Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 929 1 smile

The second uncle is indeed not a good father.

He is a man who is very addicted to officialdom, good reputation and profit, and has been chasing frivolous things all his life.

In the compound, he tried all kinds of tricks to become a boss. In the work unit, he curry favor with the leader, but in the end he only got the position of team leader. Even in this world, Yang Jun promoted him, and at most he was just a clerk. At this level, I will never be able to eat four dishes in my life.

His mind was entirely focused on fame and fortune, and he neglected family obligations and the education of his children, leading to family discord.

She raised three sons in her life. The eldest son Liu Guangqi became a son-in-law. The second son and the younger son Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu were also dabblers. They usually hung out with the gangsters in the alleys, and they only found a wife when they were almost thirty.

Just imagine, it would be strange for a child who grew up in such a family to be successful.

"Hey, I, Liu Haizhong, was a failure in my life. I was not a good husband or a good father. I was kicked out at the end of my life. I have no one else to blame but myself."

After Liu Haizhong finished speaking, he drank three glasses of strong wine in a row.

When the third uncle heard this, his withered face twitched a few times.

"Lao Liu, you are better than me. I was kicked out by my son a few years ago."

After the third uncle finished speaking, there was something crystal clear in Laohua's eyes.

It would be a joke to think that he, an excellent teacher with many talents all over the world, failed to educate his own children well.

The third uncle is a man who cares about face, and he takes face very seriously. Now that there is a traitor in the family, he has no shame to see anyone.

Fortunately, Yang Jun felt sorry for him and asked him to help look after the old house. Otherwise, he wouldn't even have a place to live.

"Hey, you two brothers are better than me."

At this time, Yi Zhonghai suddenly sighed and said: "At least you have children. Even if the children are unfilial, at least the roots are not broken. Unlike me... I didn't get anything."

"I have been childless all my life, and my old wife passed away early. In addition, I have had a rough life. I wonder who else in the world has suffered more than me."

When Yi Zhonghai spoke, he glanced at Yang Jun vaguely.

It can be said that his current situation is inseparable from Yang Jun. If Yang Jun had not punished him, he would not have fallen into such a miserable state in his later years.

His most glorious moment was before Yang Jun came back from his major. At that time, he was the boss of the courtyard and an eighth-level fitter in the factory. The more glory he wanted, the more glory he had.

Whether in the yard or in the rolling mill, it can be said that it is true.

Just because he deliberately targeted Yang Mei, he ended up being retaliated by Yang Jun.

Looking back carefully, I can't blame anyone else for this. I can only blame myself for being too controlling. I always want to control this and that, but in the end, I can't control any of them. In the end, I was ruined and ended up miserable. .

He originally planned to let Jia Dongxu provide for him in his old age, but he didn't live up to expectations and ran away halfway. Later, he decided to target Si Zhu, but Yang Jun intervened and introduced Ran Qiuye's wife to him. Silly Zhu and Qin Huairu are not sticky.

Hey, speaking of it, it’s not the pension issue that’s causing the problem.

"Uncle Yi, with this drink today, I can't help but say all the things I have been holding in my heart for these years, no matter what I say." Yang Jun suddenly said.

Seeing their stunned looks, Yang Jun continued: "How about we say whatever we want today regardless of seniority or position, and don't hold grudges?"

When the second uncle and the third uncle heard this, they looked at Yang Jun and then at Yi Zhonghai without saying anything.

They knew in their hearts that Yang Jun's words were mainly aimed at Yi Zhonghai, and he was trying to understand the grievances between the two of them for so many years.

Yi Zhonghai's face twitched, and then he put the wine glass on the table.

"No, Junzi, I don't dare to be the first master. You are the first master."

Yang Jun smiled when he heard this.

When Yi Zhonghai was sent in, he was no longer a master. Yang Jun took his place, so Yi Zhonghai must have complained when he said this.

This was also the first time in so many years that he vented his anger.

If it weren't for Yang Jun, he wouldn't be in this situation.

It would be impossible if there were no complaints in my heart.

"Uncle Yi, I'm talking about Uncle Yi, not the first uncle. Are you too worried?" Yang Jun said with a smile.

Yi Zhonghai was startled when he heard this, and then his face turned red.

He felt insulted again.

It turns out that Yang Jun was not called Uncle Yi, but Uncle Yi. From the beginning to the end, he called him Uncle Yi correctly.

If he calls him uncle, it means that Yang Jun still recognizes him as the uncle in his heart. As for uncle Yi... it is just a common title. Yang Jun still looks down on him in his heart, but he does not lose his own upbringing.

At this moment, Yi Zhonghai suddenly had an epiphany.

I have been fighting Yang Jun all my life, but I didn't expect that in the end, I still couldn't defeat him.

A common title is enough.

"Okay, just tell me."

Yi Zhonghai suddenly blushed and said, "I'm over 70, I'm an old man, and I'm not afraid of your revenge. Today, I'll say whatever I have to say."

Yang Jun: "Yes, say whatever you say, no matter the crime, no revenge, just do what you say."

When the second uncle and the third uncle heard this, they looked at each other silently, then they lowered their heads to drink, with no intention of intervening in their affairs.

The three brothers are all over 70 and have only a few days left to live. They took advantage of the opportunity to simply end their lives.

Yi Zhonghai filled a glass for himself, then picked up the glass and drank it all in one gulp.

After adjusting his emotions, he suddenly looked up at Yang Jun.

"Junzi, let me ask you, if I had not targeted Meizi or your family, would you have let me go?"

After speaking, he added: "I hope you tell the truth, and I will treat you with sincerity."

Hearing this, Yang Jun pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said, "No."

The three of them were stunned when they heard this.

"Why?" Yi Zhonghai asked.

Yang Jun said: "Because I want to be in power, I want to establish my authority, and I want to gain a foothold in the compound."

Yi Zhonghai was startled when he heard this, and then nodded.

"So, no matter who is in my position, you will target him?"

Yang Jun did not speak, but nodded.

The second uncle and the third uncle were very shocked when they heard this.

If Yang Jun hadn't personally admitted it today, they would have killed him for not believing that Yang Jun was such a person.

Fortunately, he was not a big brother at the time, otherwise the person Yang Jun would have targeted would have been him. Thinking about Yi Zhonghai's fate, the two of them suddenly felt extremely lucky.

Hearing this, Yi Zhonghai had an expression of relief on his face.

"Junzi, thank you for telling the truth."

"I feel relieved knowing that you didn't target me intentionally."

"It's all my fault. If I had made way for you young people earlier, I'm afraid I would have ended up like Old Yan and Old Liu."

After saying that, Yi Zhonghai sighed and took another sip of wine.

"If that's what you thought at first, the result is exactly what you said." Yang Jun nodded.

When Yi Zhonghai heard this, his nose twitched, as if he was trying to control his emotions.

"Junzi, let me ask you, did you kill my wife?"

Before Yang Jun could speak, the second uncle Liu Haizhong and the third uncle Yan Bugui hurriedly explained.

"Lao Yi, I can testify to this. Jun Zi did not target Aunt Yi, and Jun Zi is not to blame for her death." Yan Bugui said.

"Yes, I can also testify that Jun Zi did target you at that time, but it did not harm the family. Aunt Yi was definitely not harmed by Jun Zi." Liu Haizhong agreed.

No matter what they said, Yi Zhonghai didn't believe it.

His eyes were fixed on Yang Jun.

Yang Jun did not answer in a hurry, but took a sip of wine.

"Uncle Yi, you already have preconceived ideas. No matter how I explain it now, you won't believe that I didn't kill Auntie, right?"

"Don't worry about what I think. Let me ask you, did you kill my wife?"


Yang Jun answered decisively, then looked into his eyes and said: "I, Yang Jun, consider myself not a good person. I have blood on my hands, and I am not afraid to admit what I have done."

"Aunt Yi's death really has nothing to do with me."

Yi Zhonghai stared at him for a long time, and then said dejectedly: "I believe you."

Yi Zhonghai is also a person who has experienced ups and downs, so he can naturally see that Yang Jun is not lying.

The boss's death indeed had nothing to do with him.

Just imagine, Yang Jun even dared to admit what he said against him, and based on Yang Jun's current status and background, killing himself would be like killing an ant, so there was really no need to lie to him.

"When I was in a labor camp in the Northwest Farm, I was suddenly given an additional five years. Did you ask someone to do it?" Yi Zhonghai asked again.

"Yes, it's me."

Yang Jun said: "You were still young at that time, and you still had the ability to retaliate after you came out, so I had people secretly do something."

Yang Jun's answer once again stunned Yi Zhonghai.

He didn't expect Yang Jun to admit it so happily, but it was beyond his expectation.

Yi Zhonghai didn't know what he was thinking, his face turned green and red for a while, and finally became normal.

"If it were me, I would do the same thing."

After saying this, Yi Zhonghai breathed a sigh of relief, and his straight body suddenly stooped, as if he had aged ten years.

"Junzi, I don't blame you for what I have ended up like now. If I do, I blame you for being too controlling. I wanted to control everything, but I ignored the enterprising spirit of young people, and even more ignored your energy."

"The reason why I ended up where I am today is entirely because of myself. Since I failed, I have to bear the price of failure."

"I am not unjust for losing to you."

After saying that, Yi Zhonghai drank another glass of wine.

When he raised his head, his eyes turned scarlet, but the sharp light was gone, and he looked relieved.

Yang Jun saw this and shook his head.

"There is no general who is always victorious in life. If you lose to me today, maybe I will lose to someone else tomorrow."

"If I lose, I'll probably end up worse than you."

After saying that, Yang Jun smiled bitterly and drank a drink by himself.

Despite his glamorous appearance, he is always cheered and supported wherever he goes, but who knows the sadness behind him and the pressure he is under.

If he loses, his family will be destroyed, and his fate will be much more serious than that of Yi Zhonghai.

That is to say, he has been cautious for so many years and has been able to get to where he is today step by step.

"Junzi, how could you lose? You must not fail. We three brothers are still counting on you to eat."

Yan Bugui said with a smile.

After speaking, he gestured around the yard with his hands.

Now their three uncles all live in this courtyard. If Yang Jun fails, I'm afraid they will lose the main street, so they definitely don't want Yang Jun to fail.In their minds, Yang Jun is much more reliable than their children. At least he will give them a place to live and pay them a salary.

"Yes, Junzi, you must be good, we brothers are all pointing at you." The second uncle agreed.

Yi Zhonghai was not in a hurry to express his position. He pondered for a moment and said: "If it had been before, I would have been the first to hope that you would fail, but after today, I don't hate you so much."

"I'm quite old now. I'm buried up to my neck in dirt. I no longer fight for those vain things. My only hope now is to die in peace. I don't want to live on the streets when I get old."

After saying that, Yi Zhonghai smiled like a self-mockery.

After he was sent to the labor camp and his wife left, the house was taken back by the steel rolling mill and later released. There was no room for him here anymore. It was the second uncle and the third uncle who took him in, so he had a place to stay. .

"Then thank you guys for your kind words." Yang Jun said, cupping his fists.

Afterwards, several people drank a glass of wine at the same time.

"Ha ha!"

In the laughter, it seemed that the grudge between Yi Zhonghai and Yang Jun had completely dissipated, at least there was not so much hostility on the surface.

Afterwards, several people talked about the past events of the compound.

"Junzi, why did you agree with Lou Xiao'e to dig up the treasures under the house?"

After three rounds of wine and five tastes of food, the third uncle suddenly asked with interest.

After saying that, the second uncle and uncle Yi also raised their heads and looked at him in astonishment.

The story of Lou Xiao'e digging out a lot of treasures from under the house spread like wildfire. Everyone who lived in this compound knew it. After they moved to their new house, they understood why Lou Xiao'e had to buy the entire compound. It turned out that she was responsible for it. treasure.

However, Yang Jun later blocked the way, and they sold all the houses in the yard to Yang Jun.

They were curious, why did Yang Jun allow Lou Xiaoe to take away the treasure buried underground when the house belonged to Yang Jun?

Yang Jun smiled when he heard this.

"You three gentlemen, do you think I am a money-lender?"

The three shook their heads in unison.

Yang Jun continued: "A gentleman likes money and gets it wisely. I will not take money that is not mine. That money is the property of the Lou family. What reason do I have to not let others take it?"


At this point, Yang Jun paused and continued: "Besides, the Lou family is related to my family now. Lou Xiao'e's younger brother Lou Xiaolou is now Liu'er's husband. We are all members of the same family. It doesn't matter whose family the treasure belongs to." ?”

"Oh, I see."

When the three heard this, they suddenly realized.

Of course, they didn't know that Lou Xiaolou became their brother-in-law only later, but Yang Jun was too lazy to explain to them.

To be honest, he really doesn't like the Lou family's money.

"Jun Zi, I heard that you have been doing well in the past few years. Your companies are everywhere across the country. When will you... be able to take care of the second uncle?"

Liu Haizhong said with a smile: "Don't worry, you guys will eat dry food, I'll drink enough to get some pension money."

Yang Jun heard this and said with a smile: "Second uncle, don't think about it, how old are you and are you still doing business?"

"I heard that I was cheated out of a lot of money by doing business with Xu Damao some time ago, right?"

When Xu Damao was mentioned, the three uncles snorted coldly.

"I'm talking about the uncles, are you all involved?"

Yang Jun looked at them in shock.

"Don't mention it, all the pension money I saved was defrauded by that little kid." The second uncle said angrily.

"Hey, I also voted for a small thousand." The third uncle muttered in a low voice.

Yang Jun looked at Uncle Yi.

Yi Zhonghai turned his head and said angrily: "I was also cheated for almost [-] yuan."

"Let me tell you, this Xu Damao is not a thing. This much money is enough for me to pick up scraps for several years."

"It's really not a joke. I heard that his body was found in the moat some time ago. It's true that evildoers have their own destiny."

"He's freed, but he made a lot of trouble for us all. He's still hated even after he died."

Listening to the chatter of the three uncles, Yang Jun gradually fell into deep thought.

Most of the money that Xu Damao was defrauded went into Lou Xiao'e's pocket. If this group of people knew about it, Lou Xiao'e would probably not want to establish a foothold in Sijiu City.

Of course, if they were deceived, no one else should be blamed.

Wouldn't it be better to keep that pension for retirement? If it weren't for greed, I wouldn't have ended up being cheated.

Now that we are in this situation, no one else is to blame.

Of course, Yang Jun would not tell them this.

In any case, Lou Xiao'e is also his in-laws.

People are so selfish. When faced with their own interests, they often choose to turn a blind eye. Therefore, do not accuse others wantonly from a moral standpoint.

Because you are also a selfish person.

There are no permanent friends in this world, only permanent interests.

There is no such thing as fairness.

The so-called fairness can only be considered fair when it comes to matters of life and death.

Of course, Yang Jun is an exception.

He has become immortal.

Listening to the three brothers scolding Xu Damao, Yang Jun wanted to laugh.

Xu Damao has never been a good person in his life. He was not treated well by others when he was alive. He was scolded and scolded by others even after he died. He was really not peaceful even in death.

"You three uncles, as the saying goes, debts disappear after death. Xu Damao is already dead, and his debt to you has been settled. There is no need for us to trouble ourselves because of a dead person." Yang Jun said.

"Junzi is right, we living people can't see each other like the dead. The money that was cheated should be used as food for the dogs." The third uncle said.

"No, Xu Damao is a white-eyed wolf. It should be said that he fed the wolf." The second uncle corrected him.

"Yes, I fed the wolfdog."

"Ha ha!"

The old men smiled suddenly and became free and easy.

Afterwards, several people raised their glasses and continued drinking.

It really lives up to that saying. As people get older, their ability to drink also gets better.

The three uncles drank one glass after another, and I remained calm and calm. Apart from my face turning a little red, I didn't look drunk at all.

In this world, you have only seen young people getting drunk and acting crazy. Have you ever seen old people get drunk?
"You three gentlemen, please don't pick up scraps from now on. I will provide for you in your old age."

Looking at the waste products all over the yard, Yang Jun said, "How about you help me take care of the yard, and I'll give each of you a salary?"

Yang Jun's words shocked several people, and they all looked at him in astonishment.

"Junzi, are you serious about this?" the third uncle said excitedly.

"Third uncle, it's okay for others to be suspicious. Why are you also suspicious?"

Yang Jun smiled and said, "Have I ever paid less than you in all these years?"

"That's not true." The third uncle smiled and rubbed his two fingers: "The third uncle just wants you to increase your salary."

Yang Jun waved his hand: "Sure, no problem. How about you make [-] a month from now on?"

"Gee, that's really great."

"Tsk tsk, it's still a military situation." The second uncle said with a thumbs up.

"Thank you, Junzi."

Yi Zhonghai frowned, but finally agreed.

According to his personality, he would not accept charity from Yang Jun no matter what.

However, people cannot accept old age anymore. Now that they are over 70 years old, they can no longer make the 99 yuan a month they used to make.

Well, that's actually what it is like for people, they live just for three meals a day.

When choosing between face and filling your stomach, face is nothing.

"Junzi, the person I admire most in my life is you. The second uncle only has one word to describe you."

The second uncle gave a thumbs up and said: "Cow."

"Haha, the second uncle deserves the award." Yang Jun said with a smile.

"It's not a reward at all, I'm just telling the truth."

Liu Haizhong said: "When the house was demolished before, you took good care of the people in our yard. Now you have taken in three of us old people, providing accommodation and wages. That's really nothing to say. ."

"Yes, the person I obey most in my life is also a soldier. There are so many young people in our yard, and he is the most promising." The third uncle said.

Yi Zhonghai sighed: "I, Yi Zhonghai, think I am smart and have been competitive all my life, but I didn't expect that I will be in the hands of a younger generation. There are only a handful of people who can defeat me. Even if I am a soldier, I will obey him."

Yang Jun smiled as he listened to the flattery of the three uncles.

"Three gentlemen, thank you for your support, especially the first uncle, I admire you too."

"I, Yang Jun, am convinced by the great master's ambition."

Yi Zhonghai is indeed worthy of respect.

Let’s not talk about his selfishness. Just think about him being able to achieve the position of a great master, plus an eighth-level fitter. How many people can do that?

If Yang Jun hadn't appeared, I'm afraid the compound would still be under his control now. Silly Zhu would still be the licking dog, Xu Damao would still be the pug that he stepped on, and Qin Huairu would still be played by him in the palm of his hand. The other two uncles were still suppressed by him.

But there was no accident, and there was an accident in the end.

The emergence of Yang Jun ended the era of the first master.

In the end, the whole family was ruined.

In fact, sometimes, you just have to accept the old age.

No matter which era it is, it will always be the era of young people.

If you don't understand current affairs and insist on going against young people, I'm afraid you will always be the worst offender in the end.

The same is true for Yang Jun. Even though he is young now, he also knows that it is time to retire from the stage.

He wants to make room for young people and let them write history.

If you have to confront him, I'm afraid Yi Zhonghai is a lesson learned from the past.

Don't be harsh, you will get old sometimes.

 thanks for your support!

  (End of this chapter)

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