Chapter 225 Dumbfounded Young Master Fusu

"In that case, why should you and I be so depressed?"

Tian Ji noticed everyone's reaction, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"I also invite the king to write a letter to make Qi State a vassal of the Great Qin!"

Doesn't such behavior declare that Qi State is submitting to Da Qin?

But in this way, it is indeed possible to truly preserve the Qi country.

The crown prince Yingxi is extremely powerful, and his personality is even more tyrannical. Coupled with the many semi-immortals under his banner, if he is really allowed to lead the Great Qin Iron Cavalry to attack Qi, there will be no grass and blood will flow like rivers.

Instead of this, it is better to choose to surrender to Great Qin and offer up all the territory of Qi State.

In this way, although the Qi State is dead, at least the foundation of the Qi State can be preserved intact, and the King of Qi just changes his title and continues to rule the territory of the Qi State.

Perhaps one day in the future, Qi will have the opportunity to rise again.

After all, Daqin unified the world just by following the example of Emperor Zhou. Who can guarantee that Daqin's fate will be different from that of Emperor Zhou?

Immediately, all the civil and military officials around nodded in agreement.

The current situation is extremely serious, and only by choosing to surrender can the strength of Qi be preserved.

After the court meeting ended, King Qi looked at Tian Ji with a face full of unwillingness.

"Xiangguo, do we, Qiguo, really want to choose to submit to Daqin?"

"Is it true that the thousands of years of foundation of my Qi country will be ruined in the hands of the widow?"

"My lord, do you think we have a second choice?" Tian Ji shook his head helplessly, with a wry smile on his lips.

"Think about it carefully. As the overlord of the past, King Zhuang of Chu almost led Chu to unify the world of Middle-earth. But even so, didn't he also fall into the hands of Prince Yingxi?"

"If you look at Taoism and Confucianism, don't they also choose to bow down to Great Qin? Compared with these forces, how can our country of Qi be better?"

"The widow is naturally aware of this, but there is always resentment in my heart!"

King Qi covered his forehead, full of unwillingness.

As the king of a country, he naturally does not want the country to perish while he is ruling.

"Weichen naturally knows in his heart that Middle-earth has no power to resist Daqin now. All you and I have to do is to wait quietly..."

Tian Ji said with a serious expression.

"Although Daqin is powerful, his style of doing things is extremely tyrannical. Even if the world of Middle-earth is unified, there must be many forces against Daqin in the world..."

"As we all know, an empire unified by force cannot last long."

"You and I just need to wait quietly. One day in the future, heroes will rise up and overthrow Daqin's rule!"

In Tian Ji's eyes, blindly suppressing by force will definitely cause more resistance. Even if Daqin can create an empire through the ages, it will definitely not be able to last for a long time.

After hearing Tian Ji's words, King Qi pondered for a long time, and finally decided to surrender to Da Qin.

Of course, the most important thing is that today's Qi State has no power to resist the crown prince's interest.

And he knew in his heart that in the face of absolute strength, all struggles were futile.


The northern border of Daqin!
After the fall of the Queen Mother, the son Fusu completely gave up on the prince and broke the brotherhood in his heart.

Therefore, as soon as he arrived at the northern border, he used the authority of Prince Da Qin to protect the remaining warriors of Zhao and Yan as much as possible.Although they all resisted the rule of Qin, in the eyes of Prince Fusu, such behavior was natural.

After all, Daqin destroyed the country they were in, so they would naturally hate Daqin in their hearts.

However, even so, in the face of these people who resisted the Great Qin, they should not choose the cruelest way to slaughter them like the prince Yingxi did.

In the eyes of Young Master Fusu, only enlightenment and benevolence are the best ways to prevent more innocent people from dying.

He wants to use the Confucian knowledge he has learned to thoroughly influence those who resist the Great Qin and make them truly identify with the Great Qin!

Facts have proved that young master Fusu is indeed doing this.

In just five days, the remnants of the Six Kingdoms gathered in his mansion amounted to thousands.

Originally, in the hearts of these people who resisted Daqin, while hating Daqin, they were more afraid and uneasy. They were really afraid that they would be found out by Daqin cavalry and lose their lives.

But after the young master Fusu arrived at the northern border, they no longer had to live in mediocrity, and their days became better day by day.

It may be that the son Fusu sheltered those who resisted the Great Qin, and General Zhao Tuo who was stationed on the northern border had a little conflict with this.

If he hadn't considered that the son Fusu was the eldest son of the Great Qin Dynasty, Zhao Tuo could have almost slashed him with a knife.

"My lord, if you act like this, you will definitely offend many great Qin dignitaries..."

Seeing this scene, Yan Lu couldn't help admonishing him.

"Not only will it affect your impression in the hearts of civil and military officials, but it will also arouse the disgust of King Qin..."

Although the young master Fusu was too stupid, the Confucians almost wanted to give up.

But as far as the current situation is concerned, only by assisting the son Fusu can there be a slight chance of turning things around.

It is also because of this that Yan Lu has been following Fusu.

"My son is naturally clear in his heart, but so what?"

Young Master Fusu waved his hands, and said with firm eyes, "Now I can't control the situation in Daqin, I can only do my best to protect their well-being!"

Ever since Mr. Lan Xi became the Prince of Great Qin, Mr. Fusu had already given up the hope of competing with him. Now he just wants to do what he can do.

At this moment, a person suddenly walked in outside the mansion, he was a Confucian warrior.

However, what the Confucian martial artist said immediately made the expressions of Young Master Fusu and Yan Lu change drastically.

"The master of Confucianism, Xunzi's order, the children of Confucianism in the Middle-earth world immediately go to Xianyang, there must be no mistake."

"After today, Confucianism will become the Confucianism of Great Qin!"

"What?" Seeing this, Yan Lu couldn't help constricting his pupils, his face full of disbelief, "How is this possible? How could the teacher surrender to Daqin?"

He was full of puzzlement. At the beginning, Xunzi tried his best to oppose the rule of Daqin, and even regarded the domineering Confucianism as his deadly enemy. How could he submit to Daqin now?
Even if Chu was defeated, it wouldn't be such a choice, right?
Young Master Fusu was also full of doubts!

But in the next second, the reason explained by the martial artist now made the two of them understand.

Prince Yingxi beheaded King Zhuang of Chu and Qu Yuan by himself, and the Great Qin Iron Cavalry slaughtered Chu's million-strong army with only 10,000+ remaining.

Then Taoism and Confucianism chose to surrender to Daqin!Mr. Guigu from the Strategist disappeared!

This is the result of the final decisive battle at Hangu Pass!

(End of this chapter)

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