Chapter 156 Nirvana Pill from ancient times!
However, he was not sure enough.

Lin Chen knew that the magical shovel must be extraordinary, but he also knew how precious the ancient monument in front of him was.

He thought about it for a while and decided that he would know whether it was feasible or not if he had a chance to try it.

"Let's go to the center of the ancient monument space. There will be good things there."

As the green lotus under their feet dragged the rich green light, Lin Chen and the four of them also left this place.

After a while, Lin Chen's thoughts moved slightly, he stopped the green lotus flying across the sky, and looked at the strange cold air in front of him.

"Sir, what is this?"

Jiang Xue looked at it curiously, and she could feel the bone-chilling chill in it.

It can be said that it is extremely cruel.

If you accidentally enter it, it will probably corrode even the bones.

"This is called the Bone-corroding Yin Wind. It was created by some strong men from the big sects in the past to protect the sect."

Lin Chen took a look and continued: "Now, it should be driven by the formation."

"Then let's take a detour."

At this time, Jiang Xue also saw the three figures chasing after her. She didn't notice the existence of the bone-eroding wind and rushed straight in.

In just an instant, amid the harsh whine of the wind, three bloody corpses fell from the sky to the ground.

"This is too scary!"

Even Lin Dong was amazed by it and expressed great approval of what Jiang Xue said.

Now, let’s take a detour.

"For others, it's really scary."

Lin Chen pondered for a moment and continued: "However, for those who are practicing physical training, they can borrow it for physical training."

"Body Refinement?"

Lin Dong seemed to realize something and almost lost his voice as he said: "Brother Chen, you don't want me to use this bone-corroding wind to refine my body, right?"

The scene where the three unlucky guys died just now is still fresh in my memory.

If he goes, wouldn't he just get cold feet?

Lin Chen rolled his eyes and said angrily: "Although this is left by the ancient sect to protect the sect, it is also used to temper the disciples' bodies. Now in the Great Yan Dynasty, there is no such good thing for you to pick up. Moreover, , you have already cultivated to the second level of the Jade Thunder Body of the Great Sun Thunder Body, you just need to stay for one night, and you will be able to be reborn! Chasing Lin Langtian is just around the corner."

He was right, this so-called bone-eroding wind seemed to be a murderous thing.

But as long as you use it properly, you can get benefits from it.

"The most important thing is that your Jade Thunder Body is not actually a real Jade Thunder Body. I think you should have noticed it."

There is no easy way to practice.

Opportunities must be earned by oneself.

It's not okay to just wait and see.

Lin Dong was silent for a moment, and then said seriously: "Brother Chen, you are right, my Jade Thunder Body is indeed not enough. Moreover, I must personally avenge Lin Langtian!"

With a serious look on his face, he rushed directly to a mountain peak under the bone-eroding wind.

At the same time, his entire body was covered in jade-colored brilliance.

The gray-black wind was like a thin sharp blade, blowing hard against Lin Dong.

Moreover, there was an unbearable bone-chilling cold that made the other party shiver.

"Sir, it seems to be really effective. The jade-colored luster has become brighter and purer."

Jiang Xue noticed the change in the jade luster of Lin Dong's body and said in surprise.

This made her want to try this bone-eroding wind.

However, she regained consciousness in time.

This bone-corrosive wind is not that easy to handle. The strength of the three unlucky guys before was quite strong.

But without a strong physical body, he just felt cold.

Jiang Xue felt that if she went up, it would be difficult to survive the gray-black bone-eroding wind.

"Well, as long as my Jade Thunder Body can withstand the bone-corrosive wind for one night of training, it will be considered a success."

Lin Chen always paid attention to Lin Dong's situation. If the other party might not be able to handle it, he would directly take action to rescue him.

After all, you are just asking the other party to refine the Jade Thunder Body to perfection, not letting the other party die.

"Practice here for a while first, and I'll give you some extra lessons."

Lin Chen paid attention to Lin Dong's situation and took this opportunity to provide guidance to Jiang Xue.

The other party's current cultivation level is a minor achievement in the Formation Realm.

His goal for it is to at least reach the Formation Realm when leaving the ancient monument space.

If you are lucky, you can achieve a small success in the Qi Creation Realm.

Only with strong strength can you ensure your own safety!


the next morning.

As the sun fell, the blood ice on the mountain peak exploded instantly.

From inside, a piece of human-shaped jade emerged, shining with an extremely bright luster.

After Lin Dong opened his eyes, Lin Chen and the others saw each other's eyes turned into cold jade.

As the saying goes, the body is like jade, the eyes are like stone, and everything is indestructible.

At present, Lin Dong has directly cultivated the Jade Thunder Body to the state of great achievement.

The completion of the Jade Thunder Body can increase the opponent's strength by at least [-]%!

"Brother Chen, this jade thunder body is too strong!"

The jade-colored luster on Lin Dong's body faded, and he rushed towards this direction, and he said excitedly.

Although he is still at the Formation Realm, his true combat power has exceeded that.

Finally, he was able to help Lin Chen.

In his heart, there are always two motivations.

One is that the pressure of hatred brought by Lin Langtian turned into motivation.

The other is that Lin Chen's strong strength shown in front of him made Lin Dong have the idea of ​​catching up, and he also wanted to improve his strength as soon as possible so that he could help the other party.

No, just like the ancient tombs before, they could only watch the Wang clan target Lin Chen without any means.

"It seems, brother, you are very confident in your own strength. Then, let's go to the core of the ancient monument space to test our strength."

As a flash of green light swept across the sky, Lin Chen and Jiang Xue rushed straight to the core of the ancient monument space.

Here, the four major clans of the Great Yan Dynasty and the three top forces of Dahuang County have already rushed to the core area.

If it were later, I don’t know if I would be able to pick up something better.

After entering the ancient monument space, it is generally difficult to encounter a large number of people gathered together.

And when this happens, there can only be one possibility, and that is that there is a treasure here.

When Lin Chen and the others stopped, they saw a lonely rocky mountain in the distance.

On top of the stone mountain, there is a stone pavilion.

In the stone pavilion, there seemed to be a figure sitting cross-legged.

When he could see more clearly, he saw that it was a gray skeleton that had been sitting for a long time.

"The remains of a failed attempt to attack the Nirvana realm..."

Lin Chen could see the other party's situation at a glance and murmured.

Attacking the Nirvana realm is extremely dangerous. If you don't pay attention, if Nirvana fails, you will die.

After entering the Nirvana realm, it does not mean that you can feel at ease, but that you should be more vigilant.

Nine Yuan Nirvana, every Nirvana is a test of life and death.If Nirvana is successful, your strength will greatly increase, and your lifespan will also increase accordingly.

However, if Nirvana fails, it will burn itself to death.

One can imagine the danger.

It's just a gray skeleton that failed to reach Nirvana. Is it necessary for so many people to surround it?
Lin Chen quietly released his mental power to hear the discussion in the crowd.

"I heard that someone got a Nirvana Pill on the bones of this Shiting."

"Wait a minute, let's rush forward with the large army, grab the Nirvana Pill in troubled waters, and leave as soon as possible."

Nirvana pill?
This is interesting. Only those in the Nirvana realm can condense it.

Even for those who are powerful in the Nirvana realm, it is difficult to gather them together. It is extremely rare. Every appearance of a Nirvana pill will attract warriors who are below the Nirvana realm to pursue and snatch it crazily.

As long as you can grab the Nirvana Pill, you can speed up your own cultivation.

No wonder these people are gathered here.

And on the stone mountain, there is also a monster called the Demonic Wind Vulture.

The individual strength of these monsters is not very strong.

The main thing is that after reaching a certain number, small devil winds that are not bone-corroding winds can be summoned.

This kind of small devil wind will not be easily touched even by those who are strong in the Qi Creation Realm.

Lin Chen looked at the rocky mountain and saw strange black birds hanging upside down on the cliff, with huge wings and red eyes staring at the people under the rocky mountain.

"Look and talk."

Lin Chen reminded him, and then he saw the people under the stone mountain and rushed directly towards the stone mountain.

This attracted the attention of the extremely large number of magic wind eagles, which instantly enveloped the entire stone mountain.

Those huge wings were constantly flapping.

A jet-black demonic wind instantly swept towards everyone who was trying to rush up the stone mountain.

It didn't last long, both sides dropped their bodies, and finally each took a step back.

This makes the stone mountain still there, but no one can rush to the top of the mountain and get the Nirvana Pill from the gray skeleton.

And those people who had a great desire for Nirvana Pill began to hesitate.

Obviously, this method of forceful charging is simply impossible.

"Brother Chen, do we want to go up?"

Lin Dong, who had refined the Jade Thunder Body to perfection, was also eager to give it a try.

As for the wind gust just now, it was not a big problem for him.

"I'll go up, just wait here for a while."

Lin Chen shook his head, and after leaving these words, he took one step forward.

A flash of green edge appeared at his feet.

Immediately, it turned into a white shadow and rushed towards the rocky mountain without any scruples.

Such a scene made everyone who had failed in the charge just now feel stunned.

"Isn't that right? He dared to rush through the wind formation that even a strong person in the Qi Creation Realm would find difficult to break through."

"Let's make a bet. He will pay with his life for his arrogance!"

"Indeed, but I don't bet."

While everyone was chattering and discussing, those magic wind vultures tried to wrap up the entire stone mountain again, fanning up the huge magic wind, forming a so-called wind array to block Lin Chen's progress.

However, what stunned almost everyone was that the extremely powerful magic wind formation was cut open by a sharp sword light in an instant.

Wherever the opponent goes, there is no way that the Demonic Wind Vulture can stop him.

Not long after, Lin Chen was already standing in the stone pavilion and saw the three Nirvana Pills in the palm bones of the gray skeleton.


He was a little surprised. Didn't it say that someone had taken the Nirvana Pill?

Why are there three Nirvana Pills here? Maybe someone was setting off smoke bombs before.

Just to organize a large number of people to charge against Shishan and fish in troubled waters?
Lin Chen thought for a moment and guessed the real situation.

He shook his head, looked at the gray bones of this ancient sect disciple, and bent slightly.

The other party was once a bit unlucky.

When I was attacking the Nirvana realm, I encountered a massive attack from those enemies...

Immediately, he took away the three Nirvana Pills.

Then, a glimmer of light burst out from the deep-set eyes of the gray skeleton.

Lin Chen had already noticed that the other party's obsession still existed in the bones.

He didn't resist, and allowed that trace of obsession to enter his mind.

In an instant, scenes from what happened in ancient times appeared before his eyes.

In the vast space of the ancient monument, there are countless figures standing in the sky, just standing there.

Opposite these powerful men, there was darkness.

In the darkness, there was a scarlet light shining.

As the darkness spread, countless strong men tried to resist, but there was no way at all. Under the shroud of darkness, they were completely turned into ashes.

Just for a moment, the entire space of the ancient monument seemed to have been reduced to that dark territory.

The next moment, a black light appeared in a huge crack on the ground, containing strange vitality.

It turned into a huge black rune thousands of feet long, and smashed into the diffuse darkness.

The darkness that was previously unstoppable was annihilated in the blink of an eye.

Finally, the black rune shrank and returned to the ground.

Lin Chen opened his eyes and sighed.

In the blink of an eye, he buried the opponent's bones and left the stone mountain.

Those scenes just now were the reason why this once extremely powerful ancient sect quickly fell into ruins.

The enemy is too powerful.

So much so that it is simply impossible to resist.

A long way to go!

Lin Chen shook his head and returned to Qinglian.

"Three Nirvana Pills, one for each person."

He distributed it directly. This thing is a good thing.

Strong people under the Nirvana realm can take it, which can be called a magic pill to speed up their cultivation.

If Jiang Xue absorbs the Nirvana Pill, he will soon be able to break through to the Great Form Formation Realm and touch the threshold of the Small Qi Creation Realm.

As for Lin Dong, it was very simple to break through to Qi Creation Realm.

The opponent's current Yuanli cultivation level is almost the same.

The appearance of Nirvana Pill is the icing on the cake.

Not bad luck!
Just when they were about to leave, they heard loud shouting in the distance.


More than a dozen figures quickly flew across the sky and arrived at this place.

Among them, there were two old men, filled with strong murderous intent. They stared at Lin Chen and the others with cold eyes and shouted coldly:

"Hand over the Pure Yuan Pill, Ziyun Fruit, and the Nirvana Pill in your hands from our Ancient Sword Sect. Otherwise, I will let you die on the spot!"

(End of this chapter)

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