Chapter 370 Undercurrent, I am enough alone

Therefore, the annual spring sacrifice is a top priority for Qin.

In addition to His Majesty, all His Highnesses will also attend together, and lead all the ministers to the ancestral temple to pray, hoping that the weather will be smooth.

From Ying Xi's point of view, no matter how the weather is, it cannot be improved by the emperor praying with his son and courtiers.

If so, there would be no droughts in history at all.

These things should have been canceled at the time of burning books and deceiving people.

But at the last moment, Ying Xi chose to postpone the matter temporarily.

Because, in this era, weather has a greater impact on productivity than any other factor.

In this case, whether there is any need to say about the annual sacrifice, but it is the spiritual sustenance of all the people.

If droughts and floods still occur after the sacrifice, the common people will only think it is bad luck.

But if there is a drought or flood disaster without offering sacrifices, then the common people will feel that it is all Yingxi's fault!

Although Ying Xi doesn't care what the people think of him, he doesn't want to be infamous for no reason.

What's more, everything needed for the sacrifice was prepared by the people below. All he had to do was to say a few words of congratulations and wait.

At the respectful request of the minister, Ying Xi boarded the car that only Ying Zheng could use normally.

According to the rules, this is unreasonable.

But today is different, the one to worship is the heaven.

It must be handled with the highest standard of courtesy!
According to the previous management, the prince is only fit to be a deputy.

But now that His Majesty is in a coma, you can't carry a comatose person to worship heaven and earth, right?
Wouldn't that be even more disrespectful.

That's why Ying Xi was allowed to sit in a carriage that only the king of a country can use.

When they came to the ancestral temple, Ying Xi took the lead, while Li Si and Feng Quji followed Ying Xi from left to right.

Originally, it was the crown prince and eldest son Fusu who followed His Majesty.

But now, Fusu's identity has been abolished, and Yingxi has directly replaced Yingzheng, so the two prime ministers can only be used as left and right deputies.

This is also what Ying Xi requested.

After all, he was not familiar with the sacrificial process.

With Li Si on the side to guide, there will be no mistakes.

"Your Highness, the first thing is to worship heaven and earth."

Li Si reminded Ying Xi in a low voice.

Ying Xi nodded, looking at a tripod enshrined above the ancestral temple.

This tripod was given to the ancestors of the Ying family by the King Zhou of the Zhou Dynasty thousands of years ago. It is the proof of the enfeoffment of the Qin State, and it is also the symbol of the Qin State today!
After worshiping the tripod, Ying Xi stayed in the ancestral temple.

The spring festival is divided into two days.

In order to express his reverence for God, Ying Xi spent one night out of two days in the ancestral temple.

At night, Ying Xi was sitting bored, when suddenly there was a rush of footsteps outside.

Then, the startled salamander's voice came in: "Your Highness, some people can't sit still."

"very good."

Ying Xi smiled and said, "Remember their names."


The startled salamander responded, and then left.

After following Ying Xi for so long, he already has a rough idea of ​​Ying Xi's way of doing things.

So in fact, before he came to sue, he had already ordered his subordinates to record the names of those people.

And these names will soon become a reminder for those who try to commit chaos!

After the startled salamander left, Ying Xi dusted off the dust on his body.

These intentional people are like the dust on Daqin's body. Although the influence is not great, it is always ugly if it is contaminated.

And there is a word called less makes more.

If there is too much dust, it will not look good.

As for how to deal with dust?

Just blow hard and that's it!
Ying Xi felt relaxed and began to look around the ancestral temple.First, he looked at the tablets of the ancestors of the Qin Dynasty placed in the ancestral temple, and then looked at the layout.

"You say, is the spirit of my Great Qin ancestor here?"

When the night was silent, Ying Xi suddenly spoke.

The ministers guarding outside the ancestral temple were taken aback.

After hearing what Ying Xi said, the expressions of many ministers suddenly changed.

People in this era are more or less in awe of ghosts and gods.

Even if you didn't see it with your own eyes, in the ancestral temple, there is always a feeling of being stared at by something.

Seeing that the ministers panicked, Ying Xi smiled with satisfaction, went to the prepared room in the inner room, and fell asleep peacefully.

As for the panicked ministers outside, who cares about them!
While Ying Xi was sleeping soundly, in the night, dark clouds suddenly covered the moon.

Then, the storm surged.

Five miles away from the ancestral hall, a group of men in black stood in a row with only their eyes exposed.

In front of them stood a man in black with sharp eyes.

"Are you all ready?" the leader in black said.

"Yeah!" The men in black nodded.

"it is good!"

The leader of the man in black glanced at the crowd: "All of you must firmly remember that this time, there is only one chance, only success is allowed, no failure is allowed!"

"The end of failure is death! Do you understand?"


Everyone looked determined, and they didn't back down because of death.

At this time, a man in black standing on the far left took out a dark yellow charm.

"Brother, is this thing really useful? What should I do if it doesn't work?"


The leading man in black glared at the man: "Use it even if it's useless! No, there's no chance!"

After finishing speaking, he continued: "I know that each of you has unique skills. This time, no matter what means you use, as long as you achieve your goal, you will not hesitate!"


"very good!"

The leading man in black nodded in satisfaction: "If we still don't kill him in the end, our righteous deed will definitely be passed down through the ages!"

"We will be the first to oppose Qin! Do you regret it later?"

"To overthrow Tyranny is our mission, so how can we regret it?"

"I will never regret it!"

Hearing the anger in everyone's voices, the leading man in black waved his hand.

"set off!"

The leader of the man in black gave an order, and everyone immediately rushed towards the ancestral temple like elves in the dark.

Soon, this group of people came to the outskirts of the ancestral temple.

Seeing a group of ministers kneeling in front of the Zongmen, the people in black chose to attack from behind the Zongmiao in order not to startle the snake.

However, their actions were quickly discovered by the elite soldiers guarding the sect.

The elite soldier was about to shout, but someone patted his shoulder suddenly.

Jing Bing was shocked and turned around quickly, only to find that it was Ying Xi who patted him on the shoulder!

"His Royal Highness be careful!"

The elite soldiers were taken aback, and hurriedly stood in front of Ying Xi: "This group of people is not friendly, so the subordinates immediately mobilize the elite soldiers!"

However, Ying Xi waved his hand and stopped the elite soldiers from asking for help.

"To deal with these people, I alone is enough."

(End of this chapter)

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