Chapter 129

After these few days, Young Master Fusu's performance is undoubtedly much better than before.

But even so, whenever he closed his eyes at night, the image of Zhang Liang and those Confucian students who died tragically appeared in his mind involuntarily.

But in the same way, with the help of his hatred for Mr. Lanxi, Mr. Fusu has indeed undergone many changes.

For example, in the performance of Cai just now, the young master Fusu was extremely calm, and he also remembered what Xunzi said when he left.

However, he is going to the two countries not to win people's hearts, but to bring warmth to the people of the two countries from the bottom of his heart.

After the collapse of Zhao and Yan, many captives were murdered, countless families were destroyed, and their wives were separated.

As the eldest son of Daqin, he should make some amends.

This is the inner thoughts of young master Fusu.

Seeing this, the civil and military officials next to him couldn't help but looked at Young Master Fusu in surprise.

Unexpectedly, it was the son Fusu who took the initiative to ask to go to the territory of the two countries.

Although Great Qin has occupied the territories of the two countries, there is a lot of chaos in the two countries now!
Even though Mr. Lanxi slaughtered a large number of captives, and basically slaughtered those who resisted the Great Qin in Zhao State, the hearts of the people of Zhao State were towards Zhao State after all.

Especially the people of Yan State.

Faced with King Yan's fleeing without a fight, the people were extremely angry. While insulting King Yan's incompetence, they also organized their own forces to resist Daqin.

Wang Ben was in charge of suppressing the Yan State, but his Daqin cavalry had to slaughter a large number of Yan people every day in order to suppress the Yan State's rebellion.

Even though the young master Fusu has always had a heart of benevolence, if he wants to go to the territory of the two countries, there is still a lot of danger.

Qin Wang Yingzheng naturally knew it too, so he couldn't help but look at the son Fusu more, and then said seriously.

"Fusu, do you know that the territories of the two countries are quite unstable now, even your life may be in danger, do you really want to go?"

"My son is not afraid!"

Young master Fusu said with firm eyes.

He just wants to do as much as he can, not for the long-term stability of Qin, but simply to appease the people in the two countries.

I hope that I can do my best to make life better for the people whose countries have been destroyed.

As soon as the words fell, all civil and military officials looked at Young Master Fusu one after another, and their thoughts on the latter changed a lot.

Even those court ministers who supported Mr. Lanxi admired Mr. Lan Xi's courage in Fusu.

However, they never thought that the young master's support to Su was not for the long-term stability of the Qin State, but simply wanted to give more warmth and help to the people of other countries.

Of course, among the civil and military officials, there are still many people who can perceive the purpose of the young master Fusu.

For example, Li Si and Mr. Lan Xi!
I saw Mr. Lan Xi raised his eyelids slightly, and a cold light flashed in the depths of his pupils.

He is very sure about the purpose of this elder brother, now that he is here, how can he let the young master Fusu mess around?
If the fishing industry of other countries had the help of the young master Fusu, maybe it would really generate a force that is quite dangerous to Great Qin.

Immediately, Mr. Lanxi stood up.

"Reporting to my father, regarding the governance of the territories of the two countries, I have a plan in mind!"

"Oh? Talk about it!"

When King Qin Yingzheng saw this, his eyes lit up.Compared to Young Master Fusu's suggestion, he was more inclined to Young Master Lan Xi's plan.

After all, he cultivated Mr. Lan Xi as the future master of Great Qin, so he naturally believed in the latter's ability more.

"It's very simple! Launch a national war-level war!" Mr. Lanxi said lightly.

As soon as the words fell, the civil and military officials couldn't help but stare, and the pupils were full of horror.

Nima is not joking, right?There are only a few rebellions in the territories of the two countries. Is it necessary to launch a war at the level of a national war?Couldn't this be an attempt to wipe out all the rebels in the territories of the two countries?
Even Qin Wang Yingzheng was shocked when he saw this.

A few days ago, he praised Mr. Lan Xi for his knowledge of the emperor's art. Why does he want to fight now?

However, when he saw Mr. Lanxi's indifferent expression, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly.

Why do you feel that this kid looks a little flustered, as if he is not launching a war, but thinking about what to eat.

Seeing this, Li Si couldn't help shrinking his neck.

Mr. Lan Xi is really terrible, he will start a war every now and then, this nima is really a butcher!
Hearing this, Young Master Fu Su couldn't help it immediately, and looked at Young Master Lan Xi angrily.

"Fifth Brother! Even though there are many rebels in the territories of the two countries, they are the people of the two territories. Now that their families are ruined, it is inevitable to have hatred in their hearts!"

"Do you really want to slaughter them so cruelly? Are you really not afraid of karma?"

"Hehe! Karma?"

Seeing this, Mr. Lan Xi had a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"My son only believes that man will conquer the sky, what is the so-called fate, it will be cut off with a single blow!"

"Of course, after they die, they can also turn into ghosts and demand my life, but if I can kill him once in reality, then I don't mind killing him again in hell!"

Such ferocious and cold-blooded words immediately made Young Master Fusu unable to control the anger in his heart, his face flushed and he scolded.

"Even if you are powerful, so what if you can slaughter all warriors in the world? What you have done is nothing but a violent act, and you will definitely be resisted by the people in the world!"

"One day, you too will fall into the hands of the world!"

"Hehe! Could it be that elder brother wants me to be like you, and treat the people of his country as the people of our country of Qin?" Mr. Lanxi said with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Brother, do you really think that I can't see your purpose? You don't come forward to appease people. The real purpose is to give preferential treatment to the people of the two countries, right?"

"Even if these people are people who want to fight against my Great Qin and slaughter my Great Qin Iron Cavalry, do you still want to protect them?"

"They are not bad at all. How can I ask who has no hatred in his heart when his family is ruined? Our Great Qin is a powerful country, and we will influence them with benevolence, righteousness and morality instead of suppressing them with force!"

At this moment, Young Master Fusu no longer hides his purpose.

In other words, Young Master Fu Su was not good at covering up the thoughts in his heart.

As soon as these words came out, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty could not help but narrow their eyes slightly, and looked at Young Master Fusu with astonished expressions.

I thought that the young master Fusu volunteered to appease the people of the two countries as the Prince of Great Qin!

Looking at it now, what kind of Anfu is this?It is clear that he is benefiting the people of the two countries in his capacity as the Prince of Great Qin!

If this is the case, wouldn't it make everything that Mr. Lanxi did before in vain?

(End of this chapter)

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