Chapter 265 Kill with joy!

The guard on the city wall in Longxi Qiudao was just a young boy.

When he faced such a big scene, he was somewhat afraid.

But just after he recognized Ying Xi's figure, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Ying Xi looked far outside the city gate, and even felt a little angry after seeing the army of the Great Yue Clan.

The Da Yue Clan's army underestimated Qin State so much that they were stationed outside the city gate without even a trace of defense.

Where can he put his prestige of the Qin State?

Sure enough, his reputation as a tyrant to the Qin Dynasty has not yet spread.

It looks like it's time to show the great Yuezhi's army a good look.

If this doesn't give them some trouble, they really think that there is no one in Qin, right?

Ying Xi waved his hand at the phone, "Initiate an attack."

"Yes!" The guard looked at Ying Xi excitedly, facing such an army of the Da Yue Clan, he rushed forward without the slightest fear.

He also admired the confidence of the prince of Qin, even though the two armies were disparate in number, he was not afraid at all.

Could this be his confidence to tyrannize the Qin Dynasty? Today, the rumors are true.

But then the guard continued to ask Ying Xi, "Does Your Highness have any other reinforcements? They haven't assembled here yet."

He still felt that it would be a bit reckless for his army of only [-] to compete with the opponent's army of hundreds of thousands.

So I want to inquire about the interest rate and verify that there are no other reinforcements in the end.

"No more, everyone is here." Ying Xi said decisively without the slightest hesitation.

In Ying Xi's mind, to deal with these nooks and crannies, he had to use his more than 5 heavy snow dragon riders, which really gave him enough face.

But when the guard heard Ying Xi's words clearly.

He more or less began to wonder if his ears were broken.

On the opposite side, the Dayue Clan has assembled an army of 40. Even though the Crown Prince of Qin is famous for one against a hundred, with such a disparity in the number of troops, is it really necessary to be so reckless to fight against the opponent?

Could it be that Prince Yingxi has other trump cards in his heart.

I have to admit that the means of winning interest are great, but in terms of fighting, it depends on the overall strength of the two parties.

Wouldn't it be a little too underestimating to yell at the opponent with an army of [-]?

"Wars rely on wisdom, but don't underestimate it." Ying Xi could see his concerns, and directly reached out and patted the general on the shoulder.

Logically speaking, it is understandable that he did not expect the strength of the Daxue Dragonrider.

After all, if he had some wisdom and enough courage, he wouldn't be just a little guard.

And now it's the end of the year, whether it's the Da Yuezhi or the Central Plains, usually they don't go out often at this time, and they stay at home to avoid the cold.

Not to mention some countries that don't know what is good or bad, choose to provoke war at this time.

Therefore, in every country, the defenses of the city walls in winter are not so strong.

It is enough to just send a small soldier to manage the soldiers below.

But in this war, the Dayue Clan was only here to put pressure on Qin.

After negotiating some conditions with Qin, they planned to close the team quickly, and it would be best for the two parties not to fight at all.

In other words, the reason why Dayuezhi's army chose to help the Xiongnu was just to gather numbers.And if the Xiongnu could get some benefits from the Qin State, Dayuezhi would not mind sharing some benefits with the Xiongnu.

And now it was almost the end of the year, and Chen Jun didn't wait until he arrived here.

After all, the weather is freezing cold now, and if you want to rush here, there will be a lot of delays on the way.

The surprise soldiers in Qin State have also been waiting here for a long time.

The Dayue Clan did not fully react, and had already assembled a small part of Qin's army at this moment.

As soon as Ying Xi gave an order, he ordered Han Xin to lead a large group of heavy snow dragon riders to start rushing towards the camp of the Da Yueshi.

The reason why Da Yuezhi could be broken into the camp very well.

One is because they concluded that Qin should not attack them so easily.

The second is that the weather was bad, and they didn't send some cavalry to guard outside, so they took advantage of Qin's troops.

But even if the Da Yue Clan sent so many cavalry to resist the Daxue Dragon Cavalry, they were still powerless.

Not only is there a disparity in the strength of the troops, but the gap between the leaders is also obvious.

Some moves that Han Xin learned from Chen Zhibao were also displayed in this war.

At this moment, they had already rushed into the cavalry regiment of the Da Yuezhi.

Constantly waving their spears, the air was filled with blood mist, and countless cavalrymen died tragically in this battle.

When Li Chungang saw this, he was also a little itchy, and even wanted to experience the thrill of killing in this war.

Slowly, Ying Xi also chose to make a move, rushing into the enemy camp at an extremely fast speed.

A large number of cavalry heads can be chopped off with just a gesture of hands and feet.

These human heads gradually fell to the ground, causing the snow-capped snow to be colored by the blood.

"This despicable and shameless state of Qin!" Among them, in the tent of the military camp at the core of the Dayue Clan, a man who seemed to have a fierce face slowly emerged from the tent, and his strength had already grown. The level of the peak master.

For the Central Plains and foreign forces, of course they dislike each other. The Central Plains people do not give the foreigners some face, and the foreigners also despise the Central Plains.

So this time the Da Yue Clan sent hundreds of thousands of troops to put pressure on the Qin State, and also sent a powerful master-level expert as the leader.

He was furious, walked out of the military tent, and held up the bag knife.

"These villains of the Qin Kingdom are all going to die for me..."

Before waiting for a word, he said it completely from his mouth, only to see the cold light pass first, and a sharp sword qi slashed at the general's head directly.

Then a huge human head fell on the snowy ground, showing a vicious look before dying.

It seems that because he didn't even have time to feel the fear, he died with anger.

It's such a pity that a master-level powerhouse didn't even know who killed him before he died.

In the Da Yuezhi camp, all the soldiers and horses of the Daxue Dragon Riders have already spread all over the Da Yuezhi camp. Tents have already been pierced by crossbow arrows, and even in the freezing snow, they were knocked over. The bonfire kept burning those military tents.

The troops of the Great Yuezhi fled in all directions.

"Kill, kill them all for me." The voices of Daqin soldiers and horses gradually came.

Win interest is of course also among them, just like a demon god who kills without blinking an eye, a large number of people die with every gesture.

(End of this chapter)

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