Seeking the way to cover the sky

Chapter 113: The Beginning of the War

Chapter 113: The Beginning of the War
In a manor on the outskirts of Backlund, Xu Cheng was sitting in the study room, reviewing a stack of documents in front of him. The papers were densely printed with the word Loen.

Several months had passed since the last time he saw Klein, and Xu Cheng had been personally teaching the secretly gathered revolutionaries for a long time.

After Klein left last time, Xu Cheng went to meet with senior cadres of the revolutionary faction. He was still very satisfied with the senior cadres of the noble lady Audrey's organization.

The revolutionaries include outstanding working class leaders, generous entrepreneurs, and even some nobles with high social status.

Audrey is still very capable. As Backlund's gem and dream walker, she has a good way of winning people's hearts. Xu Cheng does not need to work hard at all, he only needs to be responsible for teaching and leading the revolution.

This manor located on the outskirts of Backlund is a base for the revolutionary faction. Very few people know about this manor. Usually only some high-level officials come here to ask Xu Cheng questions.

At first, almost all the high-level officials studied theoretical knowledge from Xu Cheng in this manor. After Xu Cheng's knowledge was almost imparted, the place became deserted again, and the preparations for the revolution outside were nearing completion.

There was a knock on the door outside the study, and Xu Cheng was not surprised at all. The messy desk had already been tidied up.

"Come in."

The door opened, and a very beautiful blonde girl walked in, but she seemed a little tired.

"Mr. Yuan, the food stockpile is almost complete. Because the major entrepreneurs have donated enough money, the food stockpiled this time is expected to be able to survive the upcoming war."

"Because there are big nobles involved at the top of the organization, there is no problem with the channels for purchasing weapons, and the stock of guns and ammunition is enough to launch a revolution."

Although Audrey was a little tired, the light in her eyes was too dazzling, and her green gem-like eyes were full of wisdom.

Xu Cheng left almost all the work to this beautiful aristocratic lady in the early stage. After nearly a year of training, this aristocratic lady is no longer as innocent and naive as before, and her life experience has been extremely rich.

Originally Audrey was unwilling to help Xu Cheng form this revolutionary organization, but Xu Cheng was too powerful, which forced her to give in. She was not sure how patient the suspected god would be.

However, now that everything is ready, all we need to do is wait for the war to come. Audrey has followed almost the entire process, which makes her inevitably feel a little proud. Pulling an organization from scratch with the purpose of subverting the world is nothing. Everyone can do it.

Xu Cheng picked up the coffee on the table and took a sip. He looked at the blonde girl with a smile and nodded with satisfaction.

"You did a good job. Although the time was a little rushed this time, you finally completed all the pre-war preparations before the war started."

"Sure enough, professional matters should be left to professionals. I will give you a satisfactory reward after the work is completed."

Audrey had a look of surprise on her face. In the past few months of getting along with Xu Cheng, she had roughly figured out Xu Cheng's temperament. Xu Cheng's promises would definitely be fulfilled one by one. He is a peaceful and good 'god' .

The promise given by a suspected god is definitely not bad. She seems to have seen the audience passing the demigod's potion materials and formulas waving to her.

"Mr. Yuan, you are exaggerating. In fact, it is not as difficult as you think. The entrepreneurs and nobles are very enthusiastic, and the preparation process has not been hindered much."

Xu Cheng sneered, "They simply see huge benefits. The benefits that the kingdom's top leaders can bring by reshuffling the cards are far greater than what they pay."

"They have suffered enough suppression from the established classes, so they will naturally want greater rights. The only ones who can stop the revolution are those with real power."

"With your persuasion, an almost complete theoretical system of social democracy, and so many people participating in the revolution, the huge advantage is on our side. As long as there are huge interests, they will naturally take huge risks. No matter the risk, we have to pursue this almost certain revolution."

Audrey looked a little embarrassed and opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something.

Xu Cheng didn't give her a chance to speak. He slowly stood up and left the desk, walked to the window, and slowly opened the classic window.

Audrey also followed with light steps. She also looked out the window, where there was a blue sky and white clouds, and the golden sun hung quietly in the sky. Everything looked so natural.

Audrey was a little confused. She looked at Xu Cheng and saw that Xu Cheng's eyes remained unchanged. He was still staring closely into the distance. That direction was Backlund.


Following Xu Cheng's sigh, the whole earth shook slightly, followed by an almost inaudible roar from the distance.

Not only did the ground not stop shaking, but the frequency of shaking became higher and higher, and the roaring in the distance kept coming, and the sound became clearer and clearer.

Audrey's smile faltered, her brows were filled with worry, and her tone was somewhat uncertain and unbelievable.

"Is this a war?"

"Is it Roen who was attacked?"

"Was Backlund really bombarded by artillery shells?"

Audrey really couldn't believe it. According to her opinion, the kingdom should have taken the initiative to invade after completing preparations, but how could other countries attack first?And what was bombed this time was Backlund, the capital of the Loen Kingdom.

How powerful is the Kingdom of Loen?Loen's gold list is circulated almost throughout the world, and Loen's military strength is also one of the best in the world. If a war is to begin, it is Loen who declares war on his own initiative. How could it be another country's turn to launch a sneak attack?
Xu Cheng's expression did not change at all. He had obviously expected it. His eyes seemed to be looking through the void, and he had a panoramic view of Backlund's entire scene.

"It was Fusac's airship that was bombing Backlund. They used some unknown means to bypass Roen's military defense and Beyonder surveillance."

"You don't have to worry too much. Your father is a real nobleman and a powerful figure in the entire Loen Kingdom. The church and the government will protect your family."

Audrey forced a smile. Not only did she not relax after learning the exact news, her face became even paler and nervous.

"Mr. Yuan, this is too far from downtown Backlund. Can you send me back? I'm really worried about my family."

Xu Cheng sighed slightly when he saw Audrey's worried look. If he didn't take her back, she would probably run back by herself.

He didn't say much, just nodded slightly, and with a flick of his sleeves, he wrapped Audrey and disappeared.


Xu Cheng was very fast, taking Audrey back to Backlund in just one breath.

Audrey's eyes were a little surprised. She had also been exposed to the traveler's ability before, but it was all through the colorful spiritual world. Xu Cheng only took a step or two, and the surrounding scenery had already changed, without entering at all. Signs of the spirit world.

However, before she could sigh at the power of the gods, she was touched by the scene in front of her, and even her face was filled with sadness.

What they saw was no longer the once prosperous Backlund. Houses here had been blown up one after another, and thick smoke was rising from the ruins.The orderliness of the past no longer exists. Only a large number of people are fleeing. With deep fear on their faces, they are running away in chaos.

Explosions of light could be seen everywhere throughout the city, and the roar was endless. Tall houses collapsed one by one, and a large number of people continued to die.

Looking to the sky again, there were a few airships moving forward slowly. The airships were engraved with the national flag of Phoksa. Bombs kept falling on the airships. This was obviously an indiscriminate bombing.

Seeing everything in front of him was ruins and smoke and flames of war. It was hard to imagine that this was Backlund, known as the Capital of Mandu.

Further away, a dozen airships were moving forward in an orderly manner, dropping bombs along the way. The direction they were heading towards was Queens, where Loen's power was concentrated.

The bombing seemed to come too suddenly, and Roen had not even reacted yet. There was no strong defense now, so that Fuksar's airship was like a dragon entering the sea at this moment.

Seeing a large number of people die, Audrey's face became even paler. She gritted her silver teeth and watched the disaster happening but was unable to stop it.

Xu Cheng frowned slightly, then slowly raised his palm and pressed it in the void. Invisible power swept dozens of miles in an instant. Those airships seemed to have lost control and fell down without warning.

Flashes of fire flashed across the airships, and all the airships that had been conducting indiscriminate bombing a moment ago crashed.

Audrey couldn't hide her shock. This kind of airship, which even a powerful demigod could not solve quickly, was destroyed so easily. All of this was just caused by a light movement of the man in white robes with eyes.

'Is this divine power?It is simply hard to fathom that all war weapons that can cause huge disasters are far less powerful than a single move from the gods. '

Several disgraced and embarrassed figures finally escaped before the airship crashed. They looked at each other with confusion in their eyes.

"Ahem, what happened? Why did all the airships suddenly fall out of control? Could it be that Loen's official Beyonders have already reacted?"

"Let's escape quickly while they have no time to care. If so many airships can crash at the same time, the ones who take action must at least be demigods."

"The airship has crashed, and there is no use for us to stay. Anyway, our mission has been basically completed, and we will not be recorded as deserters."

The panicked people felt relieved when they saw the airship crash. They shouted the name of the gods and thanked the gods for their protection.

The panicked flight of the Fusak soldiers naturally caught the attention of the people. Although they were full of indignation, they did not dare to chase the heavily armed Fusak soldiers.

Xu Cheng watched quietly as several people fled. He did not stop them, but turned to look at the airships flying towards Queens.

Xu Cheng slowly put away his raised palms. When he was about to destroy all the dozen airships, hurricanes suddenly appeared out of thin air.

The hurricane was so fierce that those airships flying at high speeds suddenly stagnated, and then began to retreat irresistibly, making it impossible to sail into Backlund's center of power.

Even the bombs that had been dropped were rolled back by the strong wind, and they were lifted up by the hurricane and thrown towards the airship.

Thick bolts of lightning also fell out of the air. The lightning was like a ferocious thunder dragon, and it also struck hard at the airship.

The Beyonders on the airship also reacted quickly. A sea of ​​fire emerged from the airship, forming a flame barrier.

There was a huge explosion, and it seemed like a small sun hung in the sky in Queens, where seas of fire and lightning were raging, and the sound of explosions was endless, like an impending disaster.

Xu Cheng raised his eyebrows slightly. He was a little surprised that the Church of Storms could react so quickly.

"It seems that the official Beyonders are still very active. The airship has been stopped and the war has stopped burning the bustling Queens. Your family should also be protected by the church."

Audrey looked at the battle scene in the sky and breathed a sigh of relief. The safety of her family was guaranteed, and the huge stone in her heart finally fell.

"Mr. Yuan, since the war has begun, when will we start taking action?"

Xu Cheng seemed to be aware of it and cast his gaze straight to the sky. Although there was only one dazzling sun there, he seemed to have seen the boundless galaxy.

Xu Cheng looked at a certain direction in the sky. After a moment of silence, he slowly nodded, as if he was looking at someone across the sky and nodding.

"Don't worry. After the people have calmed down, George III will definitely declare a full-scale war on Fusac. That will be the time for us to take action."

"I'm going to visit a new friend, so you should go back first."

As soon as Xu Cheng finished speaking, without giving Audrey a chance to speak, he just waved his hand, and the beautiful noble lady was suddenly swallowed up by a crack and disappeared from the spot.

Xu Cheng looked into the star world, where a gaze was looking at him. In this gaze, he could feel kindness and curiosity.

"Goddess of the Night? Are you inviting me over?"

Xu Cheng did not hesitate, or even worry about any calculations. He took one step forward, and a golden avenue emerged under his feet. This magical road spanned the world, and each rune explained the secret of the avenue, and the end point led to a world. In the dark and mysterious kingdom of God.

In the Deep Dark Heaven, the Night Goddess was also a little surprised. The moment Fusac started to sneak attack on Backlund, she had already set her sights. After all, this war also included his fueling the flames.

The Night Goddess has stayed in the True God Realm for too long. If she wants to go further, she must plan an adjacent approach. Now that she has obtained the uniqueness of the Death God Realm, she will naturally take action against the God of War.

This war can force the God of War to die, so He is not averse to the emergence of war. He will kill the God of War at the end of this war and seize his extraordinary characteristics.

The goddess of the night never expected to see Xu Cheng before the war officially started. She was aware of Xu Cheng's presence the moment he took action.

Ever since the goddess of the night discovered Xu Cheng's existence, she had tried to search for him, but she found no trace at all. It seemed as if Xu Cheng had never appeared.

But Xu Cheng happened to appear again at this moment, and he was not sure of Xu Cheng's attitude towards this war. In addition, he was really curious about the status of this suspected remnant of the past, so he invited Xu Cheng to enter the Kingdom of God.

A moment later, Xu Cheng reached the end of the golden avenue, and a dark and mysterious paradise was already in front of him.

Xu Cheng smiled, his white robe still dazzling under the starry sky, and his handsome face was even more beautiful than that of a woman, like a banished immortal.

"Good afternoon, beautiful lady."

(End of this chapter)

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