28st of the first month.

This is a day that will be remembered in the history of Daqin.

Because of this day, Qin Wang Yingzheng, who had been in a coma for a month, woke up!

After confirming again and again that it was indeed their Majesty who walked out of the Palace of King Qin, all the ministers burst into tears.

Weeping with joy!

Your Majesty is awake!

This means that the days of His Highness the Crown Prince supervising the country will be gone forever!
This shows that the killing that has lasted for more than a month will come to an end today.

This means that they no longer need to worry about whether they can go home alive the next day!

The darkness is finally over!
The sun is coming out!

The ministers cried and knelt down towards Ying Zheng, throwing themselves to the ground.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

This kneeling, they were completely convinced.

They didn't know how long they had been waiting for this kneeling.

They believed that what Ying Xi had done in the past month or so would be changed by Ying Zheng!

The imperial examination system is about to be abolished!
These nobles and ministers are still the pillars of Great Qin!

Fusu also knelt on the ground, until now, he still hasn't figured out why he was impartial, why at this moment, the father woke up?

But this question did not affect his ecstasy at all.

Father is awake!

Isn't this exactly what he expected?
With his father backing him up, did someone decide for him what Ying Xi did to him before?

"Father, father! I miss you so much!"

Fusu climbed up the steps on her knees, came to Yingzheng, fell at her feet, and cried loudly.

Ying Zheng's face was a little pale at this time, and Cao Changqing was standing beside him supporting him.

"You get up first."

Ying Zheng said kindly to Fu Su who was standing under his feet.

Hearing this, Fusu was ecstatic in his heart.

Did you hear me?

Father is caring about him!

get him up!

Fusu, who was originally limp, got some strength from who knows where, and jumped up from the ground almost like a jump.


He was about to speak when Ying Zheng waved his hand.

Seeing Ying Zheng's weak appearance at this time, Fu Su swallowed back what he wanted to say, and then stood beside Ying Zheng.

Not only that, but he also took a special look at Ying Xi, which was quite provocative.

He felt that his father was on his side.

And Ying Xi, obviously the same as the current position, is the opposite of them!
Ying Xi turned a blind eye to Fusu's small actions, and his eyes were still on the ministers.

The ministers at this time also returned to their senses.

Especially after seeing Ying Zheng's attitude towards Fu Su, he immediately became excited.

Have you seen it all?
Your Majesty is so kind to the eldest son!

The ministers immediately gained courage and spread out on the ground one by one, crying loudly about Ying Xi's crimes.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty! Did you know that during the time you were in coma, Great Qin was filled with complaints!" "Your Majesty, the Crown Prince wants to abolish the recommendation system. This will break the roots of Great Qin!"

"Your Majesty, just a few days ago, the crown prince killed [-] nobles outside the city! Ask Your Majesty, the air still smells of blood!"

"Your Majesty, you have to decide for us!"


Almost every minister loudly complained about what Ying Xi had done during this period.

Ying Xi didn't defend himself, but just wrote down the name and content of each accuser.

These people are hidden enemies.

Before that, they were all well hidden.

But today, in front of the sudden appearance of the savior, they finally couldn't hide.

This is a good time for him to wipe out all the enemies in the dark in one fell swoop!
How did the ministers think that today is a day specially prepared by Ying Xi for them, and they are still accusing Ying Xi of guilt.

Fu Su couldn't help but said: "Father, what the fifth younger brother has done during this period is really outrageous..."

Ying Zheng suddenly raised his hand again, blocking Fu Su's words.

Seeing this scene from the corner of Ying Xi's eyes, he knew Ying Zheng's intentions.

Ying Zheng will still be reluctant to part with his eldest son in the future.

But Ying Xi didn't care, Fusu was just a commoner now, and apart from being the eldest son of Ying Zheng, he didn't have any other real power.

For him, there is no threat at all.

Kill or stay, it doesn't matter.

Thinking of this, Ying Xi glanced at Ying Zheng.

At this time, Ying Zheng also just took a look at Ying Xi.

After hearing what Ying Xi said about what he had done during this period, he knew that he would definitely encounter a lot of resistance.

But in Ying Xi's mouth, these resistances seem to have no effect.

He also thought there was nothing.

But just now, he was indeed frightened.

It turned out that the resistance Ying Xi encountered was so great?
These people alone already hated Ying Xi so much.

He couldn't imagine how powerful those enemies on the bright side that Ying Xi had already dealt with would be!

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng looked at Ying Xi with distressed eyes.

Listening to the ministers' complaints, Ying Zheng felt noisy.

As soon as he raised his hand, the complaints of the ministers stopped immediately, and then they looked at Ying Zheng expectantly.

Your Majesty is about to make a move!

Unexpectedly, Ying Zheng raised his hand and suddenly put it back.

"The widow just woke up today, feeling a little unwell."

"Everyone go back first, we will talk about things tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the ministers to react, they turned and went back to the Palace of King Qin.

It wasn't until Ying Zheng's figure disappeared completely that the ministers came back to their senses, all of them were surprised.

what happened?

What about His Majesty's decisive killing at the beginning?

Why does it seem like a different person after being in a coma for a month?

But the ministers didn't dare to say anything, they could only look at Ying Zheng who had disappeared with reluctant eyes, and bowed down again and again.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, please take good care of your body, and put your body first in everything!"

"I pray that Your Majesty is in good health!"

A good word came out of the ministers' mouths as if they didn't need money. At this moment, they seemed to be not ministers, but beggars who said a few good words to beg for food.

But the ministers didn't think so at all, instead they spoke with great enthusiasm.

There is no way, all their hopes now rest on Ying Zheng.

If possible, they even hope that starting today, Ying Zheng will be healthy and live forever!
They were really frightened by the current prince Yingxi.

They couldn't imagine what would happen to them if something happened to Ying Zheng and Ying Xi succeeded King Qin!
The execution ground outside the city is still there!
No blood!
(End of this chapter)

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