Chapter 251 The Xiongnu Marriage
This kind of strong breath of death is like being in a mass grave, as if as long as you stay here for a moment, your heart will be swallowed by countless lonely souls and wild ghosts.

At this moment, Alutu was already dumbfounded.

He seemed to realize that he seemed to have misjudged the person.

This is completely digging a hole for yourself.

Still want to give Qin a prestige?
Instead, he dragged himself into the water.

Sitting on the throne, Ying Zheng was of course very clear. He understood that Ambassador Shan Yu actually wanted to find a soft persimmon to pinch, and take this opportunity to destroy the morale of Qin.

But seeing that Guang was facing Ying Xi directly, this burly man was frightened into such a look.

To be honest, Ying Zheng was also stunned.

One is that he was stunned by Ambassador Shan Yu's behavior, and it would not be an exaggeration to describe him with a dumb head.

Is this a general of the Xiongnu aliens galloping on the grassland?

Don't you just think about everything you do?
What kind of person is Ying Xi in this world?

There are millions of murders under his command, and one person can slaughter a city.

With his strength, gods block and kill gods and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas.

What's more, a mere ambassador Shan Yu dared to put his nose on the face and provoke Ying Xi's head.

Ying Zheng was naturally a little stunned, he hated and sympathized with this man.

How is this different from seeking death?
call out!
In the next scene, the lower body of Shan Yu, who collapsed on the ground, was already drenched.

Just because of panic, you can be scared to pee.

The expressions of the two burly men who came with Ambassador Shan Yu were not much better at the moment.

Although they had been standing behind Arutu, their legs and feet were already weak. Feeling this extremely fierce aura, even their breathing became short of breath.

It was as if some demon god was holding the two of them by the sleeves, and could throw them into the abyss with just a raise of their hands.

Winning this meeting will slowly move forward.

He stared forward, but approached the burly man step by step.

So he just took a few steps easily, but in the eyes of the civil and military officials at the scene, it seemed like an abyss that was gradually approaching.

Slowly, a lump jumped in their hearts. Even if this matter had nothing to do with them, they also felt the deterrent force of winning interest.


After walking about two or three steps, Master Shanyu's legs were constantly kicking forward, and even began to cramp due to excessive force.

Alutu is the king of the grassland and a symbol of the strength of the Huns.

The reason why he was sent here was because the Huns had confidence in Ah Lutu and believed that he could come to Daqin to play a good role.

But looking at it today, he not only failed to achieve his goal, but also lost the face of the Huns.

Just because Ying Xi walked over, he could be frightened like this.

"Did you just say that you want to form an alliance with Qin?" Ying Xi said casually.

The tone of the sentence was flat, like countless lonely ghosts, constantly lingering in Master Shanyu's ears.


The Huns came all the way to form an alliance with Qin?
Today's Xiongnu are no longer as domineering as they used to be. It is only because of the killing of Hu Ling that there is no place to live on the grassland or even on the border. The underdog of the rebel army.

What's more, the previous win interest has caused heavy damage to their grasslands. Now the morale of the Huns has been greatly damaged. It is already very difficult to reunify together. How can they dare to negotiate terms with Daqin now.

He even traveled thousands of miles to form an alliance with Daqin.

I don’t know if the Huns are all made of wooden heads.In order to form an alliance, they even wanted to get married.

It's a big joke. In the current situation, the survival of the Huns is already smoke from the ancestral graves.

"Ah, this is indeed Shan, Shan Yu, the meaning of the elder Xiongnu." Alutu staggered, before he could speak Daqin dialect fluently, even a little embarrassed.

Now he is like carrying a Mount Tai on his back, under a lot of pressure.

The rosiness on his face had already lost, as if he had just fallen into a fright and hadn't recovered yet.

He went out on behalf of the Xiongnu and came to Daqin to negotiate conditions. He wanted to show off his power, but unexpectedly he pissed his pants today.

At this moment, he was extremely angry.

Scholars can bear it, what can't bear it.

These Central Plains people were too deceitful. If they didn't peel off their skins, it would be difficult to be worthy of the dead compatriots of the Huns.

"Go back and tell you Shan Yu, take a piss and take good care of yourself, what face do you have to come to Daqin to negotiate terms, you have only two options."

"Either die, or be willing to join Daqin."

As soon as these words came out, the palace of King Qin fell silent, and all civil and military officials were equally dumbfounded.

Ying Zheng narrowed his eyes slightly, looking thoughtfully at Ying Xi who had just finished speaking.

At this moment, he was also a little surprised.

He knew that his son was full of ambitions, as he could tell from the fact that he destroyed the Five Kingdoms back then.

Originally, he wanted to continue to watch the Hun ambassador who was like an ant, and what shocking things he would do next.

But this unequivocal sentence stunned everyone present.

Even Ying Zheng was a little confused.

In the past, the idea of ​​attacking the Huns never came to his mind all the time.

But now that the other 5 countries have just been wiped out, and now such a hasty crusade against the Huns, I am afraid it will only be a leak for Qi.

Therefore, the current state of Qi is also preparing to contribute to the state.

However, the rebels in Yan, Zhao and Chu should not be underestimated. If they failed to plan a countermeasure, it would be easy for these rebels to gain the upper hand.

What's more, there is such a big force as Baiyue, who will attack Daqin at any time in the first month of the month.

Thinking of this, it would not be a good idea to stabilize the Xiongnu first.

At least it can give Qingguo some breathing room, gradually expand, and when the troops recover, they will dominate the world.

If you act too hastily now, it will be detrimental to the development of Qin State.

But today's winning interest does not have any worries, and he just spit out a sentence that scared the Hun ambassador to tears.

The civil and military officials at the scene were also dumbfounded.

Of course they knew in their hearts that if a general matter developed to the point where the prince Yingxi needed to speak up, it would prove that this matter was definitely not easy to deal with.

What can I do?As the confidant of Qin, the Xiongnu may have no way out now.

There is no sympathy for Yingxi, and there are only two ways for the Xiongnu to go, either surrender or die.

According to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's behavior, he will definitely do what he says.

And the attitude is extremely strong, not allowing the slightest doubt.

Even his father, Yingzheng, felt that he was not worthy of the title of tyrant.

(End of this chapter)

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