Chapter 34

Confucian saint Cao Changqing suppressed a country's capital by himself!Use the power of mountains and rivers to coerce the Lord of Zhao!
Such an important news spread throughout the world like a hurricane!
Especially when it comes to Cao Changqing's wanton finger, countless people are excited about it.

This is the real warrior!
What laws and regulations do you care about?
I want to come, then come!
At the same time, the world finally saw the terrifying power of Banxian's presence.

Although there have been many land gods in the history of the Seven Kingdoms, none of them can be as reckless as Cao Changqing!
With Cao Changqing suppressing a country's capital alone, the name of Mr. Lanxi once again resounded throughout the world!
Countless warriors were amazed in their hearts, what is so special about this young master Lan Xi?Can a person and a half celestial being be willing to be a disciple?

Especially countries such as Great Chu, Great Wei and Great Yan were extremely shocked.

The lords of those big countries even ordered all the officials to find out the details of Mr. Lan Xi in the shortest possible time!

After all, they don't want to end up like King Zhao!
Inexplicably, a half-immortal existence came to the capital, and was suppressed by the other party with monstrous means!

In addition, there is another piece of news that caused a sensation in the world!
Daqin's voice hits east and west!Its meaning... is killing Zhao!

Not bad!

On the second day after Cao Changqing suppressed Zhao Wangdian, in the eyes of the world, Wang Jian, who was supposed to lead an army of [-] to attack Dayan, suddenly appeared on the border of Great Zhao!

The most important thing is that behind him is the 30 army of Daqin to suppress the border!

The army approached the city, and in just half a day, they defeated the border army of Zhao State!
Wang Jian sword beheaded Zhao Cong, the general of the royal family of Zhao, Daqin Iron Cavalry trampled 20 Zhao troops, and beheaded [-] enemies!
As soon as the news came out, the world was shocked.

"Da Qin is really too despicable, he actually used his power to attack the west! Qin Wang Yingzheng seemed to be furious, and he sent an army to attack Yan, but his target was Da Zhao! Really despicable!"

"Da Qin's move has actually fooled all of us!"

"No wonder Cao Changqing wants to suppress a city by himself! It is obviously paving the way for Zhao's defeat!"

"Big Zhao is in danger!"

When the Great Qin Iron Cavalry broke through the border of Zhao State, shocking the world.

Qin's army did not stop at all, like a tiger descending the mountain, after tearing open the gap in the Zhao barrier, they pointed their swords at Handan!
Its purpose can be said to be obvious!
Daqin wants to destroy Dazhao in one go!

In just two days, the Daqin Iron Cavalry, with the capital of tigers and wolves, destroyed cities and people wherever they passed!

Moreover, the Daqin Iron Cavalry used battles to support wars, and did not bring any food at all!

In addition, the city destroyed by the Great Qin Iron Cavalry did not leave any soldiers to guard it!
What they are after is - fast!
This is Qin Wang Yingzheng's plan. If he wants to attack Zhao, he must take Zhao in the shortest possible time before the other countries have time to react.

Wang Jian naturally knew this, and this is the speed of the war!
Time passed quietly!
In just four days, the Great Qin Iron Cavalry destroyed 24 cities of Zhao State!
Now it is only a few hundred miles away from Fen City that Mr. Lanxi captured!

However, right now!
The battle situation has changed!

Li Mu and Lian Po led the rest of the [-] elite Zhao army to form a barrier and hold on to the city!

In the end, the two sides set the decisive battle in Changping.

Changping! ! !

For Da Zhao, it has an indelible history!
In the past, Daqin Iron Cavalry attacked the State of Zhao, and destroyed 45 Zhao troops in the first battle of Changping, which made the position of the Great Zhao Ziqiang fall.

Now, Zhao Guo is already in a desperate battle!
At this moment, the [-] Qin iron cavalry led by Lan Xi had already flattened Fencheng!
Since then, Zhao Guo has no way out!

Zhao Guo, Fen City!
The heavy city gate was torn apart, the city was filled with billowing smoke, and the air was full of blood.

On top of the dilapidated city walls, dotted with raging flames!

The Qin cavalry threw Zhao Jun's corpse outside the city with a stern expression, and the piles were as big as a hill.Lan Xi, who was originally wearing a black armor, now had his hair disheveled and his armor was stained with blood!

In the battle of breaking the city, he was as brave as a god of war, beheading more than a thousand people with one sword and one sword!
Such an astonishing record, coupled with the terrifying evil spirit permeating his body, made all the [-] Qin cavalry admire and admire.

I saw Lan Xi holding a blood-stained long sword, and the tip of the sword burst into flames on the ground, and stepped onto the city wall step by step.

Wherever they passed, the Daqin Tieqi all lowered their heads respectfully!

At this moment, Lan Xi is no longer the son of Daqin, but an extremely brave general who dominates the battlefield!

In the Battle of Fencheng, Daqin only lost more than a thousand people, but broke through the city guarded by Zhao Jun's 2 people.

The Qin army has always respected the strong!
Therefore, they saluted unanimously!This is Daqin's highest military salute!
"Young master! It's not good..."

Suddenly, Meng Tian dragged his blood-stained armor and walked over anxiously.


Lan Xi raised his eyelids slightly, and his pupils were filled with terrifying evil spirit.

Seeing this, Meng Tian couldn't help but stare blankly.

In just a few days, Mr. Lanxi's aura became even more terrifying!

Then, Meng Tian hurriedly said, "Li Mu and Lian Po have already left Handan, disregarding the life and death of King Zhao, and led the [-] elite soldiers from the frontier to Changping!"

"On the way, Li Mu and Li Mu even gathered Yan Ju's 15 army, and now the number of Zhao's army has reached 25!"

"According to the report from the front line, the decisive battle will start at the Battle of Changping!"

The war situation really changed rapidly. After learning of Zhao Cong's death, the timid Yan Ju immediately led the army to flee. Although it was a shameless act, he also reserved 15 troops for the Zhao army.

Now, Li Mu and Lian Po chose to abandon Handan, and the two armies converged!
The situation in Daqin has become bad!
The army of the Qin State broke through the city all the way, never stopping, in order to be quick, and to destroy Zhao State in one fell swoop before the other countries had time to react.

If the Battle of Changping falls into a state of anxiety, Da Zhao will definitely be slowed down!

In order to prevent the Great Qin from unifying the world, the State of Wei must send troops to rescue Zhao!
In particular, Yan State will definitely send a large army to support Da Zhao in a short time, and even unite the forces of the two countries to attack Qi State.

In this way, Daqin will surely be encircled!

"Is the decisive battle in Changping?"

Hearing this, Lan Xi was not only not nervous, but excited, and his eyes fell on Chen Zhibao beside him.

"Sage of Soldiers, are you willing to lead [-] brave cavalry with me to charge into battle!"

Now that the two armies are in a state of anxiety, it is a rare opportunity for Yu Lanxi!

If he can break through the deadlock and lead the Qin army to destroy Da Zhao, he will definitely make great achievements for Da Qin, and his prestige in Da Qin will definitely rise to an unimaginable level.

As for whether it will be successful?

What kind of international joke are you making? With Chen Zhibao, the soldier sage, what is a mere 25 Zhao troops?

(End of this chapter)

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