Da Qin: I asked you to touch the jade seal, but you touched a woman?

Chapter 387 It's time to wake up, just let it go!

Chapter 387 It's time to wake up, just let it go!

"Da Qin, no betrayal!"

Those two deafening words shocked the people and Qin soldiers below the city wall.

Soon, Qin soldiers repeated these two sentences one after another.

The people also shouted.

Great Qin, no offense is allowed.

Great Qin, no betrayal!

The deafening sound almost shook the entire city of Xianyang.

Qin Wangdian, Ying Zheng is watching what Ying Xi has done in recent days.

Suddenly heard a voice almost resounding through the sky, almost startled.

Just as he was wondering what was going on, Ying Xi came.

"Xi'er, sit down quickly."

Ying Zheng didn't even ask Ying Xi to salute, but directly asked Ying Xi to sit down.

After Ying Xi sat down, he immediately asked questions.

"Xi'er, what are those voices outside?"

Those voices just now moved him a little.

Listen to what they are shouting.

Great Qin, no offense is allowed!

Great Qin, no betrayal!

Even though his mind was extremely calm, he was a little agitated.

"It's nothing, it's just a few words from the son-in-law."

At that moment, Ying Xi recounted his speech on the city wall.

After Ying Zheng listened, he didn't speak for a long time, but just looked at Ying Xi with strange eyes.

It took a long time for Ying Zheng to come back to his senses.

"Xi'er, you came to see me, what's the matter?"

Ying Zheng skipped the topic just now and asked about Ying Xi.

Ying Xi smiled lightly, and said, "My son thinks that the father can wake up."

Ying Zheng was a little surprised. Judging from what Ying Xi had done in the past few months, he thought it was impossible for Ying Xi to bring up this matter on his own initiative.

Unexpectedly, today, when Yingxi's momentum reached its peak among the people and Qin soldiers, this matter was mentioned.

This really surprised him.

"Have you killed all those traitors?"

Ying Zheng asked curiously.

In Ying Zheng's view, Ying Xi should have finished what he wanted to do, so he brought up this matter.
However, Ying Xi shook his head.

"not yet."

"Although those rebels died in Handan City by [-], there are still some rebels who are ready to go to defect and have not had time to join. These people also need to be eliminated."

"And there are still some nobles who are still at large. Now only Xianyang City has dealt with it."

Ying Zheng felt very strange after hearing this.

Since Ying Xi didn't finish all the things he wanted to do, why did he let him wake up at this time?
Ying Zheng didn't understand, so he directly asked the doubts in his heart.

"Xi'er, if that's the case, then why do you want me to wake up now?"

Ying Xi smiled and said: "Father, although you know everything I have done these past few months, in the eyes of those nobles, it is just my wishful thinking."

"Whether it's those nobles or officials, now they pin all their hopes on you."

"They expect that after the father wakes up, the imperial examination system will be abolished and the recommendation system will be restored. They even hope that after the father wakes up, he will liquidate me, and then help the elder brother repeatedly."

"Father, you are the hope of those nobles now."

Speaking of the latter, Ying Xi couldn't help laughing himself.

After hearing this, Ying Zheng was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help laughing. "Xi'er, you are going to destroy all their hopes after your father wakes up!"


When Ying Xi said these four words, although there was a smile on his face, his tone was full of chills.

These nobles and officials are still sitting and daydreaming, thinking that what they have done is just wishful thinking.

Little did he know that everything he had done had already been approved by Ying Zheng!

But as long as Yingzheng doesn't wake up for a day, these nobles and officials will keep holding on to this life-saving straw and won't let go.

It is precisely because of this hope that these people will confront themselves again and again.

But if Ying Zheng wakes up and affirms what he has done, those people's hopes will be completely shattered.

They who have lost their fighting spirit will allow the things they have arranged to proceed more smoothly.

Of course, this matter was already in Ying Xi's plan, and the reason why it was brought forward suddenly was also because of the news that Fusu was going to be forced into the palace tomorrow.

In any case, Fusu is also his elder brother, if he does something to Fusu, after all, it will be unfair.

Because Fusu never made any big mistakes from the beginning to the end.

But Yingzheng is different, no matter whether Fusu made a mistake or not, as long as Yingzheng, as His Majesty, says he is wrong, he is right and wrong!

Ying Zheng didn't know about this matter, but he was able to figure out the previous reasons and couldn't help laughing.

"You, let me clean up the mess for you!"

What Ying Zheng said seemed a little bit accusatory, but the smile on his face couldn't be restrained.

Obviously, he has no objection to Ying Xi's actions.

On the contrary, I feel that it is very correct that Ying Xi can leave everything to him to finish at this time!

Ying Zheng looked at Ying Xi's eyes, and became more and more satisfied.

Later, Ying Zheng couldn't help but patted Ying Xi on the shoulder.

"Xi'er, you should have woken me up long ago!"

"Look how many people are scolding you in this world, even my father feels worthless for you!"

What Ying Zheng said was not false at all.

He can clearly see what Ying Xi has done in the past few months.

Ying Zheng can be absolutely sure that everything Ying Xi has done is for the sake of Da Qin, without any selfishness.

This is also the reason why Ying Zheng didn't have anything to stop after seeing Ying Xi attacking so many nobles.

Ying Xi is doing something for Daqin!
He can't chill Yingxi's fiery heart!

The smile on Ying Xi's face faded away, and he said in a solemn voice, "Father, for the sake of Great Qin, I have no complaints or regrets!"

"Good! Good!"

Ying Zheng praised loudly, and then beat the case hard.

"Xi'er, just let go and make arrangements and do what you want to do. The widow is in good health now, if there is anything, the widow will come out to support you!"

"My son, thank you, Father!"

Ying Xi cupped his hands.

With Ying Zheng's words, he was completely relieved.

What he has done in the past few months is just his first step in reforming the current Daqin.

And the follow-up reform will only be more violent than now!

At that time, there will be more people and things to deal with than now, and it will be more cruel!
Ying Zheng's words undoubtedly gave him the greatest power.

The 21st year of Qin Wangzheng, the 28st of the first month.

In the morning, the ministers got up early.

Last night, the slogans outside the city made the ministers sleep uneasy.

In that slogan, the first sentence of Daqin is not allowed to be violated, which has no special feeling for them.

(End of this chapter)

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