Dou Po: I can upgrade everything

Chapter 261 The geniuses gather together

Chapter 261

Faced with Yan Jin's hostility, Tang Yan shrugged and didn't take it to heart. After all, everyone had to compete for opportunities based on their own abilities.

He will not be timid just because the other party is from the ancient imperial clan.

At that moment, the space on the left and right of Tang Yan was distorted, and two extremely powerful figures slowly appeared in everyone's sight.

One was wearing light cyan clothes, and his face did not look extremely handsome, but it always gave people a special flavor.

His black hair is shawl, and his eyes are as black as ink, like black holes, deep and full of a strange wisdom, exuding an intoxicating charm.

The other one was wearing blue brocade clothes, with a slight smile on his face, but his peaceful eyes seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts.

Today's Xiao Xuan and Gu Yuan are the most outstanding young geniuses of the Xiao Clan and the Ancient Clan.

Xiao Xuan hugged Tang Yan's shoulders and said, "You came quite early. We will enter the Bodhi Secret Realm together later. Big brother will protect you."

Hearing this, Tang Yan grinned and said, "Then everyone in Fenyan Valley and I will rely on Brother Xiao."

"It's simple, just leave it to me." Xiao Xuan patted his chest and spoke decisively.

Gu Yuan looked at the two of them with a smile on his lips, just when he was about to say something.

In the vast space, a whirlpool suddenly appeared.

Group after group of black energy mist was continuously released outwards.

A figure slowly walked out of the whirlpool.

Wearing a white robe, he is handsome and handsome. He looks about 30 years old. His eyes are extremely bright, as if he can see through everything.

The first sense that gives people is elegance. If you hold a book in your hand, you may be just like a scholar.

The appearance of the white-robed scholar caused the atmosphere high in the sky to stagnate slightly.

"Huntian." Gu Yuan suppressed his smile and looked at the other party solemnly.

Xiao Xuan, whose face was originally calm, could not help but frown and said in a deep voice: "Huntian, how about we understand the grudge between you and me today?"

As he finished speaking, the powerful men from the Xiao clan who came with him walked out in unison, and the surging energy hurricane roared towards the white-robed scholar.

Hearing this, Huntian gave a ghostly smile: "You think there is no one in our Hun clan? I am afraid that the person who will die will be you, Xiao Xuan."

In the whirlpool behind him, many black figures came out, wrapped in the cold black mist, with a rainbow-like momentum.

Gu Yuan and Tang Yan both took a step forward, and the people they led responded.

Just as the two sides were at war, the Little Barbarian King of the Stone Clan stepped into the void, moved his body, and came to Huntian's side to confront Xiao Xuan.

As for the Yingu, Yan Clan, Thunder Clan and other forces, they just stood aside and watched, not helping each other.

Three figures stood upright, and the aura soaring to the sky slowly swept away, causing many people to change their expressions slightly.

Gu Yuan, Xiao Xuan, and Hun Tian, ​​the most outstanding beings of the younger generation in Dou Qi Continent, are about to fight at this moment.

Xuan Danzi intervened at the right time, "The secret realm of Bodhi is about to be opened. If you all fight here, do you mean you don't want to fight for the opportunity to follow up?"

When it comes to the ancient Bodhi tree, the smell of gunpowder between the two parties has become lighter.

Hun Tian waved his hand, and the powerful Hun clan man behind him immediately restrained his released aura and ordered and prohibited.

"I hope I won't meet you in the secret realm." Hun Tian sneered and said nothing.

Xiao Xuan was heroic and did not take Hun Tian's threat to heart at all. He laughed loudly and said: "If I meet you, I will kill you with my own hands."

The changes in the sky made many Dou Huang Dou Zong who planned to get a piece of the pie wary.

After all, any spark from the fierce battle between these superpowers is enough to destroy them.

When they saw Xuan Danzi calming down the conflicts among the forces, the group of fighting emperors and fighting sects, and even the fighting masters of some forces, all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, Danta's Xuan Danzi resolved this incident, otherwise we might have been affected." Xu Mo, a passerby, Douzong Xu Mo, saw that the situation higher up had stabilized, and his tense mind suddenly relaxed a lot.When Yang Shou saw the latter's frightened look, it didn't look like he was cheating, but he actually sighed.

Especially as the years pass by, even the Dou Huang Dou Zong, a strong man who can be said to be a figure in the northwest continent, is still small in the face of the rolling momentum.

There are people outside, so where is the true detachment?

He doesn't know, but as long as he keeps moving forward, he will eventually see the great road.

Thinking about this, the Taoist pursuit of longevity becomes more solid.


A terrifying wave spread across the sky at an alarming speed, and the green barrier that stood between heaven and earth in the distance became more and more distorted.

Vaguely, it seemed as if one could see those dark lush forests through the twisted space.

A cold and dark atmosphere is spreading.

"Is it going to be turned on?"

Yang Shou's eyes were also staring at the twisted space with a strange look. The real ancient wilderness was about to appear before the eyes of the world.

He was quite curious about this legendary mysterious area.

Just when everyone was waiting for the opening of the ancient realm, ripples appeared on the distant space barrier.

Nine golden streams of light flew out from it and swept across the sky.

The sudden change shocked everyone.

Tang Yan's eyes suddenly rose with silver flames, and with the help of the Nine Dragons Thunder Gang Fire, he could see through the things hidden in the golden light.

It was a piece of green branches and leaves, and the veins above them shone with a mysterious light, which was extremely impressive.

"It's a Bodhi leaf!" Tang Yan exclaimed.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, other strong men who saw the clues came out first and snatched it immediately.

With one move, the whole body was affected, and in an instant, many unparalleled geniuses took action, fearing that the opportunity would be taken by others.

Hun Tian, ​​who was dressed in white robes, had a dim light in his eyes, and the black mist behind him stretched out several thousands-foot-long soul locks engraved with runes, like a black python, blocking the path of a golden light.

When the green leaf glowing with golden light was successfully fixed in the void, Huntian smiled evilly, his eyes wandered, and he set his mind on another Bodhi leaf.

I saw him using the soul lock again to capture the second bodhi leaf.

Thunder roared, and a huge electric dragon nearly a thousand feet struck down, directly destroying these chains.

A dark and powerful hand grasped the Bodhi leaf firmly, and at the same time, a rough voice sounded: "Huntian, do you want to occupy two Bodhi leaves by one person?"

"It's too greedy."

Hun Tian heard Lei Ying's intriguing words and noticed several looks coming his way. He shrugged and smiled without answering.

But he did not take action next, perhaps because he was worried that if he took too many bodhi leaves, he would become the target of siege.

The ancient realm is about to open, so there is no need to cause hatred.

Xiao Xuan waved his sleeves, and the majestic and surging fighting spirit roared out, wrapped around a Bodhi leaf and immediately stopped his hand.

Except for Hun Tian, ​​Lei Ying, and Xiao Xuan, the remaining people have gained something one after another.

Yan Jin controlled the Nine Nether Stone Flame that merged two different fires, evolved into a giant hand, and directly grasped a Bodhi leaf flying towards him.

Tang Yan and Gu Yuan also used their own strange fires. The Nine Dragons Thunder Gang Fire and the Golden Emperor's Burning Sky Flame each infected the air and took down a Bodhi leaf in a domineering and arrogant way.

In just tens of seconds, six people won the bodhi leaves.

(End of this chapter)

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