Chapter 353 Who else disagrees?


Absolute tyrant!
I thought Ying Zheng, as His Majesty, was already very cruel, but I didn't expect his son to be even more cruel!
Even compared to Ying Xi, Ying Zheng is very kind.

For a while, many ministers prayed in their hearts, hoping that Ying Zheng would wake up soon.

In the past, they prayed that Ying Zheng would not wake up, but now they prayed that Ying Zheng would wake up quickly.

Otherwise, they were afraid that His Majesty would not be able to find them when he woke up.

Just as the ministers' thoughts were surging, Ying Xi knocked on the table and asked.

"Who else disagrees?"

The heads of the ministers immediately lowered, and no one dared to look at Ying Xi.

The last one who had an opinion has been dragged out.

Who dares to have an opinion?
Even the ministers didn't dare to move, for fear that Ying Xi would find out if they made any noise.

If His Highness misunderstood what I meant, wouldn't I be wronged to die?

"It seems that everyone is in favor of abolishing the recommendation system, which is very good."

Ying Xi nodded in satisfaction.

Hearing Ying Xi's "self-assertion", many ministers could only swallow the pain in their stomachs.

They really don't want to agree!
But the end of disagreement is death. Do they dare to disagree?
Where is Shang Dynasty?

Obviously strolling in front of the ghost gate!

If you are not careful, your life will be gone, what is it if it is not the gate of hell?
"Cao Changqing, you are in charge of drawing up the documents, and Feng Quji and Li Si will discuss the details with you."


Cao Changqing agreed without the slightest hesitation.

In addition to protecting Yingxi, his other role is to be Yingxi's mouthpiece.

He has already prepared for the abolition of the recommendation system and the adoption of the imperial examination system.

Seeing that the matter was settled in this way, the ministers wanted to say something.

But when he saw the pillar with blood splattered down, he closed his mouth tightly again.

The abolition of the recommendation system did hurt their bones, but it was better than dying here.

Thus, the fastest decree appeared since the founding of the Great Qin Dynasty.

In just one morning, the determination, promulgation, and execution of the decree were completed, so that many slow-minded ministers did not even react.

It wasn't until they yelled the words "retire from the court" that they felt as if they had passed away.

And those low-level officials outside the main hall were even more confused.

They only saw some guards rushing in, and then some ministers were dragged out covered in blood, but they didn't know what happened.

When they heard that the recommendation system was abolished and the imperial examination system was implemented, they were all stunned.

This is too fast!
It's so fast that it feels like a child's play.

But after thinking that it was Ying Xi who made the decision, everyone became frightened again.

The recommendation system is abolished today, and I don’t know what will be abolished tomorrow.

The reaction of the ministers was naturally panic.

But when the news of the implementation of the imperial examination system spread, the world was shocked!

After retreating from the court, Ying Xi called Cao Changqing and walked out.

Cao Changqing pondered for a moment, and couldn't help but said: "Your Highness, is this imperial examination system too early?"

Ying Xi shook his head: "It's just a piece of news right now. When the detailed rules are drawn up, that's when the demons will dance wildly."

"It turns out that His Highness wants to scare the snake!"

Cao Changqing suddenly realized that he had understood Ying Xi's intentions.

But... "Your Highness, when Li Chungang and I were traveling abroad, we found that most people in Qin today cannot afford to study."

"Even if it is the Xianyang Academy promoted by His Highness, only those aristocratic children in Xianyang City are enrolled."

"I know."

Ying Xi nodded, and had planned for a long time: "Xianyang Academy is just a bait, and it is about to close the net."

"You don't need to worry about these things. Your first task now is to work out the content of the imperial examination system with Li Si and the others."

"Remember, the focus of the imperial examination is not poetry, but government orders and legal regulations!"


Cao Changqing kept Ying Xi's words firmly in mind, and then said: "Your Highness, since the last time you cheated alchemists, you have been searching for useless books in the world, and now you have collected almost all of them. What do you plan to do, Your Highness?"




After the end of the last early morning, it soon entered the New Year's Eve.

The ministers are all worshiping the gods, hoping that the gods can bless them to go up and down smoothly next year.

In the Palace of the King of Qin, Ying Xi told Ying Zheng a few things about where he was during this time.

After listening to Ying Zheng, he pondered for a long time and finally nodded.

Apart from feeling that Ying Xi had treated his clan members too harshly, Ying Zheng had no other dissatisfaction.

Even for the imperial examination system that Ying Xi made a final decision on, Ying Zheng even raised his hands to agree.

He is able to achieve the great event of unifying the six countries, so his vision is naturally extraordinary.

It is precisely because of this that he also has insight into various problems in the current Great Qin.

In order to solve these problems, his views are exactly the same as Ying Xi's.

Sacrifice is inevitable!
The following year, in the spring of the 21st year of Qin Wangzheng, the imperial examination system was officially implemented.

During the Chinese New Year, Cao Changqing, Li Si and others did not take vacations, but worked overtime to draft documents.

After Ying Xi personally reviewed it and put forward a few comments for revision, it was distributed to the counties.

When it was heard that the recommendation system was abolished and the imperial examination system in which everyone had a chance was adopted, the entire Great Qin Dynasty exploded in an instant.

The common people were naturally grateful to Ying Xi for implementing the imperial examination system, and then happily went back to prepare to take the exam.

But those aristocratic families who regard the recommendation system as their lifeblood are extremely dissatisfied.

For them, the reason why they can become nobles is the recommendation system and hereditary system.

In the hereditary system, they can let their descendants inherit their seats.

The recommendation system allows them to put the talents they have cultivated in the positions they want.

It can be said that the reason why the aristocratic family can flourish and survive for thousands of years is the recommendation system.

They couldn't imagine what their family would do without the recommendation system.

Before, Ying Xi used a series of means to target the clan, and listed a series of crimes against the noble family, but after all, they did not shake their foundation, and they could bear it.

Because it's not fatal.

But now, the big knife that Ying Xi swung had threatened their vitals, and they couldn't bear it any longer.

All of a sudden, noble forces from all over the Qin Dynasty began to act secretly.

These actions were seen by the remnants of the Six Nations, and they were also ready to move.

Even Xunzi and Xiaoyaozi, who were in the Xianyang Academy, couldn't help but became active.

Of course, the ultimate goal of Xunzi and Xiaoyaozi is not for the recommendation system and the imperial examination system, but because of another major event that Ying Xi has to do.

Burning books and burying scholars!

(End of this chapter)

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