Chapter 232 Xiang Yu
At this moment, a person in the crowd cursed angrily.

"Baoqin! You..."


Before he could finish speaking, a bright stream of light flickered past, and the man's head fell to the ground.

In an instant!
The crowd around the execution ground shrank their eyes instantly, and their bodies trembled uncontrollably in fright.

And some warriors who were hiding among the common people, who planned to use the moment when the common people rioted to save people, became quiet in an instant.

From just now to now, two people have died, one nobleman and one commoner.

Daqin's attitude undoubtedly proved to them that no matter whether it is a nobleman or a commoner, once he makes a speech that is unfavorable to Daqin, he will undoubtedly die.

The so-called human life is not worth mentioning in their eyes.

If they really caused the people to riot, they might kill the lives of these people.

At this moment, Prince Yingxi walked down slowly, looking at everyone indifferently.

"The prince has always been unwilling to force others, but if you Chu people are not willing to submit to my Great Qin, then the prince can only spend more time!"

"Keep your eyes wide open! This is a good show prepared by the prince for those ants in the dark of you Chu people..."

"You devil, you are simply insane, you will definitely suffer..."

At this moment, a nobleman who was crushed on the execution ground suddenly stood up and accused him angrily.

He hoped that his remarks could resonate with the people of Chu State and join him in resisting Great Qin.

However, before he finished speaking, he suddenly found that the faces of the people under the execution ground were extremely pale, and no one dared to speak.

At this moment, the crown prince's eyes were fixed on those common people. They suddenly felt that the temperature around them dropped to the extreme, as if seeing a sea of ​​blood and corpses rushing towards them, their bodies trembled uncontrollably.

"very good!"

The prince Yingxi smiled, and then said lightly, "Let's do it!"

As his words fell, the sound of beheading came one after another!

The heads of those nobles fell to the ground one after another, and the red blood gushed out, slowly flowing from the execution ground to the ground.

When many people saw this scene, their eyes widened immediately, and their pupils were filled with fear.

Many of them had never seen such a bloody scene, and vomited on the spot.

At this moment, the martial artist who was originally hidden among the people suddenly rushed out, bursting out with all the strength in his body, and killed the prince with a sigh of relief.

"You murderous devil, let me die!"

"Prince Yingxi, you must die today!!!"

Those assassins exploded with the most powerful martial arts supernatural powers, rushing towards the prince Yingxi recklessly.

It's a pity that these people couldn't get close to Prince Yingxi's eyes at all.

The crown prince Yingxi raised his eyelids slightly, and his pupils were filled with a radiant divine light.

Instantly!The entire space was distorted, and an invisible ripple suddenly swept towards the surroundings.

Those assassins seemed to be attacked by an indescribable force, and their bodies were like shells, flying hundreds of miles away. At the same time, the meridians in their bodies were forcibly crushed and shattered by this terrifying force. open.

At this moment, many people who were terrified in their hearts, seeing the heroic behavior of those assassins, immediately aroused blood in their hearts, and roared loudly.

"Kill this devil! Avenge the king and Lord Xiangguo!"



There were only a few hundred Great Qin cavalry responsible for guarding the execution ground, and they could not stop these hatred-filled people at all.At this moment, Prince Yingxi raised his hand expressionlessly.

The thousands of crossbowmen who had been waiting on the city wall immediately took out their crossbow arrows and aimed at the rioting people.

Qin's crossbow bolts were already extremely lethal, but after he improved them, their power became even more terrifying.

"His Royal Highness!"

At this moment, Wang Jian looked at Prince Yingxi.


Prince Yingxi spit out a word expressionlessly.

Now that you have chosen to resist Daqin, be prepared to accept your fate.

As for those who appease the people of Chu State, I'm sorry, but what he is best at is killing people.

"This crown prince is kind after all, he killed too few people!"

The crown prince touched his chin with a sigh of relief, talking to himself.

Wang Jian, who had just turned to leave, could not help but twitch his mouth.

Is this Nima speaking human language?
I have been in the army for more than ten years, and I haven't killed as many people as you have killed in the past few months. You still dislike me...

Swish swish!
At this moment, the crossbowmen on the city wall kept firing their crossbows.

Accompanied by bursts of piercing sounds, the rioting people immediately spattered their flesh and blood, and blood spilled all over the ground.

Among those rioting common people, there were Xiang Liang and Xiang Yu!

In order to save Xiang Yu's life, Xiang Liang desperately blocked the crossbows that were flying towards him.

As for Xiang Yu, he looked at the nobles on the execution ground with red eyes, among them were members of his family.

"Uncle, don't stop me, I'm going to kill this devil!"

"Shut up! The power of the prince's interest is extremely powerful. You were just hitting a stone with an egg in the past. You should leave quickly and leave the green hills behind. You won't be afraid of running out of firewood!"

Xiang Liang grabbed Xiang Yu's hand fiercely, not letting him be impulsive.

Xiang Yu looked at the blood flowing on the ground, and his heart was filled with hatred, but he lowered his head, not daring to look at the crown prince.

Because Xiang Liang told him that the crown prince's strength is so powerful that even if he looks up at the other party, he is likely to be discovered by the other party.

Now they can only choose to drag out an ignoble existence and wait for the opportunity of revenge in the future.


Xianyang City, Qin Wang Palace!
King Yingzheng of Qin was playing chess leisurely, and his opponent was Han Shengxuan.

The weather was about to enter winter, so he ordered his servants to bring some braziers and put them in the hall.

"I don't know what Xi'er is doing now?"

Since receiving the good news, King Qin Yingzheng has been unable to contain the joy in his heart.

Prince Yingxi led the Great Qin Cavalry and almost wiped out Chu's million-strong army!

In this way, the resistance of Chu State was completely cut off, and the prince won the interest and slaughtered 10,000+ soldiers of Chu State, which can also greatly share the financial capacity of Daqin.

After all, if these captives are kept, he still has to be dealt with by him, Daqin, and it will be a big burden in terms of food.

Although it is indeed shocking to cause such a massacre, Qin Wang Yingzheng is more happy in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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