Chapter 121 Overbearing is the way of heart
As soon as the words fell, Xunzi couldn't help but change his expression, his eyes were full of astonishment.

In the eyes of people all over the world, Confucianism and Confucianism were originally one, and this was also the consensus reached during thousands of years.

But after Mr. Lanxi made such remarks, Xunzi couldn't help but his face changed drastically.

The other party actually discovered the real life gate of Confucianism!

Looking at the entire Middle-earth world, although the number of Confucian warriors is small, there are so many people who practice Confucianism, and their number even exceeds that of farmers.

But even so, why is the peasant family the largest family among the hundreds of schools?In contrast, even after thousands of years of inheritance, there are only a few dozen Confucian warriors.

The reason is very simple. It is not necessary for scholars in the world to join Confucianism if they practice Confucianism!

And this is what Mr. Lan Xi grasped. Even if Confucianism is destroyed, it will not affect the existence of Confucianism at all.

The most important thing is that with the terrifying power of Confucian saint Cao Changqing, it is not too easy to create another Confucianism.

However, at that time, Confucianism will no longer be the Confucianism he wanted, but the overbearing Confucianism!

"You... you want to recreate a Confucianism?"

Thinking of this, Xunzi's complexion changed drastically, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he was frightened.

Compared with Mr. Langxi's murderous nature and Zhang Liang's actions, what Mr. Lanxi said now is what scares them the most.

"Create a new Confucianism?" Mr. Lan Xi couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he saw this, and then smiled, "It's not impossible!"

"In the past, the two great sages, Confucius and Mencius, created Confucianism, which was the gift of the Seven Kingdoms and the inheritance of the people of the world, but now the Confucianism has long since decayed, and it has become your Xunzi's Confucianism!"

"Since that's the case, why don't I choose to get rid of the dross, keep the essence, and create a new Confucianism?"

"After thinking about it, my son, I call it Domineering Confucianism. What do you think of this name?"

As soon as the words fell, Mr. Lanxi looked at the Confucian scholars around him, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"You are also people who practice Confucianism, you can join my overbearing Confucianism!"

All of a sudden, the Confucian scholars around stared at each other, their pupils full of astonishment.

Nima is not sure you are joking?
You have brought so many people to kill you, and you still want us to join your overbearing Confucianism?Your way of pulling people is too weird, right?

Among the various schools of thought, even if they robbed each other of talents, it was basically done in a gentle or tempting way. How could they be so bluntly threatened by killing?

However, what Mr. Lan Xi said next touched the hearts of many Confucian scholars.

"Why domineering?"

Mr. Lanxi looked at the Confucian scholars around him, and then said slowly.

"Overbearing is not an unreasonable way, but a way of following your heart. If you feel that you can do something, then act according to your heart. Everything is just a heart!"

"Everyone in the world says that when the road is uneven, you should draw your sword to help!"

"But I don't think so. Drawing swords to help is never an obligation, but an idea. Why can't you choose to watch with a cold drink?"

"What I do is according to my heart, and the way I do is according to my heart!"

"This is the reason for the existence of domineering aura! You can also understand it as the unity of knowledge and action."

Heart to heart?Unity of knowledge and action?

Is this the Confucian philosophy that Mr. Lan Xi understands?As soon as the words came out, many people were deeply touched by them.

Today's Confucianism is different from later generations. In the territory of the seven countries that have been fighting for years, they are subject to too many constraints.

A gentleman can be deceived with etiquette, but a gentleman can be deceived without etiquette!

This is the sorrow in the hearts of many Confucian scholars!

But if you join Domineering Haoran, you can truly do what you want.

If the gentleman's etiquette and the gentleman's failure to follow the etiquette do not follow my heart, what has it to do with me?
"It's just nonsense!"

Seeing this, Fusu, the young master next to him, suddenly trembled with anger, and his handsome face flushed red.

"The Confucian idea is to cultivate the country and rule the country and the world. If you encounter injustice and choose to stand on the sidelines, then what is the meaning of the existence of the world's truth?"

"Awe-inspiring righteousness has existed for thousands of years. According to what you say, what is the significance of its existence?"

Originally, Mr. Lan Xi brought people from the Yinyang family to kill him, but Mr. Fusu already had a lot of anger in his heart.

Now seeing the former subverting Confucianism, Young Master Fusu couldn't hold back anymore, and the anger in his heart broke out completely.

"What is the meaning of awe-inspiring righteousness?"

Seeing this, Mr. Lan Xi couldn't help laughing, and then slowly stretched out his right hand.

Instantly!The entire void was distorted, and countless golden divine lights suddenly fell from the nine heavens, condensing into bright beams of light, making everyone feel suffocated.

Many Confucian scholars around were even more shocked. They didn't know that Mr. Lanxi had cultivated righteousness.

Of course, this also has something to do with their ideas.

As we all know, only those who are virtuous in the world can cultivate into righteousness.

It is rumored that Mr. Lanxi is bloodthirsty, so how can he cultivate into righteousness?
Their expressions at this moment are almost the same as those of Zhang Liang and others before, and they feel that the three views have been subverted.

"Everyone, you can see, is there a fake in the grandeur and righteousness that I have cultivated?"

"What is awe-inspiring righteousness? It is the purest kind of righteousness that exists between heaven and earth!"

I saw that the pupils of Mr. Lanxi were filled with bright divine light, and his voice resounded throughout the world.

"If the arrogance and arrogance I cultivated are not recognized by the world, how can I mobilize the arrogance and righteousness in the world?"

"Overbearing Confucianism does not mean that it does not follow the etiquette of the world, and does not obey the two great sages of Confucius and Mencius! It is that it knows how to distinguish right from wrong compared to the so-called Confucianism!"

"Only by truly acting from the heart and achieving the unity of knowledge and action is the way that the righteousness of the world seeks!"

"This is also my son's way!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone's eyes were shocked, and their bodies were struck by lightning.

Those who came to listen to Xunzi's preaching were basically Confucian scholars, or they were all scholars.

Naturally, they could understand what Mr. Lan Xi said, and because of this, they felt as if the sky was falling.

(End of this chapter)

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