Wudong: Peerless Sword Immortal, starting from the god-level sign-in

Chapter 94 Brother Chen, Xiaobai loves you to death!

Chapter 94 Brother Chen, Xiaobai loves you to death!

"Little Mink, can you please stop being so surprised!?"

Lin Chen felt a little helpless now. Shouldn't the point be that the coldness of the innate Yin evil energy he exerted was definitely not comparable to other Yin evil energy.

And as long as you know how powerful the innate Yin evil energy is, you will naturally not think too much about it.

He shook his head, then condensed a similar ice tea cup, and headed straight towards the Fire Python Tiger.

"Tiger Mom, where is Xiaoyan?"

The white tiger cub was named Xiaobai, while the fire python tiger cub was named Xiaoyan.

Lin Chen had just obtained the demon crystal of the unknown demonic beast from the Tiemuzhuang Yangyuan Stone Mine, and naturally wanted to use it.

After this period of growth, Xiaobai and Xiaoyan have grown up a lot.

Before Lin Chen could get an answer from Tiger Mother, he saw a white shadow flying into his arms and licking his face happily.

He was a little at a loss, so he quickly pulled the other person down and said:
"Xiaobai, don't make trouble, come down quickly."

Now Xiaoyan has grown to one meter long, but Xiaobai is still like a cub, with not much change in size, except that the white hair is thicker, and the lively energy is very strong.

Lin Chen's heart moved slightly when he saw the other party's unwillingness. He flipped his hands and took out a crystal red fruit.

The white tiger cub reluctantly left Lin Chen's body. When he saw the crystal red fruit, his eyes immediately lit up and he actually swallowed the crystal red fruit in one bite.

Immediately, she staggered to Fire Python Tiger's side and actually dozed off.

Lin Chen was a little dumbfounded when he saw this.

He shook his head and looked at the Fire Python Tiger.

Lin Chen had thought about whether it was necessary to plant a psychic talisman for Tiger Mother.

Judging from the situation of the two black iron demon leopards, Leopard Girl and Leopard Da, there should be no problem.

The biggest advantage is that after planting the psychic sigil, the other party can talk. This is the most important thing.

Otherwise, you can only rely on guessing, which is very frustrating.

This matter should be dealt with after feeding Xiaoyan the demon crystal.

After all, he didn't want to not be able to understand what Xiaobai and Xiaoyan were saying.


The energetic little fire python tiger cub already roared, came to Lin Chen's side, placed its proud head on Lin Chen's leg, and rubbed it gently.

"Xiao Yan, this is for you."

Lin Chen took out the demon crystal obtained from the mysterious beast's remains.

In just an instant, Xiao Yan's blood-red eyes attracted attention.


As Xiao Yan swallowed it in one gulp, the fiery red demonic crystal made the opponent's tiger body ignite with blazing fire in the blink of an eye, and the body became much stronger.

The low and majestic roar shook the surrounding trees.

The tiger mother was a little frightened when she saw this.

"Don't worry, this is his chance!"

Lin Chen comforted the fire python tiger immediately. As a mother, it was normal for the other party to be worried about Xiaoyan's changes.

Tiger Mother nodded and looked at Xiaoyan seriously.

The tiger's body swelled to the size of a small mountain, and in the blink of an eye it shrank back, turning back into its true form.

She was startled, seeing that Xiaoyan had already completed his transformation.

The fiery red fur on his body became increasingly fiery red and bright, as if burning with flames.

The tiger's claws flashed with sharp edges.

The most obvious change is undoubtedly the python tail crawling on Xiaoyan's back. There seems to be a small raised bag on the top of his head, and it looks like there is something holding it inside.

"It's amazing, this is evolution!"

The Sky Demon Marten held the somewhat "hot" ice teacup, his eyes widened, and he ran over and murmured.

He had noticed the existence of Xiao Yan's mutated physique before, but due to the fact that in the small world of Qinglong Ring, there were very few things that could stimulate the opponent's mutated physique.

As the saying goes, a good woman can't make a meal without rice. Even though the Sky Demon Marten has many training plans, it can only be temporarily given up due to the lack of basic conditions in this area.

And now the flame demon crystal that Lin Chen took out allowed Xiaoyan to complete his first evolution.

"Swallow, as long as Xiao Yan can devour the blood of powerful demonic beasts, he can continue to evolve."

Tian Yao Diao's eyes shone brightly, and he already had a lot of daydreams about Xiao Yan's future.

He was thinking about what kind of martial arts training he would give Xiao Yan, and now he seemed to have an idea.

As long as the Demonic Tiger Clan's Clan-Suppressing Martial Arts reaches perfection, they have the potential to become the overlord even in the Demon Realm.

Perhaps Xiaoyan's transformation into the Demonic God will be smoother when he practices?
"Wait, what did you just use?"

The Sky Demon Marten was very curious about what good thing Lin Chen had given Xiao Yan just now. After thinking about it carefully, he suddenly realized what was going on.

His eyes lit up and he murmured: "It turns out to be the demon baby of the Sky Fire Dragon. No wonder it looks like there is a faint shape of a baby inside the flame demon crystal."

Tian Yao Diao finally understood why Xiao Yan had such a change.

That fire python tail will evolve into a dragon sooner or later!

In the future, Xiaoyan should evolve scale armor as his strength increases.

When the time comes, it won't even look like a fire python tiger.

After all, the fire python is already about to evolve into a python!

"It has not yet reached the level of evolution. Now Xiaoyan is just strengthening his body with the help of the Skyfire Dragon Demon Infant you mentioned."

Lin Chen sensed Xiao Yan's situation, shook his head, and continued:

"If Xiao Yan wants to improve his strength, he will inevitably need to keep fighting. Only by constantly devouring the blood of powerful monsters can he continue to evolve."

Placing Xiaoyan in the small world of Qinglong Ring will definitely not have much effect.

If you want the other party to make great progress, you must let the other party leave the small world of Qinglong Ring to fight against the monsters in the outside world!

In the fight, you become stronger!

"You're right, it is."

It was rare that the Sky Demon Diao did not contradict Lin Chen. After pondering for a moment, he continued:

"I'm afraid there is nothing in Qingyang Town that he can improve for. Anyway, when the time comes, you can take Xiaoyan and the others to practice together."

Except for Xiaoyan who needs the experience of blood and fire, the same is true for white tiger cubs and black iron demon leopard cubs.

It's just that Xiaobai's own origin is too special, so Tianyao Diao is not very willing to let him leave the safe small world of Qinglong Ring.

As for the two black iron demon leopard cubs, Da Hei and Xiao Hei, they can go out with Xiao Yan to experience and become stronger.

Compared with Xiaobai and Xiaoyan who like to live in the woods, Dahei and Xiaohei are more suitable to live in the iron forest area that has grown over the Yangyuan Stone mine.

When the two black iron demon leopards, Bao Da and Bao Nu, entered the small world of Qinglong Ring, they went to the Ironwood Forest Area, not the woods here.

"I know this."

Lin Chen naturally knew this, but now there was no fighting environment suitable for the opponent.

Qingyang Town has been calmed down, and the next step is for the Lin family to march to Yancheng. By then, there should be a chance to fight.

"Tiger Mother, I believe you should know about the Leopard Giant and the Leopard Girls in the Ironwood Forest over the Yang Yuan Stone Mine, right?"

After Lin Chen saw that Xiao Yan had become stronger, he felt relieved and began to look at the surprised tiger mother next to him, and continued:
"There are psychic sigils on their foreheads. As long as you have this, you can speak, your spiritual intelligence can be greatly improved, and your bloodline concentration can gradually be increased."

Of course, the last half of the sentence was his guess.

There is currently not enough evidence to show that psychic talismans have this effect.

It can be said that this is the pie that Lin Chen gave to the other party.

Anyway, in the future, he will definitely let Xiao Bai, Xiao Yan and others improve their bloodline, otherwise they will definitely not be able to keep up with the pace in the future.

If you want to become stronger, it is necessary for the monster bloodline to become stronger!
"Psychic sigil!?"

Before Tiger Mother could respond, the Demon Marten jumped up in shock.He looked at Lin Chen and asked extremely suspiciously:
"Do you have other opportunities besides getting the stone talisman?"

Apart from this speculation, he really couldn't think of any possibility that would make Lin Chen have such luck.

Or maybe the Lin Chen in front of him is a powerful ancestral figure who stands on top of the world, and through some extremely complicated factors, he has the opportunity to reincarnate?

Don't blame Sky Demon Diao for thinking this way, it's mainly because of this possibility and it's not just a lie.

There has been such power in the past, and through this method, I have lived from ancient times to today, and have once again set foot on the top of the world.

No matter how you think about it, Lin Chen in front of you cannot be a native of Qingyang Town.

"What chance?"

Lin Chen answered casually and said casually:
"Are you talking about elixirs or opportunities like stone talismans? If not, can you supply it to me?"

A cheat like the god-level sign-in system should not be considered an opportunity in the traditional sense.

So, it's normal that he never admitted it.

"Just kidding, kidding."

The Sky Demon Diao was full of suspicions, but if Lin Chen didn't admit it, he would definitely not be able to continue questioning.

Things like opportunity, how should I say it, can be said to be its own secret.

Just like his origin, he only told Lin Chen that he was the Sky Demon Diao and the situation of entering the stone talisman.

But, who is his enemy?

Or maybe his status in the Celestial Demon Diao Clan and his past powerful cultivation were not told.

So, how can we ask the other party to tell this?

When the other party comes to ask about his situation, what should he do?
Tian Yao Diao felt very scared just thinking about it.

"Now let's return to the psychic sigil. This sigil is incredible."

The Sky Demon Marten swallowed, and under the gazes of Tiger Mother, Xiaobai and Xiaoyan, he continued:
"It is indeed similar to what Lin Chen just said. It can make the monsters speak in advance and improve their intelligence. It may even be possible to transform in advance in the future. How can I put it, this is definitely a very good talisman!"

Of course, he did not mention some shortcomings of the psychic sigil.

Only by planting the psychic seal can sufficient trust be guaranteed.

And this kind of trust will undoubtedly be extremely important when facing enemies in the future.

"Tiger Mom, what do you think? If possible, I plan to plant psychic talismans for you and Xiaoyan."

Lin Chen looked at the other party and said this.

As for the white tiger cub Xiaobai, he will definitely plant a psychic talisman.

Generally speaking, as long as there is no such thing as betrayal, the coercive effect of this psychic sigil, the so-called backhand, will not occur.

In this situation, Lin Chen would not take the initiative to say it.

When it comes to mentioning it, it seems that there is no problem, but in fact it is a thorn in the side. Who knows when the problem will break out.

To be on the safe side, he would definitely not inform.

The tiger mother nodded without hesitation. Lin Chen saved her and Xiaoyan's lives.

Without the other party, it would be difficult for her to believe that she could survive.

But now, not only has she survived, but she has also practiced the "Demon Sutra" and is expected to break through to a higher level of cultivation.

Maybe, I can change my form in the future.

If you think about it this way, you can know that there is no need for her to refuse.

And Xiao Yan, who was beside Tiger Mother, after gradually controlling the rising power in his body, he also roared and lowered his head towards Lin Chen.

No matter what, he will always be headed by Lin Chen, which is what Tiger Mother has always taught.

Lin Chen also nodded after seeing this scene.

He condensed two psychic talismans and planted them directly on the foreheads of Tiger Mother and Xiao Yan.

"Thank you master!"

"Thank you Brother Chen!"

At this time, Lin Chen heard the voices of Tiger Mother and Xiaoyan.

He was stunned, how to say these two titles.

There seems to be something wrong.

Originally, Lin Chen felt that Tiger Mother should view him as a peer, or at least a benefactor.

However, it will definitely not be called "Master".

As for Xiaoyan's title, he could understand it.

After all, that's what Lin Dong was called, so it wasn't a big problem.

"Tiger Mom, just call me Ah Chen. Don't call me Master. This is a birthright."

After all, the other party also solved Lin Chen's urgent need.

If there is no tiger mother, then he will have a big problem in feeding and raising the two tiger cubs, Xiaobai and Xiaoyan!

"No, master."

The tiger mother shook her head. She had already thought about it when she first assigned her three fire python tiger cubs and followed Lin Chen back.

Outsiders say that fire pythons and tigers are cruel by nature, but little do they know that every time it is warriors who come to hunt them, they are killed instead.

Lin Chen felt helpless when he saw this.

Seeing the other party's persistent look, I also realized that this was probably what the tiger mother had thought before.

The reason why he is so calm and obedient.

I'm afraid it's because the other party already considers him the master.

Lin Chen thought about it over and over, but still didn't let the other party change his mind.

After all, the other party is already like this and cannot change it.

Also, the two black iron demon leopards, Leopard Da and Leopard Girl, are called like this. If they are not kept in harmony, inequality will arise due to the title issue in the future.

In this way, you still need to pay more attention.

"Xiao Yan, don't call me master, otherwise I will kick you out of the small world of Qinglong Ring, do you understand?"

Just in case, Lin Chen stared at Xiaoyan and reminded him.

Although the other party does not have it now, it does not mean that it will happen in the future.

With the Tiger Mother here, it's hard to say whether this subtle influence will make the other party change their tune.

"No problem, Brother Chen!"

Xiaoyan was very excited after discovering that he could speak.

He growled low and fluttered his fiery red hair to show his mood at this moment.

When Xiaobai saw this scene, he quickly came over, rubbed hard against Lin Chen's legs, opened his little tiger's mouth, and showed his baby teeth.

Lin Chen was a little dumbfounded when he saw this.

This little guy seems to want to talk?

Or, to be more precise, when the other party saw that Xiaoyan could speak, he became very curious and extremely interested.

In this way, there will be such a reaction.

Lin Chen pondered for a moment and planted a psychic talisman on Xiao Bai's forehead.

As the green lotus mark emerged on it, the other party seemed to be undergoing some indescribable changes.

The most obvious thing is that Xiaobai can speak.

"Brother Chen, Xiaobai loves you to death!"

(End of this chapter)

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