Chapter 268 Yan Lu's Plan

Previously, the army under Prince Yingxi's army was destroyed, even if the six kingdoms were destroyed, it only took a few days.

How is this good?

For a moment, Xiaomeng was silent for an instant, feeling a little decadent in her heart.

"Just for one day?"

Seeing this, Tian Ji next to him took a deep breath.

"That's right! It only takes one day for the prince to win interest, and he easily wiped out 40 troops!"

Tian Dan said with a serious face.

Originally, they planned how to deal with Daqin and assassinate the prince to win interest. Even if it didn't work out, they could try to assassinate King Qin Yingzheng, or destroy Daqin in other ways to prevent it from unifying the world.

The reason is very simple. Recently, Daqin has promoted advanced farming machines to a great extent, and the agriculture in Daqin's territory has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Because of this, Daqin has won the support of many people.

In the eyes of Tian Ji and others, this is obviously disadvantageous.

But the most serious thing now is that what they did before, like paper lanterns, is useless.

For a moment, Tian Ji and the others looked at each other with heavy hearts.

Daqin, Xianyang City!

Sitting on the throne, Qin Wang Yingzheng raised his eyelids slightly, his eyes fell on the battle report presented, and a smile was drawn on the corner of his mouth.

Obviously, he is in a good mood!
Qin Wang Yingzheng knew in his heart that once the crown prince wins and makes a move, he will surely succeed!
Seeing this, Li Si said with a smile on his face, "In this battle, the crown prince's victory can be said to have made great contributions. Xianyang City and Qiu Dao are not far away. If Da Yueshi can break through the line of defense, it will be extremely important for Daqin." unfavorable."

"Not bad!"

Qin Wang Yingzheng smiled and nodded, "Xi'er has made such a contribution, how should I reward him?"

At the same time, Yanmen Pass!

Zhao Tuo, who was guarding the fortress, also received the battle report.

"In just one day, you killed 40 enemies?"

Zhao Tuo, who has always been calm, couldn't help but feel his heart jump when he saw this.

He had just arrived at Yanmen Pass with his army, and wanted to rush to the aid of the prince to win some money, but they wiped out the Dayue clan in the blink of an eye. This was so cruel.
Previously, Zhao Tuo was very clear about the crown prince's interest rate and the strength of his heavy armored cavalry.

Therefore, although the content of this battle report is a bit scary, it will not surprise Zhao Tuo too much.

There is no way, His Royal Highness is so powerful, what is a mere Da Yuezhi?

Of course, Meng Tian and Wang Jian accompanied Zhao Tuo's army.

When the two learned the content of the battle report, they couldn't help but smile.

"As expected of His Royal Highness, in just one day, almost the entire Da Yue Clan was wiped out, and I am the Da Qin God of War!"

"Hahaha, with His Highness here, my Great Qin can not only unify the world, but even advance towards other alien worlds, reaching unprecedented heights."


The three looked at each other and laughed loudly.

At this moment, a soldier came to report.

"Reporting to the three generals, the general led 5 heavy armored cavalry to rush to the rescue of Yanmen Pass!"

When Zhao Tuo and the others heard the words, their faces were overjoyed, and then they led many great Qin cavalry to meet Chen Zhibao!

"General!" "General!"

Countless Daqin cavalry lined up on both sides of the fortress, watching Chen Zhibao and the heavy armored cavalry behind him respectfully!
Daqin has always admired the strong, especially someone as powerful and unparalleled as Chen Zhibao.

The most important thing is that Chen Zhibao is Prince Yingxi's retainer!


Chen Zhibao nodded calmly.

At the same time, Zhao Tuo hastily handed over the Prince Yingxi's letter, and the latter glanced at it, and immediately understood Yingxi's intentions.

"It seems that His Royal Highness is not just trying to kill Da Yuezhi!"

After collecting the written order, Chen Zhibao narrowed his eyes slightly.

Seeing this, Zhao Tuo asked, "General, the prince is still instructing me in the handbook, I hope I don't want to leak any information, I wonder if the general can see the purpose of His Highness the Prince?"

"It's very simple!" Chen Zhibao sneered, "His Highness intends to lead the army and directly destroy the entire Hun army!"

When Wang Jian, Meng Tian and others saw this, they immediately reacted and were shocked.

After all, today's Xiongnu army is still unclear about the situation of the battle, and the entire 20 army is still waiting in full force, and they don't even notice the threat coming.

At that time, Prince Yingxi will lead the army to directly raid the Huns' army, destroying the Huns' 20 army in a devastating manner, coupled with the current troops guarding Yanmen Pass, they may be able to wipe out the Huns in one fell swoop.

Thinking of this, Wang Jian and Meng Tian were extremely excited!
The prince wins and kills decisively, and his heavy armored cavalry is extremely powerful and has never been defeated!

Seeing this, Zhao Tuo was equally excited, and couldn't help but gear up, feeling like he couldn't wait!
This time, he brought half of the troops on the northern border, a total of [-] Qin cavalry!The remaining half will continue to be stationed at the northern border. In addition, he also specially arranged to start at Confucian Village.

Confucian scholar Zhuang!
Young Master Fusu sat on the table, his face full of decadence.

Seeing this, Yan Lu sighed helplessly.

Although the son Fusu mud can't support the wall, but now the only reliance on Confucianism is the son Fusu, and they have no choice.

"My lord, please cheer up, you are now the entire hope of Confucianism!" Yan Lu said solemnly.

During this period of time, Yan Lu has been persuading the young master to help Su a lot, but the other party has no fighting spirit at all.

In fact, the young master Fusu cannot be entirely blamed, after all, the crown prince's way of earning money is too terrifying, which frightened the child.

The young master Fusu knew in his heart that if he intervened again, the crown prince might lose his inter-year friendship, just like killing the Queen Mother, he waved him off.


Young Master Fusu raised his head, looked at Yan Lu, but didn't know what to say.

Seeing this, Yan Lu spoke again, "According to the information from the front line, Prince Yingxi led an army to massacre 40 Yuezhi troops, causing countless casualties among foreigners!"

"Now on the border of Great Qin, the prestige of the crown prince's winning interest has already surpassed yours!"

"Win interest." When Young Master Fusu saw this, the look of decadence on his face became even more intense.

When Yan Lu saw this scene, he looked at Young Master Fusu with hatred, "Young Master, are you serious?"

"That's all! Since the young master is unwilling to take action, then I, the Confucian family, will fight for this great power for you!"

Young Master Fusu's expression changed immediately when he heard the words, "Yan Lu, what are you going to do?"

Yan Lu looked at his young master Fusu with an extremely complicated expression.

Although Confucianism Xunzi led Confucianism all over the world to surrender to Great Qin, he knew in his heart that Confucianism was destined not to be integrated with Great Qin.

The reason is simple, Daqin has overbearing Confucianism!Cao Changqing is here!
(End of this chapter)

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