Chapter 307 Crazy!all crazy!

Thinking of this, King You Xian's eyes became extremely red.

The crown prince Yingxi is the biggest enemy of the entire Xiongnu clan!

"Ah... this king wants to tear your corpse into thousands of pieces!"

King Youxian put his hands on the city wall vigorously, staring at the prince Yingxi.

If eyes could kill, the prince won't know how many times he died.

Seeing this, Prince Yingxi said calmly without any fluctuation in his expression.

"Wang Ben, surround the city and don't let anyone go!"


Wang Ben nodded respectfully with his eyes, and commanded the Great Qin Tieqi to surround the entire fortress.

When King You Xian saw this scene, his eyes turned red first, and then he showed a ferocious smile.

"Hahaha! It's ridiculous. I'm afraid you don't know that all the people in the fortress are dead, right?"

"This king is merciful and tells you that it was all done by soldiers from the Huns and the Da Yue Clan. You people deserve to die and be buried with the Huns!"

Youxian King roared with red eyes, and his pupils were filled with scarlet.

Prince Yingxi didn't bother to call an interpreter to translate.

After all, in his eyes, the other party is just dying.

Just as King Youxian was cursing wildly, Prince Yingxi ordered the army under his banner to start stationing.

As a general who has been stationed on the border all year round, Wang Ben can still understand some of the language of the Huns, and he also understands what King Youxian means.

Thinking of the fallen soldiers and civilians in the fortress, he couldn't help but clenched his hands, gritted his teeth and looked in the direction of the fortress.

Maybe he was tired of cursing, King Youxian leaned against the city wall, panting heavily.

At this moment, the lieutenant suddenly squatted down and asked.

"My lord, there seems to be something wrong with these great Qin cavalry. Could it be that they want to trap us in the fortress?"

Seeing this, King Youxian couldn't help frowning, and then shook his head.

Through the actions just now, he already knew that the crown prince won't make any money, even if he insults the other party with harsh words, it will never have any effect.

"No matter what the opponent's plan is, there is now 40 troops in the city, why should we be afraid of their Great Qin Cavalry?"

"Order the archers to prepare, this king will shoot those great Qin cavalry on the city wall to death!"

King You Xian said with cold eyes.

After the deputy general took the order, he immediately ordered the archers to come to the city wall and tightened the bow and arrow in the direction of the Great Qin Iron Cavalry.

Immediately, King You Xian waved his hand, and all the bows and arrows flew towards the Great Qin Iron Cavalry.

However, the shield soldier sitting at the front roared impressively, and the extremely hard shield in his hand immediately resisted the bows and arrows that filled the sky.

In this way, the bows and arrows of the Huns could not cause the slightest damage to the Daqin cavalry.

The most important thing is that Yanmen Pass is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the city wall is even higher than ordinary fortresses.

Now that the gates of the fortress are closed, if they want to jump down from the city walls, even powerful warriors may become flesh.

In the past few days, the Xiongnu army had almost no way to deal with the Qin cavalry except for using bows and arrows.

Almost 5 days later, the Xiongnu soldiers who were trapped in the city suddenly became a little desperate. They gathered troops one after another and bombarded the gate of the fortress frantically.

It's a pity that at the four gates of the fortress, Prince Yingxi ordered heavy cavalry to block them.

With the power of the Xiongnu army, it was impossible to break through the city gate.After 10 consecutive days, the Huns soldiers in the city were already out of food.

After all, the prince Yingxi didn't leave anything behind in the fortress, and the food had been emptied long ago.

Not only that, even the trees in the city were dug up with roots and trees. If it wasn't for the fact that the digging was too energy-intensive, the prince won't even want to leave even a trace of soil for the opponent.

And within these 10 days, even a fool would understand the purpose of the prince's profit.

Immediately, King Youxian gritted his teeth and ordered his men to dig three feet into the ground. Finally, he found some wood, barely made it into a ladder, and started to counterattack!
dong dong dong~
I saw the sound of war drums resounding in the city, and King Youxian led the army of the Huns under his banner to start the horn of counterattack.

But it is a pity that the Daqin cavalry under Prince Yingxi's banner had already surrounded the entire fortress.

Whenever there is a ladder or the like anywhere, soldiers will immediately burn the gas with kerosene.

I saw monstrous flames suddenly filled the entire city, covering the entire fortress, and the surrounding temperature rose a lot.

As for those ladders that were barely built, they were turned into a piece of dust, and completely shattered the hope in King Youxian's heart.

Now the 40 Huns' army is tightly trapped in the fortress, and the food left in the army is no longer enough to last three days.

The most important thing is that if they didn't eat only a little bit every day, they might not be able to last for three days.

Time passed slowly, and five days passed in the blink of an eye.

The Xiongnu army actually relied on the few grains, and persisted for 5 days.

But at this moment, many Xiongnu soldiers have gone crazy from hunger.


At this moment, one of the soldiers collapsed directly.

Being trapped in the fortress for more than ten days has already driven him crazy.

Immediately, the soldier slammed into the city wall impressively, and with the burst of blood, a living life ended.

Seeing this scene, the Xiongnu army next to them couldn't help but startled.

In the next second, these troops turned their heads powerlessly like robots, and their eyes fell on the corpse next to them. Not only did they not have the slightest pity in their eyes, but they showed a bloodthirsty light.

They are so hungry!
After a while, a cauldron suddenly appeared in the fortress, and the flames boiled boiling water, but there were no ingredients in it.

At this moment, several Xiongnu soldiers whose faces were gradually going crazy dragged the body of the previously suicided body over, disemboweled it with the black machete in their hands, and cooked it abruptly as food.


At this moment, a tent was temporarily set up in the fortress.

King Youxian, who was so hungry, squinted his eyes, and suddenly smelled a fragrance.

"What's the situation? Why is there a smell of meat in the fortress?"

When he left the camp, his expression suddenly changed.

This is not the taste of any food, but the exclusive taste of human flesh.

Only outside the camp, dozens of soldiers who were frantic with hunger stared fixedly at the cauldron, and began to blow the corpses in the cauldron.

Some hungry and anxious soldiers even snapped off a finger from the corpse and gnawed it frantically.

In addition, many onlookers beat up for this, trying to snatch the human flesh in the pot!

Those who were weaker directly scooped up the soup in the pot and drank it in big gulps.

crazy!all crazy!

(End of this chapter)

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