Da Qin: I asked you to touch the jade seal, but you touched a woman?

Chapter 384 Those who rebel against Qin will be killed at all costs!

Chapter 384 Traitors of Qin, Kill at All Costs!

"His Royal Highness, urgent report!"

Following Han Xin's voice was a burst of footsteps.

Seeing Han Xin enter the hall, all the drowsy and exhausted ministers instantly became refreshed.

All eyes were fixed on the urgent report in Han Xin's hand.

They knew that this urgent report must have come from Handan, and it was about the rebels!
This is their number one concern these days!

"Read!" Ying Xi only said one word.


Han Xin opened the cloth, and then read out the contents above loudly.

"The anti-Qin alliance army has [-] Chen soldiers under the city of Handan. General Wang Jian lived up to expectations and wiped out the rebels! The leader of the rebel alliance escaped with serious injuries, and his life is unknown!"

After reading, joy appeared on Han Xin's face, and then he congratulated: "Congratulations, Your Highness, your worries are gone!"

The other ministers were also very excited when they heard the words.

This is indeed good news, great news.

All of these [-] rebels were wiped out, which must have greatly improved His Royal Highness's desire to kill. Their safety should be somewhat guaranteed.

Even if the whereabouts of the leader of the rebel army is unknown, the news of today will surely spread throughout the world.

At that time, even if this person is still alive, no one dares to join him in rebelling against Qin.

This is to pay the price of life!
Thinking of this, the ministers all heaved a sigh of relief.

In this way, the matter of anti-Qin finally came to an end.

These people are all dead, so the matter of pursuing those capital enemies should be over here.

After all, the enemies are all dead, and the mistakes of these people have come to an end.

However, just as the ministers let go of their hanging hearts, Ying Xi finally spoke.

"Where are the officials from Yanzhao Land?"

Ying Xi's words had already fallen, and the ministers who had just let go of their hearts felt short of breath in an instant.

Not over yet?

The ministers even wondered if they had heard it wrong.

Isn't the matter over there already over?

Why do you still have to do it to the people over there?

Han Xin glanced at the message at this time, and then said: "Your Highness, it says that most of those who are related to this matter have been caught and are being sent to Xianyang. For the remaining absconded, General Wang Jian also An army is being dispatched to arrest them."

"very good!"

Ying Xi gave a compliment.

But the underground ministers found it difficult to understand.

A minister bravely stood up and said, "Your Highness, I have a question, and I would like to ask Your Highness to clarify it."


Ying Xi was in a good mood today, so he waved his hand and signaled the minister to say yes.

The minister took a deep breath and summoned up all his courage to say, "Your Highness, according to what General Han said, most of the sinners related to the rebels can't be caught this time, and the remaining ones are probably only one out of ten. "

"For such a small number of people, General Wang Jian used tens of thousands of soldiers and even Daxue Dragon Riders to arrest them. Is it too expensive? Is it putting the cart before the horse?"

The surrounding ministers couldn't help but nodded when they heard the words.

Indeed, from a cost point of view, it is indeed not cost-effective to do so.

Whether it is the Daxue Dragon Rider or the Qin Bing, they all spent a lot of money on training.

It's not cost-effective for these people to be used to arrest those escaped prisoners!
Even Li Si couldn't help but nodded.

Of course, even though he felt the same way, he didn't have any doubts about Ying Xi's choice.

Ying Xi glanced at the ministers and knew what they were thinking.

The so-called question is just another excuse to make myself stop.

Unfortunately, these people still made the wrong wishful thinking.

However, Ying Xi did not answer these people's questions directly, but called Li Si's name. "Prime Minister Li, tell them why I am willing to pay such a high price to arrest these people!"


Li Si agreed, then stepped forward, and said in a loud voice: "The reason why Your Highness did this is to tell those people, no matter who they are, no matter whether they are worth it or not, as long as you dare to betray Daqin, then what you will face is my Daqin." Chase and kill with all your strength!"


The ministers gasped suddenly.

Ying Xi's determination made them terrified.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is really cruel, and he will not let anyone go!
The ministers didn't dare to say anything more, Ying Xi got up and walked towards the side hall when he saw this.


The ministers left one after another in a hurry. Today's morning, it seems that everyone's head has been saved, but it is still dangerous.

Especially the attitude shown by Ying Xi made the ministers understand that from now on, their heads should really be pinned to their waistbands!

After everyone had gone in, Feng Quji slowly walked out of the hall.

Looking at the sky, then turned around to look at the main hall, Feng Quji finally turned around and walked towards the side hall.

The side hall is where Ying Xi usually handles government affairs.

"Your Highness, the guilty minister Feng is going to seek medical attention!"

Feng Quji knelt outside and said loudly.

When Han Xin saw Feng Quji approaching, he wanted to go up to greet him, and then went in to report to Ying Xin.

Unexpectedly, Feng Quji knelt down directly, and then yelled himself.

Especially the guilty minister's voice surprised Han Xin even more.

What happened to Feng Quji, why did he call himself a criminal minister?

"Come in."

At this time, Ying Xi's voice came from the side hall.

Han Xin then reminded: "Master Feng, Your Highness agrees."

"Thank you General Han."

Feng Quji bowed his hands to Han Xin, then walked on his knees and entered the side hall.

"See Your Highness!"

Feng Quji knelt down in front of Ying Xi trembling, and didn't get up for a long time.

After reading a memorial, Ying Xi raised his head, and when he saw Feng Quji still kneeling on the ground, he frowned slightly.

"Is it about the land of Yanzhao?" Ying Xi asked lightly.

"His Royal Highness knows everything."

Feng Quji knelt lower and lower, and his heart became more and more frightened.

Last night, he had obviously seen it, and no third person knew about his cousin.

Unexpectedly, His Royal Highness still knew about it.

"Get up."

Just when Feng Quji was worried about what Ying Xi would do to him, he heard these three light words.

These three words, like the sounds of nature, caused Feng Quji, who was about to fall into the Temple of Yama, to fly into the sky in an instant.

But Feng Quji knew that his crime was very serious.

"The guilty minister dare not get up!"

Ying Xi smiled lightly: "Okay, Feng Aiqing."

"You are a veteran of my Daqin, you have made outstanding contributions, and you have never done anything against my Daqin. This time, it will be considered that your merits and demerits will be offset."

"But if you make mistakes again in the future, the prince will never tolerate it!"

Hearing what Ying Xi said, Feng Quji's heart was completely put back in his stomach: "Thank you, Your Highness!"

(End of this chapter)

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