Chapter 60 Spiritual Millstone!

The Sky Demon Diao swallowed hard as he looked at the Yang Yuan Stone vein that had revealed its original shape.

To be honest, just now he had thought about the size of the Yang Yuan Stone veins wrapped in the cyan halo.

But, he really didn't expect such a big deal!
Moreover, he had never thought that there was such a method that could completely preserve the Yang Yuan stone veins and turn them into mini versions of their previous ones, and restore them to their original state in the blink of an eye.

This kind of Sumeru method greatly amazed the Sky Demon Diao.

"A Diao, I told you that the range of the pure yin and pure yang spirit gathering array you set up is too small."

Lin Chen shrugged his shoulders slightly and said innocently:

"Now, you have to do it all over again."

The Sky Demon Diao was a little speechless. How could he know that the Yang Yuan Stone vein that could be wrapped in the cyan halo would turn out to be a huge thing standing straight and tall like a fire dragon in front of him.

He calmed down for a while, and then said quietly: "No problem, it's just your shovel, what is it?"

The Sky Demon Diao finally figured out that the reason for this method was not Lin Chen's own ability, but the work of the cyan magical shovel in the opponent's hand.

You only need to instill Yuanli, and the magical shovel will turn the object into a mini version. It is extremely convenient and simple!

"Just an ordinary shovel, nothing."

The corner of Lin Chen's mouth raised slightly. Anyway, he already recognized this magical shovel as its owner. If others got it, it was really just an ordinary shovel.

So, there is nothing wrong with answering this way.


The Sky Demon Diao's face was full of doubts. He hesitated and asked tentatively: "Before, I didn't know that the Yang Yuan Stone vein was so big. How about you get it back to its previous appearance and I will specifically delineate the range. In this way, pure The Yin Chunyang Spirit Gathering Formation can be used in advance."

By the way, he took a look at the condition of this magical shovel.

The other party had already successfully attracted his interest, so there was no reason not to take this opportunity to see what was going on.


Lin Chen casually shoveled towards the Yang Yuan Stone vein, and a blue halo turned the Yang Yuan Stone vein into a mini version and wrapped it inside.

Such a scene made the Sky Demon Marten, who was already mentally prepared, still couldn't help but open his mouth wide.

"You, your shovel, are going to defy the heavens!?"

To be honest, when he was at his peak, he had never seen such an awesome shovel.

If we had a magic shovel, we could directly uproot many ruins that had stood for a long time and take them away.

Is there any need to compete with other peerless geniuses?

It's completely unnecessary. Wouldn't it be nice to bring it back and explore it yourself?

Thinking of this, the eyes of the Demon Marten looking at the Shen Gong Shovel became extremely hot. The two small black claws couldn't help but rub at this moment, and they wanted to take them away.

"Don't think about it, only I can use it."

When Lin Chen saw the coveted Sky Demon Marten, he cheerfully reminded:

"Hurry up, otherwise if nothing happens, I will leave directly."

He will have to try the mental millstone later. This thing is quite good for improving mental power.

That is, it requires a lot of torture, and most people can't endure it.

"No, no, no, no, let's chat again."

With a wicked smile on the face of the Sky Demon Marten, he stretched out his small black claws and touched the magic shovel. There was still some confusion in his little eyes, not knowing what material this thing was made of.

He could only laugh a little and gave up the idea of ​​exploring the magical shovel.

"In this small world of Qinglong Ring, with the Pure Yin Pure Yang Spirit Gathering Formation based on Yang Yuan Stone veins, the basic conditions for cultivation can be met. And the medicine field can also be opened up to a certain extent, so You need to prepare more elixir plants. Besides, don’t you want to change the environment here?”

Tian Yao Diao looked at the small world of Qinglong Ring that he would visit frequently in the future. It was still naked and felt very sad.

He thought about it secretly and wrote a list. "These can be used for the time being."

Lin Chen looked a little weird when he saw this.

After he pondered for a while, he still didn't say anything more.

Just let the Sky Demon Marten make a fuss here. From the opponent's perspective, it shouldn't mess up the small world of Qinglong Ring.

Besides, wasn't his original idea to draw the other person to be a strong man?

Now that the other party has taken the initiative, what else can he say?

Next, after a lot of work, the pure yin and pure yang spirit gathering array in the Qinglongjie small world was successfully established.

The rich vitality of heaven and earth is much more than what was born in the small world of Qinglong Ring itself.

According to such favorable conditions, it won't take too long for this place to look completely new.

At least, there will be forests, grasslands, rivers and other natural environments here.


Lin Chen passed through the cyan halo and returned to Zu Shi's spiritual space.

After a flash of white light, he also saw the two huge crystal millstones.

"If you want to avoid suffering in the future, you must endure hardship first!"

Lin Chen stared at the crystal millstone and murmured.

Immediately, he threw himself directly into the junction of two huge crystal millstones.

The crystal millstone that seemed to be running at a constant speed attracted Lin Chen in an instant, and crushed him with extremely terrifying power.

Even though Lin Chen was mentally prepared, he had to take a breath of cold air and felt so horrified.

However, once you start, it is difficult to stop!
Lin Chen's mental body continued to be tempered under the crushing force of the huge crystal millstone.

The unseen sense of severe pain directly filled Lin Chen's brain, making it difficult for him to keep his mind clear.


The crushing force brought by the crystal millstone caused Lin Chen's solid mental body to shatter and explode after being filled with cracks.

At this moment, the spiritual body dispersed into countless spiritual light spots, shining like stars in the sky in this dark space.

And between the two huge crystal millstones, a ray of white light also appeared at the right time.

It was as if it was the central master, pulling back countless scattered spiritual light points and re-condensing Lin Chen's spiritual body.


Lin Chen breathed a long sigh of relief and felt the improvement of his mental strength. He stared at the crystal millstone with a look of joy on his face.

What is the reward of hard work?

Obviously, this is the result of the spiritual body persisting after being continuously crushed by the crystal millstone!

Lin Chen once again placed himself in the crystal millstone, constantly receiving the opponent's terrifying crushing force to temper his mental strength.

Crush, burst, recover...

This happened for 25 times before Lin Chen stopped.

He feels that he should be able to persist for a while, but considering that it is the first time to exercise like this, he needs to have a certain degree and slowly adapt.

Otherwise, this would not be about tempering his mental power, but rather causing sequelae to his own mental power due to excessive exertion.

Lin Chen wouldn't do something that was not worth the gain.


(End of this chapter)

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