Chapter 332
As for the crown prince's interest, he sat on the throne lightly.

"Of course, if you don't want to see it, you can!"

"But the knife in Miss Duanmu's hand doesn't have eyes, maybe it will fall on you at that time!"

As the words fell, the expressions of those officials changed drastically, and they hurriedly crawled and rolled to the outside of the palace, and set their eyes firmly on the wooden frame.

When they saw the removed pieces of meat, their bodies couldn't stop shaking, and many of them even vomited directly.

Originally, their status was respected, and they had always dominated the life and death of others. Where had they seen such a bloody scene?

Prince Yingxi is simply a devil, it is too crazy.

For a time, all civil and military officials deeply missed Qin Wang Yingzheng.

Only then did they realize that, compared with the crown prince's interest, Qin Wang Yingzheng was simply not too kind.

At this moment, there was only fear and despair left in their hearts. Everyone's body was trembling crazily, and this fear even penetrated deep into their souls.

The speaker, who was never afraid of power, was so frightened that the corners of his mouth trembled at this moment, and he didn't dare to say anything at all.

They are not fools, and if they speak now, isn't that a dead end?

The most important thing is that besides the officials in the court, there are also many people from the clan, all of them lowered their heads at this moment, and their faces were full of fear and silence.

In this way, several hours passed.

The knife in Duanmu Rong's hand kept waving, and there were more than 1000 slices of meat on the ground.

Looking at Yingwen's body now, there is almost only a piece as thin as a cicada's wing left, and even the skeleton inside the body can be easily seen.

Not only that, but the outline of the blood-stained internal organs can be seen.

All in all, today's Yingwen has almost stepped into the gate of hell with one foot!

"Evil... Devil..."

Ying Wen closed his eyelids tightly, and said in a breathless manner, his tone was pale and weak, as if he was going to leave at any time.

Seeing this scene, Duanmu Rong's body couldn't stop shaking, her pretty face was already covered with tears.

It was too cruel.

Even as a doctor, who has always been used to life and death, he was frightened by this terrifying cruelty at this moment.

at last……

With the drop of the word "devil", Yingwen's hand dropped completely, and his breath was completely cut off.

Prince Yingxi saw this scene, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he stretched out his hand to pat.

"Very good, today's scene is very good!"

"Tomorrow...continue tomorrow!"

As soon as the words fell, the prince Yingxi turned around and returned to the palace.

In Nuo Da's palace, food and quilts have long been filled.

Sunrise morning!

When the crown prince Yingxi came in from the outside, the officials in the palace quickly lowered their heads and greeted him respectfully, their eyes filled with fear and awe.

They were really scared!

What happened last night was too bloody!

The most important thing is that the wooden frame covered with slices of meat is still placed outside the palace, even Yingwen himself is the same!
Some timid people were so frightened that they vomited on the spot and dared not sleep at night.

Who is not afraid of death?
I saw Prince Ying raised his eyelids slightly, walking towards the throne step by step.

Every step that fell was like a boulder, slamming on the hearts of the officials.

"There are not many things to deal with today, it's just a case of rebellion!" Prince Yingxi, who was sitting on the throne, looked at the officials in the palace, and then said calmly.

As soon as the words fell, the officials couldn't help but tremble, and an ominous premonition suddenly rose in their hearts.

At this moment, an eunuch handed over a bamboo slip.

Then, the crown prince read out calmly.

"Feng Jie, Doctor Yushi..."


There are many officials in the palace, and there are 50 people registered on the bamboo slips.

The most important thing is that most of them have the positions of speech officials, and the remaining half are from the clan.

"What? Can't you hear what the prince said?"

Prince Yingxi squinted his eyes, his eyes fell on the empty place below, and a cold light flashed across his eyes.

Who dares to stand up like this?

Was he directly dragged out and executed Ling Chi?

For a moment, all the officials in the palace lowered their heads, their bodies trembling crazily, and no one dared to speak out.

"The people who were registered on the bamboo slips just now intend to overthrow the rule of our Great Qin. They should be killed without mercy, and the nine clans will be punished!"

"By the way, there is another list!"

Prince Yingxi smiled, took out another bamboo slip, and ordered the eunuch to read it out.

This bamboo slip also recorded 50 people, adding up to a hundred people in total.

"The guilt of these people is the same as treason, and they are also implicated!"

As soon as the words fell, the faces of the officials in the palace changed drastically, and they only felt their heads buzzing.

Zhulian Jiuzu ah!
This is the cruelest punishment in the laws of the Great Qin Dynasty. All the nine clans are exterminated, and they are punished by five horses.

Although there are only 100 people on the list, there are at least thousands of people from the nine clans implicated by it.

It is precisely because the punishment of Zhulian Jiuzu is too cruel, Qin Wang Yingzheng has almost never used such cruel punishment since he came to power.

After all, as the lord of a country, although he has ambitions in his heart, he also retains a benevolent heart!
After all, he couldn't bear to slaughter so many people at once.

But the crown prince won interest is different, his hands are already stained with blood, how can he care about thousands of lives in this area?

All of a sudden, the officials in the palace collapsed to the ground, their faces full of despair.

Although there were a lot of civil and military officials in the empire, hundreds of them were massacred at once, almost killing 1/3 of the entire court.

Is the crown prince winning interest crazy?
"Hahaha! Unexpectedly, the old man has devoted most of his life to the empire, and he ended up like this in the end!"

At this moment, the official on the list stood up with a miserable face, with a crazy smile on his face.

"Prince Yingxi, even if you destroy my nine clans, so what? You are so cruel, even if you can kill us, how can you stop the people of the world?"

"It's sad and deplorable! My Daqin unexpectedly produced such a cruel prince, without the slightest humanity! Prince Yingxi, you are simply a devil!"

"It's really sad! I only have more than 300 civil and military officials in the whole dynasty. You have slaughtered 1/3 of them with just two lists. You are disregarding the foundation of the empire!"

"Even if we are all dead, the people of the world are still there! They will still attack your cruelty, so is it possible that you want to kill all the people in the world?"

"The empire is so brutal, it really is going to perish in the second generation!"

Those people stood up directly, pointing at Prince Yingxi angrily and cursing angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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