Chapter 123 Killing Feast

Seeing this scene, Xunzi couldn't help sweating wildly on his forehead.

He was thinking anxiously, is there any flaw in the domineering arrogance?
But no matter how hard he racked his brains, he couldn't find any flaws in Mr. Lan Xi's.

After all, as the two great sages said in the past, Confucianism is indeed the way of the world, and there are thousands of people in the world who naturally have thousands of different understandings.

He can say that the existence of Confucianism is regarded as the world's etiquette and law, and it is the code of conduct for people in the world.

Mr. Ke Lanxi can also say, isn't the so-called rule of conduct just to act from one's heart?
Although there is a difference between what the two said, it is not what Xunzi and others thought.

If there is no clear difference between domineering arrogance and awe-inspiring righteousness, how can he win?

The most important thing is that Mr. Lanxi did not deny the two great sages of Confucius and Mencius, but on the basis of respecting Confucianism, he added the principle of working from one heart and unity of knowledge and action.

Not only that, Mr. Lanxi even used Wang Yangming's study of the mind, and after a few words, he has already stabilized the overbearing Confucianism.

If you know why you are doing it, then do it.

This is the meaning of the existence of Domineering Haoran!It is also a real qualitative change after the fusion of the power of Confucianism and Taoism.

After all, even if he cultivated the power of hegemony, it still did not change the essence of Confucianism, and it was definitely not the crooked way that Zhang Liang said.

Because of this, Xunzi couldn't find any flaws for a long time.

Seeing this, the son Fusu next to him changed his expression drastically.

He did follow the rules of Confucianism before, almost a one-to-one reproduction, without any flexibility, and never really cared about his inner thoughts.

Therefore, facing Mr. Lanxi's questioning, he had no power to refute at all.

However, Young Master Fusu still pointed at Lan Xi angrily.

"Even if what you say makes sense, you shouldn't wantonly kill people like this. If you want to prove the existence of overbearing Confucianism, why don't you discuss it with Xunzi openly? Why do you want to massacre my Confucian family like this?"

As soon as the words fell, Mr. Lanxi couldn't help laughing.

"Hehe! Why do I want to discuss the Tao with Xunzi?"

He is not an idiot like Young Master Fusu. Based on his understanding of Confucianism, it is okay to criticize Xunzi for a few words.

If it really rises to the dispute of orthodoxy, Cao Changqing must take action in person to suppress Xunzi.

The most important thing is that he has always been decisive in killing and attacking. Since he wants to destroy Confucianism, why bother to tell you so many reasons?

And what he said just now was just trying to split the power of Confucianism.

After all, the number of Confucian warriors is small, but their influence in the Seven Kingdoms is extremely large.

Especially scholars all over the world are basically half Confucian students.Therefore, pure killing cannot completely solve Confucianism.

And there are countless Confucian students all over Middle-earth, how can they kill them all?
The most important thing is that after the Great Qin Dynasty achieves the eternal empire in the future, it also needs Confucianism to govern the world. What is such a good tool and must be discarded?
Of course, what he needs is not Xunzi's Confucianism, but his Lanxi's Confucianism!

"My son's purpose is very simple, to come here to kill people!"

Mr. Lanxi raised his eyelids slightly, and looked at the Confucian scholars around him expressionlessly.

"My son is clear in his heart that many of you participated in the previous riots, and their crimes should be punished!"

"However, it is rare for Mr. Japan to be in a good mood today, and I can give you a chance to survive!"

"Today, anyone who chooses to join my overbearing Confucianism will live!"


"At your own peril!!!"

As Master Lan Xi finished speaking, Xunzi couldn't help but his eyes widened, and he looked at Master Lan Xi in shock.Even he believed that what Lan Xi said just now made sense and could not find any fault with it.

But it's only been a few seconds, and in an instant, he changed from a eloquent and ruthless butcher to a cold-blooded butcher?
With his attitude changing so quickly, isn't he worried that people don't agree with his overbearing arrogance?
"Mr. Lanxi, is this how you domineering Haoran behaves?" Xunzi said angrily.

"Hehe! You are wrong, this is not a domineering style!"

Seeing this, Mr. Lan Xi had a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"This is simply my character. I am different from you corrupt people. While being a domineering Confucian warrior, I am also the son of Daqin!"

"But what about you? You put the cart before the horse, put your Confucian identity first, but forgot that you are from Qin!"

"Just like this dear brother of mine!"

Between words, Mr. Lan Xi's eyes fell on Fusu.

"I would like to ask my dear brother, if I, Mr. Qin, were slandered by others for no reason, what should I do according to the law?"

Seeing this, young master Fusu couldn't help but tremble with anger, and said extremely angrily.

"Even if you want to punish according to the law, you must have evidence!"

"Evidence? Hehe!"

Seeing this, Lan Xi couldn't help but smiled, "I know what you are doing. Is this how you Confucians behave? Do you dare to do it or not?"

At this moment, Da Si Ming and others who were cleaning up the miscellaneous soldiers outside the mansion came in.

That beautiful face was tainted with a strong smell of blood, and her delicate body was filled with a monstrous evil spirit.

I saw Da Si Ming and Shao Si Ming respectfully bowed to Mr. Lanxi, "Return to Mr., all the Confucian warriors outside the mansion have been cleared, and a total of 231 people have been killed!"

"Ah, very good!"

Mr. Lan Xi nodded in satisfaction.

From now on, the Yin Yang family will be completely tied to the same boat as him.

And openly killing Confucian warriors in front of the warriors of the world, this can be regarded as a testimonial given by the Yin Yang family!
Of course, there is still a long way to go for the Yin Yang Family to gain Lan Xi's true approval.

"I give you three seconds to think about it. If you stand on the right side, you will choose my overbearing Confucianism. If not, then save your life!"

Mr. Lanxi said with a blank face.

As soon as the words fell, a voice suddenly sounded in the sky and earth, which shocked the young master Fusu, Xunzi and others.


Between the words, the surrounding Confucian scholars hurriedly made a choice with flustered eyes.

From a distance, dozens of people chose to stand on the right.

Maybe they really recognized the overbearing Haoran, or maybe they didn't want to die.

Regardless of the reason, they must be grateful for their choice.

At this moment, Mr. Lanxi looked at the other people with cold eyes, and then waved his big hand suddenly.


As soon as the words fell, Da Si Ming and Shao Si Ming suddenly burst out with the strength in their bodies, displaying the unique skills of the Yin Yang family, and started killing impressively.

In addition, the warriors of the Yin Yang family outside the door also rushed in, frantically massacring those Confucian students.

(End of this chapter)

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