Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 939 Leukemia

Yang Chengliu's return will not affect the overall situation for Yang Jun.

Now that Wang Yuying has spoken, let her come back. As for Yang Chengwu...

It is said that he has not been seen for half a month, and he must have been beaten to the ground by Yang Jun.

In fact, you can't blame him, it's understandable that he did this.

He and Xiao Liu grew up together, depended on each other, and begged together. Now that Xiao Liu was under house arrest by Yang Jun, it would be abnormal if he didn't do something.

They were orphans, but they had a family just because they met. The brother and sister had a good relationship, so it was natural for Yang Chengwu to secretly do something for her.

If he did nothing, he would be a cold-blooded person in Yang Jun's eyes.

Yang Jun didn't dare to use it against such a person.

Of course, Yang Chengliu came back, and Yang Jun did not relax his supervision of her. He always found someone to watch her.

She can be given a certain amount of freedom, but she must not leave Jiuyuan, otherwise she may be put under house arrest again.


On this day, Yang Jun was basking in the sun by the river, and Luo Xiaojun hurried over.

He handed Yang Jun a medical report. Yang Jun looked at it and stood up.

"Is this report accurate?" Yang Jun asked.


Luo Xiaojun said solemnly: "I was afraid that there might be some misunderstanding here, so I specifically asked the two experts who treated Guo Tianyue to find out the situation. She did have leukemia."

"This disease is very rare, but it is difficult to treat. Nine out of ten people will get this disease..."

Yang Jun raised his hand to interrupt him.

Leukemia is a rare word in contemporary times, and few people have heard of this disease. However, Yang Jun came from a later generation and knew about this disease.

Luo Xiaojun was a bit conservative when he said that 99% of people who suffer from this disease will not survive. Even with the advanced medical level of later generations, there is no effective way to cure it, let alone today.

Yang Jun also didn't expect Guo Tianyue to have this kind of disease.

After reading this medical report, Yang Jun seemed to have guessed why Aunt Guo wanted to recognize her relatives.

Moreover, judging from Guo Tianyue's appearance, he is probably extremely ill and has reached the point where it is imperative to take action.

At this time, Yang Jun regretted his attitude towards Aunt Guo that day, and understood why she said that.

However, even so, Aunt Guo still kept a clear head when faced with the issue of her daughter's life and death, and did not ask Yang Jun for help.

"Prepare the car!"

After Yang Jun finished speaking, he hurriedly walked out.

Twenty minutes later, Yang Jun appeared at the hospital.

Under the leadership of Luo Xiaojun, Yang Jun came to a single ward.

Guo Tianyue was lying on the hospital bed with a pale face. His husband Chen Zhihua and Aunt Guo were sitting there with sad faces.

At this moment, Guo Tianyue looked pale and was lying on the bed tossing and turning in pain.


Seeing Yang Jun, Aunt Guo looked surprised.

"Brother-in-law is here."

Chen Zhihua quickly stood up and said hello.

Yang Jun nodded at him, then walked to the bed and held Guo Tianyue's hand tightly.

"Silly sister, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Guo Tianyue's face turned pale with pain at this moment, and there were beads of sweat on his forehead, but he still forced a smile and said,
  "Brother-in-law, I'm sorry, we shouldn't have forced you."

Yang Jun shook his head: "You treat me like an outsider. How could you not tell me about such a serious illness?"

"If you had mentioned this earlier, I would have helped you no matter what."

Guo Tianyue shook his head: "Brother-in-law, we don't want to force you to do this. I don't want to ruin the decades-old relationship between our two families because of this incident."

Guo Tianyue couldn't help but shed tears as he spoke.

Aunt Guo next to her also wiped tears when she heard this.

"Jun'er, I shouldn't have said that to you before. Aunt Guo will apologize to you."

As he spoke, he lowered his head slightly to express his apology.

Yang Jun quickly stepped aside and waved his hand: "Aunt Guo, please don't say that. It's because I didn't do a good enough job. If I had known Tianyue had this disease earlier, I would have definitely helped you."

After saying that, he turned back to Chen Zhihua and said: "Brother-in-law, I want to criticize you a few words. Tianyue and Aunt Guo are women. They don't know the importance. Don't you, a grown man, know the importance?"

"If I had known earlier, Tianyue wouldn't have suffered so much."

Chen Zhihua had a wry smile on his face when he heard this.

"Brother-in-law, I am very sad that Tianyue has this kind of disease, but what's the use of telling you, this kind of disease doesn't exist at all... Sigh."

"Besides, you also know that with my mother-in-law's temper, she will definitely not want to trouble you with this matter."

When Yang Jun heard this, he waved his hand.

"Okay, I won't listen to your explanation. This matter is your responsibility."

"If Tianyue recovers, this matter will be over. If something happens to her, you will be buried with her."

Yang Jun and Chen Zhihua are both sons-in-law of the Guo family. In terms of blood relationship, Chen Zhihua is closer than him.

But sometimes, relationships cannot be based on blood ties. Even if Yang Jun is an outsider, he can still be reprimanded.

Of course, letting Chen Zhihua be buried with him was just an angry statement. As a son-in-law, he had to express his position, but it was impossible to do so.

Hearing this, Guo Tianyue gently pulled Yang Jun.

"Brother-in-law, I really don't blame Zhihua for this. I didn't let him tell you. If you blame it, blame me."

"Besides, if you ask him to be buried with me, what will happen to the three children at home?"

When Yang Jun heard this, he smiled and then tapped her forehead with his hand.

He turned back to Chen Zhihua and said, "Your life is saved, but..."

At this point, Yang Jun paused and suddenly said solemnly: "But if you let me know that you didn't take good care of Tianyue, don't blame me for chopping you up and feeding you to the dogs."

Hearing this, Chen Zhihua shrugged and said with a wry smile: "Brother-in-law, these are all things I should do. Since Tianyue became ill, I didn't even hire a nurse. I took care of her myself."

Yang Jun snorted coldly: "That's what you should do."

After finishing speaking, he turned back to Aunt Guo and said,

"Aunt Guo, what did the doctor say?"

Aunt Guo smiled bitterly when she heard this.

"What else can I say? The condition has deteriorated seriously and bone marrow replacement is necessary."

"Replace bone marrow?"

Yang Jun pondered: "Is our domestic technology mature in this area?"

"There are currently no good measures in this regard in China. However, I have invited experts from Hong Kong and abroad in this area. What is lacking now is bone marrow." Aunt Guo said.

Yang Jun raised his head and asked, "Is it true that only Uncle Guo's children have this kind of bone marrow?"

Although Yang Jun does not understand medicine, he also knows that if a person with this disease wants to have a bone marrow transplant, someone who is related to him by blood has a high chance of a successful match. If it is a stranger, the chance is almost zero.

This is also the fundamental reason why leukemia is difficult to treat.

Leukemia can almost be cured if the bone marrow has the right blood type.

Of course, hand payment is another reason.

Aunt Guo nodded: "Yes."

"That's why I had to find them."

Yang Jun sighed after hearing this.

"Aunt Guo, if you have anything to do, just tell me directly. Why are you hiding it from me? If I had known this earlier, I would definitely help you."

After hearing this, Aunt Guo's eyes were red and she took Yang Jun's hand.

"Jun'er, you must save Yue'er. Your Uncle Guo is gone, and Tianming is gone. I can't live without Tian Yue. You must save her."

Yang Jun patted her hand and said: "Don't worry, Aunt Guo, I will definitely help you with this matter. Tianyue is also my sister. I have no reason to refuse to save her."

"Okay, okay, Aunt Guo, thank you."

Aunt Guo shed tears with a look of guilt on her face.

"Jun'er, I shouldn't have hurt your heart by saying those words that day. Can you forgive Aunt Guo?"

"Aunt Guo, why am I angry? It's all my fault. I have paid too little attention to you during this period." Yang Jun said with a smile.

"It's better not to be angry."

Aunt Guo said: "Jun'er, the doctor said Tianyue's illness can't be delayed any longer. Let's see when you..."

Yang Jun patted her hand, pondered for a moment, and said, "Aunt Guo, this matter can't be rushed. I'll go back and do their ideological work first."

"Don't worry, I will reply to you within three days."

"Okay, Jun'er, please, you must save Tianyue."

Yang Jun didn't stay too long. Guo Tianyue's illness was imminent and he had to go back as soon as possible.

Just walked to the door, then turned back.

"Aunt Guo, I would like to ask, have you ever had this medical history before?"

Aunt Guo was stunned when she heard this, and then she seemed to understand something.

"Jun'er, do you want to ask if Tianyue's disease is hereditary?"

"Yes." Yang Jun nodded.

Aunt Guo thought for a moment, then said firmly,

"Jun'er, I don't have this medical history, but your Uncle Guo did. Although your Uncle Guo died of liver disease back then, he also had blood problems later on, and he didn't pay attention to it at the time."

"Now that I think about it, Tianyue's leukemia may have been inherited from your Uncle Guo."

Speaking of this, Guo Tianyue suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, brother-in-law, my brother seems to have inherited this disease as well."

"Before my brother died, he had been undergoing chemotherapy and dialysis in the hospital."

When everyone heard this, their expressions changed drastically.

If this disease is hereditary, then all of Guo Caocao's children may have this disease, and the children of Guo Tianming and Guo Tianyue may also inherit this disease.

This news frightened Aunt Guo and others.

If that were the case, that would be terrible.

It is possible that all the dozens of Guo family members may inherit this disease.

Seeing this, Yang Jun quickly comforted him: "Aunt Guo, don't worry. I know a lot about this disease. There is a chance of hereditary disease. Maybe they will all be fine."

Aunt Guo shook her head, her whole body was like a zombie, in a daze.

"Ah, why is the life of Lao Guo's family so miserable?"

Then, he squatted on the ground and shed tears.

Yang Jun comforted him a few words, and then called Chen Zhihua outside the door. Tell him to take Tianming and Tianyue's children to the hospital for examination.

It’s best if it’s not hereditary. If it’s hereditary, early detection and treatment are the best.

Chen Zhihua was also frightened, his face turned pale and his mind was confused. He would do whatever Yang Jun said.

After the explanation, Yang Jun left the hospital.

"Xiaojun, please contact experts in this field. In addition..."

Yang Jun thought for a moment, and then said: "Forget it, you should contact the experts in this field first, and I will take care of the other things."

We are not yet in the era of big data, and there are not so many bone marrow sources to choose from. If there were, Aunt Guo and the others would not wait until now.

The only way now is to find a solution from the children of Guo Caochao.

They are half-mothers, and their bone marrow matching has a greater chance of success.

There is one method, but...whether they are willing to cooperate is another matter.

No one wants their children to exchange bone marrow with Guo Tianyue. Now they are still ignorant about leukemia and think that transplanting bone marrow is to exchange their lives. They definitely don't want to lose their children.

Therefore, Yang Jun must do their ideological work.

When he returned to Jiuyuan, Yang Jun did not go home, but went directly to the community next door.

In the past few days, for safety reasons, they have not gone to work.

As soon as Yang Jun arrived at the community, he summoned them.

Among the women in Guocao Cao, the oldest was only in her forties and the youngest was in her twenties. They looked at Yang Jun in fear.

Seeing Yang Jun's livid face, they also realized that something bad was going to happen.

"I have brought you together today to discuss something with you."

Yang Jun didn't talk nonsense and told them the matter directly.

After everything was said, there was silence in the room.

No one spoke. You looked at me and I looked at you. No one expressed their opinion first.

Seeing this, Yang Jun knew that they had concerns and continued.

"Let me state in advance that bone marrow replacement is not life-changing. It is just like donating blood. After bone marrow replacement, recovery will take place within a few days. Please don't feel any burden."

Even though Yang Jun said this, everyone remained silent.

Although they didn't know what leukemia was, seeing Yang Jun tell them about it seriously, they could imagine that bone marrow replacement was not a simple matter.

"Of course, I won't keep you busy in vain. Just ask for anything you want. As long as I can do it, I will never refuse."

"Besides, if I help you, the Guo family will not forget you. After all, you are also a family."

Even if Yang Jun broke his tongue, they just sat there and said nothing.

They sat there without saying a word, and Yang Jun looked a little anxious.

"Is that okay? Can you give me a word?"

Yang Jun turned to a woman in her thirties sitting in the corner and said, "Aunt Liu, please make a statement first."

There are many women in Guocao Cao who are not as old as Yang Jun, but they are senior and it is inappropriate to call them mother-in-law, and Yang Jun never interacts with them in private.

However, today I have no choice but to call them aunt when I ask for something.

When Liu Aiyun's son was kidnapped, it was Yang Jun who helped rescue him. She owed Yang Jun a huge favor.

Yang Jun hopes to find a breakthrough from her. Considering the past friendship, she will definitely not refuse.

Liu Aiyun was forced to this point by Yang Jun and had to take a stand.

She first glanced at everyone sitting there, then raised her head and said, "Mr. Yang, I would like to ask, does the disease you just mentioned require a blood type matching test before bone marrow transplantation?"

"That's right." Yang Jun nodded and said, "A bone marrow transplant is more troublesome than a blood transplant. Not only do the blood types match, but there are also a series of strict restrictions."

"Let's put it this way, even brothers with the same father and mother may not be able to match their blood types."

Liu Aiyun nodded after hearing this.

"That is to say, if my son and my daughter are all matched, they may not be able to match, right?" Liu Aiyun said.

"Yes, that's true." Yang Jun said.

Hearing this, Liu Aiyun breathed a sigh of relief, and then nodded: "If that's the case, I have no objection."

Yang Jun also breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

As long as Liu Aiyun's hole is opened, it will be easy for those behind him.

However, he underestimated how much this group of people cared about their children. Even if Liu Aiyun took the lead, they were not willing to risk their children's lives.

After all, leukemia is a strange and dangerous word to them.

"Aunt Wang, what do you say?"

Seeing that no one expressed his position, Yang Jun looked at Wang Yinhua.

Wang Yinhua is the second woman in Guocao Cao besides Aunt Guo, and she is also the biggest among the people here. If she is willing to take the lead, it will be easier for the people behind her.

Wang Yinhua's eyes suddenly dodge when she saw Yang Jun asking her.

"Mr. Yang, as you know, the children are grown up. They may not listen to what I, the mother, say. It is useless for me to agree to this matter. The children must agree."

Yang Jun: "Well, Aunt Wang, how about I upgrade them all to one level? Oh, and give each of them a subsidy of one million?"

After saying that, Yang Jun said to everyone: "The same goes for you. As long as you go to the hospital for a blood test to match your blood type, I will subsidize you with one million yuan."

Sure enough, there must be a brave man under the heavy reward, and everyone began to whisper and discuss.

After all, one million is not a small amount. With this money, their lives will be easier.

When Guo Cao Cao died, each of them was left with one million yuan for living expenses, but when Yang Jun took action, it was one million yuan, and they couldn't help but feel moved.

"Mr. Yang, are you sure this is just like donating blood? It is not life-threatening and will not affect the child's health in the future." Wang Yinhua asked.

"I promise it will never affect your health."

Yang Jun continued: "If you don't believe it, you can go to the hospital and ask for it yourself."

"There's no need to rush this matter. You can go inquire or look up information today and tomorrow, and just give me an accurate answer the day after tomorrow."

Wang Yinhua heard this and decided on the spot: "Mr. Yang, there is no need to ask, we believe you, just... you promise to give me the child..."

Yang Jun: "Aunt Wang, don't worry, I, Yang Jun, will do what I say. If I can't do it, you can dig up my ancestral graves."

Hearing this, Wang Yinhua smiled and said, "That's not a problem. Aunt Wang can rest assured when you do things."

"Let's not talk about the conditions you just offered. Just because you have taken care of us for so many years, I have to help you with this favor."

Finally, another sentence came: "Are you sure that a blood test may not necessarily lead to a successful match?"

After all, it is still for profit.

If it weren't for Yang Junkai's generous conditions, they probably wouldn't have agreed to go to the hospital for a blood test.

"Don't worry, I won't lie to you."

Yang Jun said: "Each child will undergo a blood test. Regardless of whether they are successfully matched, they will be given a hard-earned fee of [-] million. If the match is successful, another [-] million will be given in nutrition fees. The Guo family will not I’ve treated you badly.”

Liu Aiyun smiled and said: "Actually, it doesn't matter whether you have money or not. In any case, we are all citizens of the country. Now that Lao Guo's child is sick, we aunts should help. This is what we should do."

"Yes, yes, we are all a family, it doesn't matter whether we have money or not."

"That's right, we are willing to help even if you don't have to pay."


For a moment, everyone changed their tune.

According to Yang Jun's identity and status, he will naturally not do anything to enrich himself. He will definitely honor what he promised them.

Besides, if you just go for a blood test, you won’t be able to tell whether the match will be successful.

Seeing that they all agreed, Yang Jun spoke.

"Everyone, I have something to explain to you."

"Lao Guo... even my father-in-law also died of this disease, so your children may also inherit this disease."

As soon as Yang Jun finished speaking, they were no longer calm.

"Our children won't have the same disease, right?"

"Oh my gosh, that would be terrible if that were the case."

"Yes, my son has been complaining about being dizzy during this time. Could it be... Oh my god?"

"'s better to take him to the hospital for a checkup as soon as possible."

Seeing the worried looks of the women, Yang Jun raised his hand and lowered it slightly.

"Okay, everyone listen to me."

"Regardless of whether it's hereditary or not, we have the opportunity to do the blood test this time."

"It's best if it's not hereditary. If it's hereditary, let's hurry up and treat it. Oh, don't worry, I will definitely help you with all my strength."

"in addition……"

Speaking of this, Yang Jun paused, glanced at them, and then continued,
  "By helping Guo Tianyue this time, I am helping yourselves. They are all Lao Guo's children. If your children get this disease, the ones with the highest success rate of matching will definitely be those of you who have a college relationship with Lao Guo."

"So, I hope that even if you leave yourself a way out, I hope that you can help Tianyue once."

"Of course, these are just probabilities. Whether it is inherited or not is another matter. Don't worry too much."

After everyone heard this, instead of relaxing, they became even more worried.

Everyone speculates whether their children will get this disease.

Upon seeing this, Yang Jun said nothing more, comforted them for a few words, and then told them that he would take their children to the hospital for blood tests early tomorrow morning.

Afterwards, Yang Jun returned directly to Jiuyuan.

After returning home, he found that Yi Qiushui hadn't gotten off work yet.

Guo Tianyue's illness was such a big deal, he had to talk to Yi Qiushui.

However, I can't see her now, so I can only wait until she comes back from get off work in the evening.

Yang Jun was bored and went to the villa.

As soon as he entered the door, he found his mother Wang Yuying and his goddaughter Yang Chengliu chatting.

The couple seemed to be chatting about something happy and laughing non-stop.

"What did you two talk about that made you so happy?"

Yang Jun asked with a smile.

"My godfather is back."

Yang Chengliu quickly stood up and came over, holding Yang Jun's arm and sitting on the sofa.

Yang Chengliu turned behind Yang Jun and massaged him while saying,

"Grandma and I are chatting about you."

Yang Jun: "Oh, what bad things are you saying behind my back?"

Wang Yuying rolled her eyes: "You are so bad, are you still afraid of people telling you?"

When Yang Jun heard this, his head turned black.

"Mom, you are indeed my mother."

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