i'm not a bad man

Chapter 90 I Think So

Chapter 90 I Think So
Qiao Jiao's words made me feel numb. I finally ran out of her villa, but this was not the end. Her father actually asked me to have a nice dinner tomorrow night. This is not the Hongmen Banquet. What is it? ?
After pondering for a while, I said to Qiao Jiao with great grievance: "Don't you know what the relationship between us was before? Why does it involve a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend?"

"Then you just explained to him why you were hiding in my closet in the middle of the night."

"You asked me to look at the RV. Then after we chatted for a few words, your dad came over... I shouldn't have listened to you. If I had chosen to face him calmly and not hide in the closet, I wouldn't have As for what's happening now, I can't even explain it."

Qiao Jiao smiled: "Haha, you actually have the nerve to put the responsibility on me... If your phone hadn't rang, even if it rang once, and if it rang twice in a row, would my dad have found it in the closet?... If you can squat in there honestly, you don't have to explain anything to my dad."

"I didn't know the phone was going to ring either."

"So are you a stupid person?... I am protecting you. You probably don't know what my father's temper is like. If you are nobody and you dare to take advantage of me, you won't even be able to get out of that door tonight. Go...my dad must kill you!"

I felt helpless in my heart. The reason why I didn't explain it clearly to her father at that time and chose to run away was because it was impossible to explain it clearly. After all, it was Qiao Jiao's boudoir and it was late at night. I still couldn't explain it clearly to her father. Hiding in the closet... If you want to blame it, it's Tu Lin's fault. If he hadn't made those two phone calls to me, and it was indeed what Qiao Jiao said, such a thing that I couldn't explain would never have happened.

"Han Chao, I've already informed you, remember to come to me tomorrow night, but don't let my dad come find you, do you hear me?"

"I know...but there has to be a solution to this matter. There is no way that we can continue to go on like this despite the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend."

Qiao Jiao sighed, and then smiled: "Oh!... You really just escaped from the sea of ​​misery and fell into the pit of fire... To be honest with you, in fact, I don't reject this kind of relationship for the time being, because my father will not force it again. I went to study abroad, and I was able to hide the fact that I like women... It's just a pain for you. Not only do you have to deal with my dad, but you also have to deal with Lu Xi... Haha, I didn't expect that things would turn out inadvertently. The development is so beneficial to me... No wonder, fortune tellers say that I have a divine destiny. From now on, I will slowly watch your performance from the perspective of God."

"Damn it, be careful, I really want to share your family's property with you."

"It's urgent..."

"No, I must make it clear to your dad that there is no such relationship between us. You just want to collude with me to deceive him. You have no intention of staying in Qingdao to take the postgraduate entrance examination. You still want to be a rice student who can enjoy the benefits as before. insect."

"If you dare to say that, then I will tell my father that I am pregnant and carrying your child. You don't want to admit it, so you say these words to evade responsibility."

I was completely speechless, and it took me a long time before I whispered: "You cheated an honest man like this, how can your conscience be tolerated?"

"Why, do you feel wronged by me being your woman?"

"No grievance, but you know in your heart that you like women, and I like Luxi... I went out of my way to say that we actually like the same person, but we ended up having a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship. This Isn’t it the most ridiculous thing in the world?”

"Come on, it's just a joke between us, don't make it look like it's real... I don't intend to trick you into this matter. You just have to deal with it in front of my dad. I promise not to let Lu Xi You know, after my father completely gives up on letting me study abroad, I will give you freedom... I will not let you work in vain, and when this matter is completed, I will give you a wheel."

When things got to this point, I knew there was no way I could make any difference, so I could only say with full reluctance: "You promise, this is between me, you, and your father, and I will never let the third one get involved. Four people know."

"Isn't my dad's driver considered a human being?"

"Never let the fifth person know."


Qiao Jiao responded, and then said to me in a sinister tone: "My dear, go to bed early and remember to dream about me. I am your girlfriend now..."

"You are my fucking nightmare!" "Don't say that, I am already your girlfriend. Do you want to consider moving in with me?"

"Don't come here. You can't move away from being poor or lowly, and you can't be slutty when you are rich."

As soon as I finished speaking, Qiao Jiao laughed on the phone, and then hung up the phone before me. I was in a daze for a long time... I never dreamed that just a RV could lead to so many... When things happen, you really can’t blame me. If you want to blame, it’s Qiao Jiao who is so good at seeking death!


Lying on the bed made of a floor platform, I turned off all the lights in the room, then lit a cigarette. While puffing on it, I looked at the world outside the floor-to-ceiling window; the world outside the window seemed to have not changed much, and the elevated highway was still the same as before. The elevated pier is still the same pier as before, but there is no longer the constant flow of water on the elevated pier as it was before dark, and there are no longer ships coming and going at the pier. If these are changes, it is better to say that the city has become quiet.

I should fall asleep, but I can't find the mood to sleep. I know that I haven't been able to adapt to life outside the RV. Even though it is a very comfortable environment, I still feel flustered because of the emptiness in the room. , I don’t like this feeling of not being able to fill it up, nor do I like being sandwiched in the middle of a building, with people above and people below... In my opinion, this is a very formulaic way of living, so I miss that RV even more.

I fumbled around on the bed for a while. After I found my phone, I opened WeChat and opened the dialog box with Lu Xi. Then I sent a WeChat message to Lu Xi with a little sigh: "Did you know? My RV was actually stolen. Qiao Jiao bought it!"

After a while, Lu Xi replied to my message. She first showed a surprised expression and then said, "Why did she buy your RV?"

"Before, she wanted to borrow it from me for fun, but I didn't agree... She said that she bought my RV just to have enough fun on her own." (Follow the author's personal public account: ***, reply to Luxi to view Photo of the heroine!)

"She can do such a thing... just wait, she will return it to you when she gets tired of playing with it."

Lu Xi still thought of this matter too simply, or in other words, even though she and Qiao Jiao were playmates who grew up together, she still didn’t understand Qiao Jiao well enough. She said that Qiao Jiao was going to be even more mischievous, but I couldn't tell Lu Xi about being plotted by Qiao Jiao, so after being lost for a moment, I just replied: "I hope she will pay it back."

"If you're in a hurry, let me get it for you... I'm going back to Qingdao to recuperate tomorrow. In the evening I called Jiaojiao and the three of us had a meal together. I'll tell her clearly how important that RV is to you. , she won’t be so willful.”

This time, it was Lu Xi who took the initiative to invite me to dinner. Although it was not a date alone, it was still better than dining with Qiao Jiao’s father. So, I was already thinking about how to refuse the dinner appointment with Qiao Jiao’s father; Or, her dad has something important to do tomorrow, so he cancels the dinner...

"When will you return to Qingdao tomorrow?"

"Arrived at the airport at 05:30."

"Just you?"

"And my sister-in-law."

"Okay, then I'll pick you up at the airport."

After sending this message, I found another dialogue between myself and Qiao Jiao. She has always valued Lu Xi. If I truthfully tell her that Lu Xi will be back tomorrow, she will definitely go to the airport to pick her up with me. When I spoke, I was afraid that she would also cancel the dinner we had with her dad.

I thought so!

(End of this chapter)

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