Dou Po: I can upgrade everything

Chapter 178 Heizi Attack

Chapter 178 Heizi Attack
As soon as the light array of the five Holy Spirits condensed, a brilliant five-color light curtain fell from the sky and fiercely collided with the white spiral ball composed of wind blades.

Feeling the pressure brought by the five holy spirits, the expression on Feng Yun's face suddenly changed. He never expected that a two-star fighting sect could display such terrifying fighting skills.

I am afraid that even the advanced fighting skills at the Earth level cannot match its power.

Yang Shou's handprints changed, and the surrounding light curtain fluctuated. Five-color intertwined light beams continued to shoot out, hitting the white spiral ball.

When the light beam of five colors of fighting spirit just touched the white ball of the wind blade that was sharp enough to cut through the space, a hissing sound suddenly erupted. Countless wind whirlpools were cut into fine shapes and then destroyed by the dense energy turbulence.

The terrifying light beams with five attributes were like waves, causing the space within the light array to be extremely distorted, and even creating dark space cracks.

In the process of consuming the Wind Blade Spiral Ball, the five Holy Spirits that continued to output energy gradually became illusory, obviously losing a lot of energy.

Finally, the weakened wind blade spiral ball hit the five holy spirits, and both were destroyed...

At this moment, Ling Cheng was in control of the Jiuqu Xingluo chess formation, and a small chessboard made of energy appeared in front of him.

Ling Cheng, who was sitting in the air, laughed loudly, and his robes moved automatically without wind. The space around him began to fluctuate rapidly like water waves, and a vast force slowly spread.

Feng Yun turned a deaf ear to the laughter of Lord Thief, but the space around him became more and more distorted. Under this fluctuation, the gravel on the ground trembled violently and quickly decomposed into tiny grains of sand, which were The invisible force lifts it up.

In the sky, the black chess piece suddenly appeared in the gap between the index finger and the middle finger of the left hand stretched out in the mysterious robe.

"The white pieces are the main defense, and the black pieces are the main attack."

Twisting the sunspot, Ling Cheng raised a smile on his lips and said in a loud voice: "Feng Yun, come and try the power of this formation!"

The words come out loud.

Suddenly, a tall black mountain appeared in the sky above the formation, as if transformed by the sunspot.

The black mountain rolled down in the direction of the red-haired old man. The heavy force of tens of thousands of kilograms rolled over it, and even the space screamed under the weight and gradually collapsed.

Looking at the dark sky, Feng Yun showed a frightened expression. For the first time, he encountered a life-and-death crisis.

With such huge pressure shrouding him, he didn't think too much and immediately transformed into the body of the Sky Demon Phoenix.

I saw a hundred-foot-long demon phoenix appearing. Its entire body was gray-white, and the most eye-catching thing was its extended wings.

The wings seem to be composed of invisible hurricanes, which look very transparent.

The piercing phoenix eyes stared at the approaching black giant mountain from a distance, and immediately let out a cry, and the sound waves spread like ripples.

The energy between heaven and earth became somewhat chaotic as a result.


Ling Cheng gave a deep drink.

The moment the phoenix's sound waves collided with the black mountains, it was like waves hitting the rocks and breaking instantly.

Looking at the black mountains that were rapidly enlarging in his pupils, the gray-white Phoenix threw out the white jade pendant that he had mastered, and said in human words: "Ling Cheng! In the past 30 years, I have not been unprepared, even if you have an attack." What about the two jade pendants of "F' and 'Zhongxin'?"

"Although I can't control the formation, with this jade in hand, it will be more than enough to delay you for another ten years!"

The jade pendant engraved with the word "stick" glows with a strange white light, forming a semicircular protective shield to resist the mountains.

If you look carefully, you can see that the protective shield is like an upside-down porcelain bowl, exuding a mysterious white light, which is difficult to emit even if the mountains are approaching.

The situation is temporarily deadlocked.

Seeing that the crisis was over, the gray-white phoenix immediately transformed back into his human form. The solemn expression on his old face became more relaxed, but he still did not dare to be careless.

After all, he is a strong Dou Zun who has been in Zhongzhou for many years. He knows how to be cautious in everything. He also knows that the current situation is not conducive to him, so naturally he will not let down his guard.

When the white shield appeared, Ling Cheng frowned. He knew that Feng Yun's ability to defend against the offensive power of the formation relied on the defensive ability of the same chess formation.

For a while, there was no way to deal with the latter, except to grind it out over time until the shield could no longer hold on.

However, once the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan sends reinforcements, things will change again.Ling Cheng's thoughts were racing, and he suddenly heard a rumor coming from his heart:

"Ancestor Ling, can the soul power penetrate that white light shield?"

Although Yang Shou didn't know why he asked, he still responded: "The complete Jiuqu Xingluo chess formation can prevent the soul power. The power of the formation controlled by Feng Yun is always a small part. Putting down my black man is already the limit. , but the soul power is available."

After receiving a positive reply, Yang Shou continued: "Ancestor, please use a large formation to cover up Feng Yun's perception, and leave the rest to me."

After hearing this, Ling Cheng was stunned and did not question it, but believed the latter.

The two-star Douzong can block Douzun with one move, so he naturally has the capital.

Without any trace of ink, he immediately called up the formation, and then blew the sunspots on his fingertips.

The chess pieces melted into a burst of black mist, covering the white light shield.

The light projected from the outside world was swallowed up, and the environment suddenly became dim.

With this change, Feng Yun wanted to release her soul power to detect the situation outside, but was shocked to find that her powerful soul was useless.

He had an ominous premonition for no reason.

In the outside world, Yang Shou made strange marks with his hands, and as he danced, he even brought out afterimages.

As his handprints changed, the majestic soul power surged from his brows...

The moment the soul power overflowed, Ling Cheng, who was in control of the formation, was also shocked by the vast fluctuations like the ocean, and stared at the white clothed man with a surprised expression.

I was amazed in my heart.

He has only experienced such powerful soul power from a few Danta giants.

'With Douzong's body, he can have such good fortune. '

'Qingyazi, what kind of monster did you accept? '

While he was thinking about it, the latter had already launched the Demon Spider Soul Suppressing Net.

A huge spider web constructed of spiritual energy unfolded.

"Soul Soul!"

Yang Shou put his fingers together and pointed in the direction of Feng Yun.

The soul net whizzed forward and penetrated straight through the light shield like a porcelain bowl.

Before Feng Yun could figure out what was happening, a strong dizziness and a suffocating feeling of being restrained suddenly came from the depths of his mind.

His soul is not weak, but it is still no match for the Demonic Spider Soul Suppressing Web.

Looking inside, I suddenly realized that my soul was covered and locked in a spider web, and my proud soul power was weakening at a visible speed.

Yang Shou was also a little surprised at the moment. He didn't expect that Fengyun actually had a soul in the late spiritual realm.

It's a pity that it's not enough to see in front of the heavenly soul.

The soul-suppressing network reduced Fengyun's soul to the early stage of the spiritual realm, reducing its strength in disguise.

It’s time to send him back to the West!

Thinking about this, Yang Shou's eyes flashed with cold light, and the constantly changing handprints suddenly condensed.

The ancient soul fist filled with majestic soul pressure appears!
Ling Cheng looked at the ancient soul fist suspended in the void, his heart palpitating. Even he couldn't take on this terrifying move.

A soul skill that far exceeds Dou Zun’s strength!

(End of this chapter)

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