Chapter 365 Well said!cut!

"Look at you, then look at Gu Aiqing, think about the gap between you and Gu Aiqing!"

"Sometimes, I really hate why you are not Gu Aiqing. If it is Gu Aiqing, what kind of prosperous world will I be in now?"

Ying Xi's words were loud and echoed in the hall.

In particular, the one who spoke was Ying Xi, the murderer in the eyes of the ministers, which made the ministers feel incredible.

Gu Huan naturally felt flattered.

Yingxi has supervised the country for several months, but he has never seen any minister get such a high evaluation.

Even Li Si and Cao Changqing did not have this kind of treatment.

Gu Huan knelt on the ground excitedly, and shouted in his mouth: "To receive such praise from His Highness, even if the old minister dies now, there will be no regrets!"

Even in his heart, he felt that outsiders had too much prejudice against Ying Xi.

Would it be so bad to be able to value his Highness so much?

Seeing this, the ministers curled their lips secretly in their hearts.

Your Highness wants to use Gu Huan as an example to influence them?
You can't be so childish, can you?
Don't His Highness know that there is a saying that the country is easy to change and the nature is hard to change?
If they can become the same people as Gu Huan after listening to two sentences, then there will be no bad people in this world!

"Gu Aiqing, please get up."

Ying Xixu raised his palm, and Gu Huan got up tremblingly from the ground.

After Gu Huan stood still, Ying Xi suddenly asked a question as if he suddenly remembered something.

"Gu Aiqing, what did you just say?"

What did you say?
Gu Huan replied without hesitation: "To receive such praise from His Highness, even if the veteran dies now, he will have no regrets!"

"well said!"

As soon as Gu Huan finished speaking, Ying Xi slapped him hard, feeling very excited: "In that case, let's drag Gu Aiqing out and kill him."

What... what?
The sudden big turning point made everyone unable to react.

After realizing what Ying Xi was talking about, a pot exploded in the hall.

What did His Highness say?
Did they hear it right?

Are you going to drag Gu Huan out and kill him?
What exactly is going on?

Even the guards who were waiting at the gate of the main hall couldn't react.

His Highness was still praising Gu Huan in the last moment, why would he kill him in the next second?

Your Highness is not wrong, is it?

Gu Huan also didn't react, and when he did, his face instantly turned pale.

"Didn't you hear my order?"

Ying Xi stared coldly at the guard who didn't know whether to act or not.

"Drag Gu Huan, the traitor who disturbed Chao Gang and tried to reverse the case for Fu Su, out and beheaded!"

"Those who brought up this topic just now, beheaded for public display!"

At this moment, everyone finally understood what Ying Xi was saying.

Han Xin rushed into the hall with his bodyguards like a wolf like a tiger. The minister who hadn't spoken just now stepped aside for fear of being unreasonably affected.

As for Gu Huan and Taichang, they were already so frightened that they collapsed to the ground, their faces ashen.

But everyone's minds were still buzzing, and many didn't realize what was going on.

Ying Xi's gaze was extremely sharp at this moment, scanning the ministers one by one.

The minister who was seen by Ying Xi only felt his whole body tense up instantly, and his spine felt a chill, for fear that he would be involved in this matter.

After scanning the minister, Ying Xi spoke indifferently.

"Gu Aiqing, do you know why I want to kill you?" Gu Huan's face was extremely pale at this time, his mind was blank, and there was no possibility of answering.

Ying Xi didn't want Gu Huan to answer by himself, but gave the answer himself.

"Because not killing you is not enough to deter the world."

"If I don't kill you, it's not enough to convince the public!"

As the last word fell, there was a gasp in the hall.

His Royal Highness is actually serious!
He really wants to attack Gu Huan, who is loved by the people!
Isn't it crazy to kill such an upright official who is dedicated to serving the country and the people?

Isn't he afraid that those people who love Gu Huan will criticize him verbally?

Isn't he afraid of losing popular support?
Isn't he afraid that this will cause civil strife in Daqin?
At this time, an old minister who was familiar with Gu Huan stepped forward.

"Your Highness, you also praised Mr. Gu very much just now. Even if you said something wrong, but because of his merits, can you keep him as one?"

Many ministers echoed again and again.

They felt that even if Gu Huan proposed to restore Fusu's status, it was for Daqin.

Even if it is wrong, there is absolutely no selfishness, and the crime does not deserve death.

What's more, if Gu Huan and other role models of all ministers were beheaded for a single mistake, wouldn't their safety be guaranteed?
Therefore, pleading for Gu Huan is also pleading for themselves!
"Those who violate the laws of the Great Qin Dynasty are unpardonable!"

Ying Xi threw out a word with a cold face.

Then he raised his hand to the outside: "Move in!"

After a burst of heavy footsteps, eight guards came in carrying several boxes.

Looking at the box brought in, the ministers looked at each other, wondering what was inside.

But Gu Huan and Taichang's group at the side, after seeing the box, their pale faces became even paler, and they knelt on the ground trembling.

Ying Xi stepped down from the throne again, opened a box, grabbed something from it, and put it in front of Gu Huan.

"Explain what's going on with this thing."

The ministers quickly looked at the thing Ying Xi dropped.

After seeing clearly, the audience was in an uproar!

It turned out to be a yellow gold bar!
This kind of quality, even if it is collected in their family, only this quality!
Is there any explanation for the gold bar His Royal Highness took out?
At this time, Gu Huan couldn't speak anything, lying on the ground, lowering his head to the ground.

"You don't say it, okay, I will say it!"

Ying Xi said coldly: "Last night, Tai Chang took the 1000 taels of gold to see you. What did you talk about?"


The news thrown by Ying Xi once again detonated the already noisy hall.

Everyone looked at Gu Heng, their eyes full of disbelief.

1000 taels of gold!

Gu Huan, who was known as a breeze with two sleeves, did not expect that his heart was darker than theirs!

After being pointed out by Ying Xi, Gu Huan knew that he would never escape death, and scenes from the past flashed in his mind.

When he was a county magistrate, he did everything by himself, made decisions for the people, went to the fields in person, and wrote to ask for tax relief.

After entering the court, Geng Jian spoke bluntly and pleaded for his name.

But he didn't expect that all the things he did before would all be wiped out just because of today.

"Gu Aiqing, do you want me to tell them what you all said?" Ying Xi's voice sounded again at this moment.

"The minister said."

Gu Huan slowly raised his head and turned to look in Taichang's direction: "Taichang said that he hoped that I would join him in pleading for the eldest son's order today, and begging His Highness to restore his status as a son."

(End of this chapter)

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