Chapter 113 Divine City!Take the initiative!
Tu Fei screamed out in shock, his heart stuck in his throat.

What is Lin Chen doing?
Do you want to die?
They actually took the initiative to fly in the direction of the small golden lake, where a large number of ancient creatures gathered!

Even if you want to die, don't pull him, he hasn't stolen the saint as his wife yet!
"You think I'm thinking? I just entered here, and I don't even know where the golden lake is. Damn it, it's that suction again!"

Lin Chen cursed, and immediately felt that this was the suction force that sucked him into the gap in the space before, and it actually appeared again.

He urged the Moon Palace with all his strength, trying to resist the suction, Yao Xi also assisted with the Moon Palace's ancient scriptures, and the Moon Palace showed amazing power.

However, just like when entering, it was of no use at all, the three of them were still dragged and flew all the way.

Gradually, groups of buildings began to appear all around. The buildings appeared pale gold, and they were all constructed by the energy of divine consciousness similar to golden streamer.

Lin Chen's heart was shaken, he didn't expect such a magnificent city of spiritual consciousness to exist here!

"Fortunately, no one is there. The small golden lake is in the deepest part of this spiritual city. Those ancient creatures should all go there."

Tu Fei said.

Seeing the silent and empty spiritual city, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"However, if this continues, sooner or later, those ancient creatures in the deepest part will find out. Although you said that there is a strong human race, since we can find someone to hunt and kill you, we were also in a difficult situation in the past."

Yao Xi, the Holy Maiden of Light, said, trying her best to move the Moon Palace, trying to get rid of the invisible suction.

Lin Chen also felt that his scalp was numb. If he fell into a group of ancient creatures, he would definitely die and die, and he would be gnawed until there was no dregs left.

Fortunately, the worst-case scenario did not happen.

After advancing in the city for a period of time, the suction gradually weakened, and the Moon Palace landed on the streets of the city of divine consciousness with a bang.

"I'm going! I was scared to death, but fortunately I stopped, and if I go in further, I will really go deep. Let's hurry up and find a way out elsewhere."

Tu Fei said, Hou was terrified, just staying here gave me a feeling of dread.

This is the base camp of those ancient monsters. Although they all go to kill the old lunatic, staying here still makes people feel uneasy.

I'm afraid that in any corner, traces of ancient creatures will suddenly appear.

Lin Chen nodded, and was also preparing to drive away from the Moon Palace.

But as soon as they arrived at the gate of the city, they found a group of ancient creatures dragging a few old men into the city.

Lin Chen hurriedly concealed his breath and figure, shrank the moon palace, and escaped into a building of spiritual consciousness.

"It was those old people who were with you who were caught by the ancient creatures."

Lin Chen said that he recognized those old men, they were the ones who escaped with Tu Fei earlier.

Tu Fei clenched his fists tightly. Although he had expected it, he was still very angry and unwilling to see it with his own eyes.

From a distance, I could hear those primordial creatures laughing strangely.

"The ignorant human race dares to trespass into the Valley of the Gods without knowing whether to live or die. Although we are not the main line, but as one of the origins of the strongest royal family in ancient times, since when have you, the lowest blood eaters, offended you?"

"The primordial spirits of these human races are not weak. Although they are a little old, they are still a valuable tonic."

The primordial creatures with wings on their backs licked their lips, and from time to time cut a piece from the souls of those old men, savoring them carefully.

Humans are like cattle and sheep to them, and even monks are only used to feed them.

"Damn it, when I'm done with magic, I'll wipe out this goddamn Valley of the Gods!"

Tu Fei cursed.

Looking at those ancient creatures who tortured him bit by bit like blunt knives, he was so angry.

Although Lin Chen and these bandits were strangers, they still came for Jijiayuan Mine.

But looking at these human races, they became the blood food of ancient creatures.

As a human being, he still couldn't help feeling angry.

In the ancient times, the human race was the lowest ethnic group and was raised like livestock by the ancient races.Either as slaves or as blood food.

When these creatures are born in the future, they will set off a bloody storm in the Eastern Wilderness. I don't know how many human races will suffer, and their families will be destroyed.

"Yao Xi, are you sure you can kill these ancient creatures with the Moon Palace?"

Lin Chen asked suddenly.

Yao Xi was obviously taken aback when he heard the words. He didn't expect him to ask such a question, and he was shocked.

"You are too bold, those are ancient creatures! Even if they are only weak, they will make big people feel afraid, so don't act recklessly!"

"Looking at these monsters killing people, I can't think clearly, so you just say it's okay."


Yao Xi is speechless, what the hell is he not thinking clearly?

It's too casual!

But looking at the ferocious faces of those primordial creatures and their disdain for the human race, she also felt a little throbbing in her heart.

"It's dangerous, but it's not impossible. The moon palace is very strong, and it's even more powerful to suppress the primordial spirit, but the movement may be detected by the depths."

"If the suction just now reappears, then it won't be a matter of noticing it."

Lin Chen said, he didn't really do it randomly, but he took into account the possibility of the previous suction force reappearing.

If it really will appear again, then continuing to nest is tantamount to waiting to die.

"You must take the initiative to attack. If you can kill these ancient creatures, you may be able to enter the depths safely."

Lin Chen said, some thoughts came to his mind.

Beside him, Yao Xi, the Holy Maiden of Shaking Light, and Tu Fei, the grandson of the Great Bandit, felt that Lin Chen was so crazy that he really wanted to attack the ancient creatures.

Even if he could really kill these ancient creatures, how could he safely enter the deep golden lake area?

There are a large number of ancient creatures gathered there. Once human beings appear, one can imagine the fate.

"What kind of crooked idea is this guy playing?"

Yao Xi murmured in his heart. Although he was a little suspicious, he didn't really feel that Lin Chen was talking nonsense.

Although this bastard is a bit annoying, but since he said so, he must have his reasons.

After careful consideration, Yao Xi decided to give up his life to accompany the gentleman, trusting Lin Chen once.

"I will activate the Moon Palace together with you to explode the strongest power, and kill one person first."

"Damn it! I really want to do it! It doesn't matter if Brother Lin is crazy, why are you here, the Holy Maiden of the Light? Got it! This is called marrying a chicken as a chicken, marrying a dog as a dog!"

"You know a stick hammer! I'll throw you out later to attract the attention of those monsters."

Yao Xi said angrily.

This guy Tu Fei is too outspoken, he dares to say anything.

Not far away, those ancient creatures were not in a hurry, but were enjoying the pleasure of devouring the primordial spirit and torturing the human race.

The right leg of an old man was torn off, and was chewed by the ancient creatures. Even in the state of primordial spirit, this scene was extremely bloody and cruel, and the three of them, who were human races, felt instinctively disgusted.

"Although it's a little risky, but why do you care so much? Fuck it!"

Tu Fei said, don't worry about it so much, I wish I could rush out now and fight these monsters for [-] rounds.

Yao Xi was also throbbing in his heart. The human race was treated like blood by the ancient creatures, and it was really impossible to watch it any longer.

"Lin Chen, let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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