Chapter 126 Another Participating Force
A terrifying coercion burst out!
I saw Mr. Lan Xi's eyes suddenly became icy cold, and the deep pupils bloomed with bright divine light.

In an instant!
Liston's body was trembling all of a sudden, cold sweat was breaking out on his forehead, and he nodded frantically.

"The minister knows!"

Did he just go crazy?Still thinking of bargaining with Mr. Lan Xi?
Who is Mr. Lan Xi?Even in the face of an army of hundreds of thousands, he can easily slaughter tens of thousands of soldiers, how dare he provoke others?

Not to mention anything else, even in the mansion of the eldest son of the Great Qin Dynasty, where the Confucian sage Xunzi opened an altar to preach, people can kill without restraint, let alone go to a leftist minister by himself?

Just now, Mr. Lan Xi had given Li Si a step. If he didn't know that a man who understands current affairs is a hero, then he would only be left with a dead end.

"Very good! If that's the case, then leave it to the adults!"

Mr. Lan Xi nodded in satisfaction, and when he passed by Li Si, he patted Li Si on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, the position of Prime Minister of Daqin is yours after all, and Cao Changqing will never be your enemy!"

"I hope that my lord can make more contributions to my great Qin in the future, and I will take good care of you!"

Now Cao Changqing is the Tingwei of the Great Qin, Han Shengxuan is the Commander of the Great Qin Zhongche, and Chen Zhibao is the General of the Great Qin, they are already powerful and terrifying forces.

Although everyone knows in their hearts that with Mr. Lan Xi's character and character, he will never have the heart to rebel.But in any case, it is impossible for Qin Wang Yingzheng to hand over the position of prime minister to Prince Lanxi's followers.

It's not that Qin Wang Yingzheng is not enough to accommodate all rivers, but the most important thing about the power of the court is the word balance.

If the people in the ruling and opposition parties were all members of Mr. Lan Xi, there would definitely be problems in the ruling and opposition parties of Daqin.


Who is Li Si, how could he not be aware of this?

He also knew what Young Master Lanxi meant, not to make him submit to the domineering Confucianism, but to let him know how to judge the situation.


Mr. Lanxi nodded in satisfaction, then turned and left.

Looking at the back of or leaving, Li Si couldn't help taking a deep breath, and the stone in his heart finally fell.

After not seeing him for a few days, the coercion emanating from Mr. Lan Xi's body became even more terrifying. The incomparable overlord coercion even showed signs of surpassing King Qin Yingzheng.

After all, Li Si had never been under such terrifying pressure even when he was facing Qin Wang Yingzheng in the Palace of the King of Qin.

At the same time, Li Si also completely gave up on his son Fusu.

Young master Fusu has a gentle personality, and he is a little impulsive in doing things, so how can he be an enemy of Young Master Lan Xi?
Young Master Lanxi must be the future Lord of Great Qin!


Palace of King Qin!
Zhang Han immediately reported what Young Master Lanxi had done in Fusu mansion to King Qin Yingzheng.

Qin Wang Yingzheng looked at the information in front of him, and couldn't help but stare blankly.

He was still teaching Mr. Lanxi the emperor's art before, telling him not to blindly kill. As an emperor, he should know how to control people and control the world by means.

How long has passed? In just one day, Mr. Lan Xi's behavior completely overturned King Qin Yingzheng's perception of the former.

This kid is not a butcher who only knows how to kill, but an emperor who knows how to control the situation!
Not only can he suppress the world with absolute force, but he also has many means to control the situation and people's hearts.

"This kid is really a natural born overlord!"

For a moment, Qin Wang Yingzheng was full of emotion, and suddenly felt that he was getting old.

He became the Lord of Great Qin since he was 13 years old, and it took him more than ten years to rule Great Qin to such an extent.

I thought that I was the born king, and my contribution to the Qin Dynasty exceeded that of previous monarchs.But compared with Mr. Lan Xi, I feel ashamed.

The most important thing is that Qin Wang Yingzheng is still in his prime now, but suddenly there is a feeling in his heart that the wave behind pushes the wave ahead.

For a moment, King Qin Yingzheng's expression became rather weird.

But soon, he couldn't help laughing.

If the son of a widow can do such a thing, doesn't that mean that God blesses me, Daqin?

To be able to suppress the enemy with force in the battlefield, to rule the world and to control people's hearts by means, this is the real natural overlord, who knows how to use both kindness and power ingeniously!

"Hmm... Is it time for the widow to choose a day to establish the Daqin Crown Prince?"

King Qin Yingzheng stroked his chin, lost in thought.

Now Mr. Lan Xi already has great prestige, but if he is listed as the Prince of Great Qin at this moment, it will be too early after all.

At least in Qin Wang Yingzheng's heart, he wanted to make him the Prince of Qin when the Great Qin unified the world and established the Eternal Empire.

At that time, he will also be able to completely hand over a complete middle-earth world to Mr. Lan Xi.

"That's all! Wait a little longer, my Great Qin will definitely unify the world, and I will leave Xi'er as the crown prince!"

King Qin Yingzheng said to himself in his heart.

However, just when Qin Wang Yingzheng thought it would take several years to unify the world, Mr. Lanxi has already quietly accelerated his pace.

As soon as he returned to the mansion, he immediately summoned Xue Nu, Moon God and others.

Although there are not many people, each of them holds extremely huge power in their hands.

Coupled with Chen Zhibao, a soldier in white, and Cao Changqing's power in the court and the opposition, it is not an exaggeration to say that Mr. Lanxi covers the sky with one hand.

"I've seen your son!"

Xue Nu and the others saluted respectfully.


Mr. Lan Xi nodded, and then his eyes fell on Han Shengxuan.

"Human cat, what's the result of the investigation?"

Although the influence of Confucianism is extremely large, Zhang Liang alone is not enough to completely stir up the situation in the city, and even spread many rumors to the entire Great Qin.

"According to the preliminary investigation results, there are a total of 367 people involved in this incident, including 11 Daqin officials!" Han Shengxuan said with cold eyes.

"Beyond that, the reason why rumors spread so fast is because farmers are involved!"

"Information came not long before the startled salamander last night, and now all the farm warriors are ordered by one person!"

Since taking over Luowang, Han Shengxuan has arranged for the startled salamander to return to the farmhouse and continue to be the eldest lady of the farmhouse.

And in this incident, the startled salamander undoubtedly played a huge role.

"Oh? Who is this person?"

Seeing this, Mr. Lan Xi couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly.

The others were equally curious. Could it be possible that this person is the leader of the farm family who has the power to order people from the farm family?
It shouldn't be, how could the hero of the peasant family join forces with Confucianism to slander Mr. Lan Xi?Does this do any good for the farm family?

(End of this chapter)

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