Chapter 112
Lanxi Mansion!

Naturally, Xuenv also heard these rumors, and she was very angry in her heart.

"These people are really scholars in vain. Did they ever know what Mr. Lan Xi brought to Daqin? What did they do for Daqin's future?"

Xuenv wanted to explain, but she was helpless in the face of Youyou's voice.

Seeing this, Luna next to her also frowned, her eyes filled with indifference.

As for the public defeat, he jumped up angrily.

He thinks Mr. Lanxi is too kind. Facing such stupid people, why did he install water trucks for free before?This kind of person is not worthy of enjoying the crystallization of his public loser's tricks.

Compared to everyone's anxiety, Han Shengxuan was extremely calm.

With cold eyes, he continued to issue orders one after another, using the power of the net and Yin Yang family to monitor those who spread rumors.

As long as the time is right, they can be wiped out.

At the same time, Qin Wangdian.

As the rumors spread, Qin Wang Yingzheng was furious.

"This Confucianism is really too much!"

Qin Wang Yingzheng's pupils were filled with terrifying imperial coercion.

You know, he intends to wait for Mr. Lanxi to come back and make him the Prince of Qin.

But now the rumors of slandering Mr. Lan Xi are prevalent everywhere. If they are allowed to continue like this, how can they make Mr. Lan Xi the Prince of Qin?
If you can't convince the public, how can you justifiably become the Prince of Qin?

"Han Shengxuan, call all the officials here, and I will announce the achievements of Lan Xi to the world!"

"The widow will welcome Lan Xi with the highest etiquette of the Qin state! Let the world see what merits the widow's son has made!"

Qin Wang Yingzheng gave the order angrily.

However, in the next second, a bright stream of light suddenly entered the Qin Palace, and it was the news brought by the dark eagle.

The content inside is that Mr. Lanxi has set off to return to Xianyang.

Seeing this, Qin Wang Yingzheng slowly calmed down the anger in his heart, and the monstrous imperial coercion filled his pupils.

"Very good! Lan Xi is finally coming back!"

"The widow's order is that tomorrow morning, civil and military officials must meet Mr. Lanxi with the highest etiquette outside Xianyang City!"

In addition to the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, Qin Wang Yingzheng had to lead it himself.

At the same time, he planned to officially announce the achievements of Mr. Lan Xi in front of countless people in Xianyang City.

He wanted the world to know what achievements Young Master Lanxi had made for Daqin, and what opportunities he had won for Daqin's future.

Mr. Lanxi alone led 2 cavalry to face Yan's 30 army, what kind of courage and determination!

This is Qin Wang Yingzheng's plan!

Time to announce everything!


Han Shengxuan nodded respectfully, and then went down to deliver Qin Wang Yingzheng's order.

But as the decree was conveyed, everyone was stunned. Master Lan Xi is going back to Xianyang?
Not only that, the king actually ordered the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty to greet him with the highest etiquette?And it was actually led by the king himself?

and many more……

Could it be that Mr. Lan Xi has made great contributions again?But even if they racked their brains, they couldn't imagine what kind of merit they had to do to get such treatment from King Qin Yingzheng.

At the same time, this also highlights the importance of the speed of intelligence transmission.

Although Middle-earth has a dark eagle that is responsible for delivering information, how can the dark eagle that can travel thousands of miles a day be owned by ordinary people?
Throughout the entire Qin State, there are only 20 of them.

As for civil and military officials and even ordinary people, if they want to get information, they must either rely on manpower, or rely on the Mohist's mechanism beasts and so on!

At the same time, the son Fusu, Xunzi and others also got the news that King Qin was in power.

Compared to the confused faces of the others, Zhang Liang suddenly understood King Qin Yingzheng's thoughts.

"It seems that Your Majesty is trying to create momentum for Young Master Lan Xi, and wants to use the power of civil and military officials to suppress the public opinion in Xianyang City, but after all, Your Majesty underestimates the power of Confucianism in Middle-earth, and also ignores the importance of people's hearts too much!"

In his eyes, even if King Qin Yingzheng builds momentum for Young Master Lanxi, so what?Even if Mr. Lanxi is really in power, so what?

As we all know, water can carry a ship or capsize it.

And the common people in the dawn of the world are this insignificant water. How can Qin Wang Yingzheng change the situation under the storm in the city?

So what if Mr. Lanxi is wise and brave?How can you match the enemy's heart?

He was able to slaughter 10,000+ people in Zhao State without blinking an eye, but does he have the guts to do so in Xianyang City?
Or, did he move Confucian people?
This is the momentum of mountains and rivers!Its strength does not depend on force at all, but on wisdom.

This is Zhang Liang's opinion, and it is also his expectation for his son Fusu!

"Father is really confused, how could he protect fifth younger brother like this?"

Seeing this, young master Fusu sighed helplessly.

Although he has never participated in the overall situation laid down by Confucianism, he can also feel the changes in the hearts of the people in Xianyang City.

With blood on their hands, a cold-blooded and ruthless person cannot be recognized by the people. What the people of the world want is peace and tranquility forever.

Therefore, for the peace of the world and the happiness of the people, the son Fusu stood up resolutely, and he had to fight for the crown prince of Daqin.

So what if Mr. Lanxi has many semi-immortals under his command?He firmly believed in his heart that the most powerful thing in the world was never force, but justice.

It has to be said that the son Fusu and Zhang Liang are really the same kind of people, and they have abided by the principles of the old sages until their death.

Of course, they are also different.

At least Zhang Liang knows how to judge the situation. The young master Fusu is blindly stupid and can't tell right from wrong at all!

In contrast, in order to achieve his goal, Zhang Liang can choose any means.

Originally, Xunzi wanted to use the power of Confucianism to build momentum for his son Fusu, and then when Prince Lanxi returned, he would discuss Taoism with him and fight for the orthodoxy.

But under Zhang Liang's planning, the people in Xianyang City are now all criticizing and attacking Mr. Lanxi, which can be said to make the city full of storms.

"Zhang Liang!"

Just then, a person walked in.

He is Xunzi's second apprentice, named Yan Lu!

Although Yan Lu had a gentle personality, he also sensed the undercurrents in Xianyang City, and felt a little angry about Zhang Liang's behavior.

"Master just wants to use the power of Confucianism to build momentum for the son to help Su, so as to start the orthodox dispute between awe-inspiring righteousness and domineering arrogance, but how can you spread such a speech? Use all the power of my Confucianism to deal with Young Master Lan Xi?"

"Have you ever thought about the consequences of disobeying Master's will?"

(End of this chapter)

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