Da Qin: I asked you to touch the jade seal, but you touched a woman?

Chapter 118 Enjoy the treatment of a young master

Chapter 118 Enjoy the Young Master's Treatment
This is Xu Weixiong who ranks first on the Snow World Rouge List!

The powerful aura it radiated directly suppressed Xue Nu and Luna, leaving them without the slightest desire to resist.

Especially Xuenv, who had been avoiding the matter of being the daughter of Mr. Lanxi before.

Now that Yan Zhi had clearly pushed her away, she was surprised to find that there was no resistance in her heart.

In other words, Xue Nu's heart has unknowingly fallen on Mr. Lan Xi.

After admonishing the two, Yan Zhi went to Han Shengxuan and asked for all the information on Xianyang City.

Now, as the person in charge of Prince Lanxi's mansion, she must control everything as soon as possible.

After she left, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly relaxed a lot.

Luna's expression remained the same coldness for thousands of years, it seemed that Rouge was not admonishing her just now.

Perhaps only in front of Mr. Lanxi, this extremely cold snow lotus will bloom.

I saw Luna raised her eyelids slightly, and landed on Xuenv, whose expression was changing, "Are you confused inside?"

Xue Nu nodded first, then shook her head.

"Master Lanxi must be the source of your confusion? I heard before that Xue Nu and Gao Jianli of the Mo family were a natural pair and loved each other! But now you no longer resist Mr. Lanxi in your heart, and even become dependent on him heart of!"

"If it wasn't so, why didn't you respond to what Rouge said just now?"

The eyes of the Moon God are like stars, and they seem to be able to see through everything.

"Why do you think so much?"

At this moment, Luna smiled sweetly, and even the air became sweeter.

"True love will not be determined by the length of time. Mr. Lanxi is the real overlord, and he is also a talented person with both wisdom and courage. He has never cared about fame, wealth and pleasure!"

"It seems that as long as I stay by Mr. Lan Xi's side, I don't have to worry about everything, I just need to do my job well!"

"Besides, who doesn't like a natural overlord? You can feel absolutely safe by his side! Why do you deny your own heart?"

What the moon god said seemed to be speaking to Xuenv, but in fact it was also speaking to herself.

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi used to be the entire belief of the Moon God. Of course, the Moon God knew in his heart that it was not feelings.

But when Donghuang Taiyi chose to trade her as a commodity, the belief in the Moon God was already shaken.

When the moon god was in darkness, it was the appearance of Mr. Lanxi, like a bright dawn, that brought hope to her world.

Before she knew it, Mr. Lanxi had become her entire belief.

The most important thing is that Luna found that as long as he stayed by Mr. Lanxi's side, he would have a sufficient sense of security and happiness in his heart.

Maybe this is the so-called love!
Therefore, compared to Xuenv, who is struggling in her heart, Luna is more calm.

After hearing the words of the Moon God, Xue Nu seemed to have a clear understanding in her heart.

In the past, whether she was controlling Feixue Pavilion in Zhao State, or joining the Mohist School, she had always been drifting with the wind in the rivers and lakes from the beginning to the end.

Because of this, Xue Nu's character has always been taciturn, and few people can really walk into her heart.

And unlike Luna's naturally cold personality, this is Xuenv's protection for herself.

In addition to having no fixed place to live, that beautiful face also brought a lot of troubles to Xuenv, and there were many suitors around her.

Because of this, Xuenv forced her character to become ruthless and calm.

Later, Gao Jianli's appearance gave Xue Nu a hint of warmth in her cold heart.She thought Gao Jianli was the person she was looking for, but until she was captured as a prisoner and taken to Xianyang City, she suddenly found that her life had completely changed.

In Xianyang City, Xue Nu doesn't need to worry about anything, and she doesn't need to care about any people, she can do whatever she wants.

Not only that, Xuenv can develop the Mohism mechanism technique and create an unprecedented advanced machine.

Even if the sky falls one day, she doesn't have to be afraid!
Because Xue Nu knew in her heart that there would be a stalwart figure who would shield her from all dangers, and that was Mr. Lan Xi.

Maybe that's why she didn't resist Mr. Lan Xi, and even unconsciously felt a sense of dependence in her heart.


After a while, Mr. Lanxi also came back from Qin Wangdian.

As soon as he arrived at the hall, Mr. Lan Xi could not help but narrow his eyes slightly, his heart was full of surprise.

Xuenv, who has always been proud, actually cooks herself, and prepares a sumptuous meal and puts it on the table.

Even Luna, who has a cold personality, is very obedient and helps serve the meals.

Is this still the Snow Maiden and Moon God he knew?
"Master is finally back!" Seeing this, Xue Nu had a bright smile on her lips, "You must be hungry, hurry up and eat!"

Seeing this scene, Young Master Lan Xi couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

Rouge is too fierce, right?How long has it been since this harem has been managed in such an orderly manner?

into the night!

Mr. Lan Xi can be said to be hugging left and right, and tied a spring breeze rippling fiercely.

At the same time, he already had a plan for Confucianism in his mind.


He wants to let the Confucianists know who is the real master of Daqin!

At this moment, the son Fusu's mansion.

Zhang Liang suddenly knelt down in front of Xunzi, weeping bitterly and said, "Teacher, it's my disciple who made a mistake!"

After what happened today, Zhang Liang was in despair.

I thought that using the power of Confucianism to lead the Great Qin, with the help of the momentum of the storm in the city, could completely suppress the prestige of Mr. Lanxi in the Great Qin, and thus help the young master to assist Su to take the position of the Prince of the Great Qin.

But I didn't expect Mr. Lanxi to make such a great achievement, what kind of shit is this damn?

Daqin has always been in awe of the strong, and even more so, he loves the generals who have made great achievements.

Looking at the entire Great Qin Dynasty, who else would believe what Confucianism said?
Not only that, but today's Liming people have turned their heads and condemned all the Confucianists. Mr. Lanxi is clearly a hero of our Great Qin, and it is really abhorrent to be slandered by your Confucianists as a murderous demon.

What kind of tyrannical character, what kind of bloodthirsty?
When Mr. Lanxi pacified the territories of the two countries and defeated the 30 army of the Yan State with a devastating force, their Confucian words had become pale and powerless.

"Do you now realize that you were wrong?"

Seeing this, Xunzi had an expression of hating iron for failing to make steel.

"My Confucianism has always been upright. Since I am dissatisfied with what Young Master Lan Xi and Cao Changqing have done, I will naturally discuss with them as a teacher!"

"How can the two popular words of Confucius and Mencius be inferior to that of Cao Changqing? How can he lose as a teacher?"

"But look at you? You are greedy for profit, and use the power of Confucianism to make speeches for your own selfishness. This is clearly pushing my Confucianism into the fire pit!"

(End of this chapter)

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