Chapter 98
As usual, I will thank every friend who helped forward this missing person notice, but when faced with Qiao Jiao and Lu Xi's forwarding, I was a little undecided, especially Lu Xi...

After thinking about it, I decided not to respond, because in such a profound night, being trapped in the personal relationship between children is a very unstructured performance. In fact, before this, I thought about many very philosophical issues, such as human beings. Why do we need to live, where does life originate, and why are we bound by various emotions?

These questions are so profound. Compared with these, love is too superficial. The so-called love is just a prelude to the reproduction of life. As life is more abundant, love is more abundant. Therefore, when it comes to love, I am completely based on instinct. If I like it, I will Sprint and when you are tired, stop and take a rest.

At this moment, I was a little tired, so I chose to take a rest.


After a while, my phone vibrated again. It was Qiao Jiao who threw herself into the trap. She sent me a WeChat message: "Your circle of friends is like a telephone pole. It's full of small advertisements. I just need a lot of money to find a son."

I was stunned at first, then opened my circle of friends and looked at it. I really thought Qiao Jiao’s metaphor was vivid enough. Who wants to find a job, who wants to recruit an employee, who wants to sell a house, who wants to open a new store. Anyone who has lost a mobile phone, as long as I see it, I will help forward it. At the beginning of this century, when network information was not yet developed, these small advertisements were posted on telephone poles.

"If you need it, I can help you post a high-paying advertisement for free."

"Go to hell, you... tell me honestly, what is your relationship with the child you are looking for?... Isn't he your illegitimate child?"

"Can you please stop joking about this?"

"I'm not joking. I think based on your moral standards, you can definitely do the bastard thing of having a baby out of wedlock."

"Even if I can have a baby out of wedlock, what does it have to do with you?"

"Of course it does matter. I am your girlfriend in name now. I have the right to turn your past upside down." After sending this message, Qiao Jiao sent another dagger emoji.

She was already fiery, and since she was still in her aunt period, she seemed even more moody. I should have been impatient, but when I looked at the backyard decorated with lights and colorful decorations by her again, I gradually lost my focus. .

What kind of girlfriend is a nominal girlfriend?

Can we hold hands, kiss, go to bed, and share all the emotions and experiences in this world?
This is a somewhat obscene idea, but it is also extremely practical and dialectical. Since we are nominally girlfriends, at least in name we can hold hands, kiss, and go to bed...

But what is the name?
It's a yoke, maybe. Thinking about this yoke is really a bit out of step, and I can't help but feel bored.

I shrugged subconsciously, and then I replied to Qiao Jiao's message: "It's my friend's child. He has been lost for several years. Someone said he had seen it in Qingdao, but he has been a real estate agent in Qingdao for three years and has always been... No news about the child.”

"Oh, it's not enough to just post on Moments... Otherwise, you can ask Lu Xi for help. She is not a public figure. If she is willing to post a Weibo or something for this child, then the influence will be no more than if you post on friends There are too many circles.”

"I wanted to ask her for help. I just sent her a voice message and she immediately rejected her... Damn it, it's all your fault. You play these death-defying games every day. You almost make me lose my self. "

Qiao Jiao sent a shy expression, but there was no follow-up. I really didn't expect that a woman could be so shameless. Isn't this obviously a rogue trick? …

I put out the cigarette in my hand and finally returned to the house. I chose one of the rooms with a view of the sea. After a brief wash, I lay on the bed, but I didn't feel sleepy at all. I couldn't adapt to living in the house right away. In my life, I always feel like a patty in a hamburger, sandwiched up and down.

When I was having insomnia, I was still thinking about finding the child. As I said, I would never turn a cold shoulder to my friends. I was thinking, if the child is really in Qingdao, would it be more efficient than posting on WeChat Moments? method so that we can find him?
Suddenly, I remembered the spectacular scene of huge crowds of people when Luxi held a new product launch event for a luxury brand at Hisense Plaza a few days ago. If we could also hold such a charity show in a large shopping mall with a particularly concentrated flow of people, Although the influence cannot be compared with that of celebrities, because the mall has its own traffic and the people who come are all Qingdao locals, the effect is definitely much better than spreading it in the circle of friends.

After having this idea, I started to look for people who can perform charity performances with me. Tu Lin can do it, and Shanhe Ge who is far away in Shenyang can also do it. One of them will be a keyboard player, and the other will be a rhythm guitarist. I will be the lead guitarist and vocalist, and the bar owner Sao Zhu can also come as a guest drummer, so the only thing missing is a backup singer and a bassist.

If Zuo Xiaowei were here, this problem wouldn't be difficult, but she is currently preparing her first solo album, so she definitely doesn't have time, so who else around her can do it?
I have made a lot of friends in Qingdao for more than a year, but there are only a few people who really play music, so I haven’t thought of any suitable candidates to be the backing singers and bassists of the band; in addition, I The people that come to mind do not necessarily mean that they will participate. For example, Brother Shanhe, after all, he is in Shenyang. I am not sure whether he is willing to come to Qingdao to do this; and then there is Sao Zhu, who is only interested in profit. What I hate the most are various charity activities, and I am determined to become a pure businessman. It seems unrealistic for such a villain to participate in such a charity event.

From this point of view, it is still difficult to organize this event. (Follow the author’s WeChat public account: *** and listen to the author sing songs that appear in the book!)

At this moment, it is already late at night, so I will temporarily put this matter on hold until tomorrow to solve it. These days, because the project has not yet entered the construction stage, I can still spare a lot of time.


The next day, I slept until noon before getting up. The first thing I did after I got up was to call Tu Lin, who was the most confident person. After explaining my intention, Tu Lin readily agreed, just as I thought. , People who like to study philosophy generally have a spirit of dedication. Tu Lin is like this, and so am I.

Afterwards, I called Brother Shanhe again. Since the last hasty farewell, he had long wanted to come to Qingdao to see me, so he actively agreed to the matter.

Finally, there is the naughty pig. He is indeed difficult to deal with. Even though I said that this was a favor to a friend and a good thing that could build some virtue for myself, he still insisted that the business in the bar was too busy recently and he couldn't leave, let alone Come and rehearse with us.

I didn't give up. I knew that Saozhu and Ren Ran had a good relationship, so I planned to take Ren Ran to his bar at night to lobby him.

Suddenly, I had something to do, and my life suddenly became more fulfilling. Before I knew it, it was already evening. I used to stand on the balcony and look at the sea view at dusk, and the beautiful scenery of the city as dusk fell. The city languishes until the phone rings.

This was an unfamiliar number, but I didn’t pay much attention to it. I was used to the sudden concern and greetings from intermediaries and various lending institutions. But when I answered the call, a confident voice came from the other side of the phone. , he asked me: "Is it Han Chao?"

"I am, who are you?"

"Qiao Jianye, Qiao Jiao's father...are you free now? Let's make an appointment to have a chat."

I was surprised because I really couldn’t imagine that he had anything to do that would warrant him asking me to talk to him formally. However, out of respect, I politely replied: “Uncle Qiao, I’m free. Please tell me a place.” , I’ll go over right away.”

(End of this chapter)

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