Dou Po: I can upgrade everything

Chapter 224 Holy City War

Chapter 224 Holy City War ([-])

On the wall of the Holy City, Xiao Yan looked at the army that was nailed to the ground by countless huge crossbow arrows, without any fluctuation in his eyes.

War is cruel and there is no room for mercy.

He raised his head and looked at the sky, where there were nearly dozens of people standing in the air, and behind them there were densely packed Dou Wang and Dou Huang warriors with their fighting wings vibrating.

The gathering of these elite troops is not a small threat and makes people fearful.

Of course, the number of fighting kings and fighting kings possessed by the Eternal Life Palace is not inferior to that of the Shiming Sect. The real difference lies in the high-end combat power.

This is also what worries them, the gap is really too big.

Shi Tian glanced at the army that was blocked by the Jiuqu Xingluo chessboard formation and could not even get into the outer perimeter of the formation, and couldn't help but secretly cursed the waste.

Immediately, he ordered the Douwang Douhuang army behind him to work together to shake the white light shield of Jiuqu Xingluo chessboard.

As the order was issued, the elite troops of the Shiming Sect, with wings of fighting spirit vibrating in the sky, surged in and attacked.

When Ouyang Wu saw this, his face was calm, he raised the red flag in his left hand and waved it down.

At the same time, he kept moving, raised the blue command flag with his right hand, and shouted loudly: "Crossbowmen, change the target and shoot the enemies above the Dou Wang level!"

Say it.

On the side of the Eternal Life Hall, upon seeing the red flags, many Dou Wang and Dou Huang warriors immediately extended their colorful wings of dou qi and flew into the air. With the convenience of being inside the shield, they each showed their magical powers and used fighting skills to interfere with this. A group of elite Lion Sect members tried to consume the white light shield.

Waves of powerful fighting spirit roared into the sky, and then collided with each other in the air. A few of them hit the white light shield.

The energy training exploded when it touched the white light shield, causing the energy shield to ripple in circles.

On the ground battlefield, those specially made giant crossbows turned their arrows and aimed directly at the enemies in the sky.

Relying on the terrifying defense of the Star Luo Chessboard Formation, there have been no casualties in the Palace of Eternal Life. On the contrary, many Dou Wangs and Dou Huangs from the Shi Ming Sect were pierced by crossbow arrows. They died miserably, and their figures were like kites with broken strings. Falling to the ground continuously.

Gradually, the morale of the Shiming Sect weakened, and even some strong men did not dare to charge forward without fear of death.

When Shitian saw this, his face became more and more gloomy. He knew that he could not delay it any longer, so he slowly made a strange gesture in his hand.

As the gesture fell, the black mist behind Shiming Sect tore apart, and 47 figures slowly came out.

43 Douzong and four Douzun.

The four Dou Zun from the Soul Palace exuded vast and terrifying auras, causing the surrounding world to tremble...

When these people appeared, the faces of Xiao Yan and others on the city wall suddenly became solemn.

When Yao Lao saw one of the four Soul Palace Dou Zun, his tone was cold: "Mu Gu!"

Hearing Yao Lao's words, Xiao Yan felt confused.

This was the second time, except for Han Feng, that he had seen such an angry Yao Lao.

Without asking, the former sighed quietly and took the initiative to mention the past: "Mu Gu and I once worshiped the same person as our teacher, but he was expelled from the teacher because he used others to refine medicine. Later, I also thought about why Han Feng took action against me. It wasn’t because of his instigation.”

"I didn't expect that he would come today."

Hearing this, the cold look in Xiao Yan's eyes condensed, and he said solemnly: "So, he is the culprit who killed the teacher."

Yao Lao remained silent, but Xiao Yan could feel the overwhelming anger in his heart.

"Teacher, since we have met, we will settle our grudges today." Xiao Yan looked at the old man in black robe in the sky, filled with murderous intent.

"I will lend you the soul power of Tianhuo and I. It will not be a problem to be promoted to the realm of Dou Zun in a short time."

"You can give it a try." After receiving a positive reply, Xiao Yan nodded, and at the same time, he mentally communicated with another soul: "Yao Lao, I'm in trouble."

"You are so kind to me for saving my life." Yao Lao responded with a chuckle.

"It's just that even if we try our best, we probably won't be able to defeat them unless that person comes in person." After spying some obscure space fluctuations, Yao Lao smiled bitterly and poured cold water on several senior officials of the Eternal Life Palace. .


Yao Lao looked ugly and said bluntly: "There is still Dou Zun who hasn't taken action..."

Is there a Soul Palace Dou Zun secretly there?

Xiao Yan's pupils shrank suddenly, and a strong sense of crisis surged into his heart.

The expressions of the surrounding Venerable Feng, Venerable Sky Snake, and Venerable Pirates who controlled the formation changed dramatically. Originally, the four Soul Palace Dou Zun and Shi Tian were already great threats, plus the secret Soul Palace Dou Zun .

Today's situation is difficult to solve.

On the side of the Lion Underworld Sect, there are six-star Dou Zun in the Lion Sky, and among the four Soul Palace Dou Zun on the bright side, the Black and White Dou Zun are the most powerful, the six-star Dou Zun, followed by the peak star-catching old ghost, the five-star Dou Zun, and the three-star Dou Zun, the old man with bones. Respect the peak.

On the other hand, in the Palace of Eternal Life, Venerable Feng is a four-star Dou Zun, Venerable Sky Snake is a three-star Dou Zun, and Venerable Thief is a three-star Dou Zun. Even if Xiao Yan, who has the combat power of Dou Zun, is included, they are only four Dou Zun.

The unequal strength makes it almost like being crushed.

At this moment, the old man Mu Gu, who was wearing a black robe and a gloomy face, looked at the people on the wall of the Holy City. His sharp eyes instantly locked on Xiao Yan's figure, and he smiled arrogantly: "My lords, please allow me to capture him in person later." Xiao Yan."

Standing next to him, an old man in gray clothes stood on a chain and laughed sinisterly: "Mu Gu, this time Yao Chen's soul and Xiao Yan were both requested by the hall master by name, but Don’t let go.”

"It's natural. Xiao Yan can't escape with his wings today!" Old Man Mu Gu smiled slyly, his eyes filled with coldness.

Black and white and Tianzun both shouted coldly: "Hesitation leads to change, let's take action!"

After the words fell, the two Heavenly Lords Black and White took the lead, waving their sleeves and robes, and two vast black mists flew out, then gathered in the void, directly condensing into a black and white python that was nearly a thousand feet tall!
The black and white python took shape, suddenly opened its bloody mouth, and sprayed out a black mist nearly a hundred feet long.

Immediately afterwards, it twisted its snake body and quickly attacked the white light shield. The space it wandered through became overlapping folds due to violent vibrations, and the sound was terrifying.

The black and white giant python straddled the sky, ignoring the stormy blocking offensive of the Eternal Life Palace. Under the pale faces of everyone in the Eternal Life Palace, it was like a heavy hammer, beating the white light shield.


At the moment of impact, it was as if the heaven and earth had lost their voices, and there was silence for an instant.

Immediately, the solid white light shield trembled uncontrollably, and waves of energy ripples spread rapidly from the impact point.

The crackling sounds of the white light shield's collapse sounded continuously, and finally it was overwhelmed and exploded with a bang!

At the moment when the white light shield was broken, the powerful men in the Eternal Life Palace entered a fighting state one after another. They knew that the real fighting would come next.

The severely injured Thief Lord was like a broken kite, flying upside down.

Master Feng took it with gentle force, which saved the latter from the repercussions, but even so, Master Thief basically lost his fighting power.

Xiao Yan, who was standing on the top of the wall, jumped up and shouted: "Everyone, there is no retreat behind us. To protect your wife, children, and children, if you still have blood in your heart, follow me and fight!"

"The worst thing is, after you die, your name will be engraved on a monument, and your reputation will last forever!"

"Sworn to death!"

"Sworn to death!"

The passionate words made all the soldiers in the Eternal Life Palace feel excited and roared in unison!
(End of this chapter)

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